Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Abandon All Hope, America

(Today's report asks asks the question: Did the United States of America ever have a chance to surrender? To subscribe to I.C. News' free daily email reports on the approahing death of our Earth, contact

We are tracking the death of our Earth in less than 60 years; we are tracking two powerful strikes on the United States of America, one on September 17 and one on October 6.

It is possible these two approaching events could free me after some 33 years of America's torture-enslavement of me.

The question I am asking today, three days before the Harvest Moon harvesting of America' offending organ and about 23 days before the West Coast disaster that could cause our Earth to pause in its rotation, is at what point did it become impossible for the United States of America to surrender?

Perhaps it has not been possible since American naval intelligence tried to get me murdered in Tokyo in 1967, revealing the cowardly, sneaky meanness with which it attacks the world today.

Perhaps it has not been possible since the day I became the only audible mental telepath in human history and America put me into an invisible cage to be tormented constantly and endlessly by the American public.

Perhaps it has not been possible since I got a stick stuck up my ass for trying to warn about the Patty Hearst kidnapping.

Perhaps it has not been possible since I warned the psycho-fascist citizens of San Francisco time and time again about airline crashes, and those people took those warnings and those crashes to be their entertainment.

It could have been when I was driven out of one of the many homes I have been driven out of.

It could have been yesterday when it was torture, torture, torture as usual.

It could even have been before I was born in 1939, and that I was born to report this stunning defeat of the United States of America.

Whenever it was, America has lost all hope of ever being at peace again.


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