Friday, October 28, 2005

100 Pennies from Heaven

Today I am going to tell you about one of the "Little Miracles" I have been given by God since God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy some 33 years ago.  There have been thousands of Little Miracles, all too little to be seen by the cruel America which has enslaved me.
It has been my experience that I am allowed by America to say God loves you, but when I say God loves me I am punished and tortured and called insane; but woe unto America, God does love me and God is going to rip America's head off for America's having tortured and enslaved me.
I will return to that subject on another day; and bring  even more proof than I have already presented.
Tomorrow I must talk to you about what it is going to cost America to emancipate me; what is the equivalent in my case of the "forty acres and a mule" Black slaves were supposed to be given, and were frequently cheated out of, when they were emancipated after the South lost the American Civil War.
I cannot overstate the seriousness of America's having enslaved and tortured me.
So, when I tell you tomorrow how many tens of billions of dollars, repeat, many tens of billions of dollars are my forty acres and a mule don't go sputtering about, saying what kind of Christian would ask--no, demand--that kind of money.
I am the kind of Christian who has America by the soul, and that stands to hurt America so God-damned much that America will wish I had it by the balls.
Tomorrow I will speak to what I will do with those tens of billions of dollars, all in gold at the price of gold when America enslaved me, even though I am not required to do so.  You should know, though, because miserable American slave that I am I have a very good plan to defeat Satan and save the life of our Earth.
With that preamble, here is the Little Miracle I am today calling, "100 Pennies from Heaven".
When God began speaking to me God did so in gradually increasing presence.  If God had spoken to me on the first day with the presence God uses today it would have rattled my brain, but that's another story.
In late '68 or early '69, after God as been speaking to me in gradually ascending presence since January 1, 1963, God began asking me to make the sacrifice of leaving Asia and returning to the United States of America, telling me America is where the story is, America is where the murder of God's Earth is based.
In the course of asking this of me God offered me very little in terms restitution, but one of the few things God promised me was a bowl of rice if I found myself hungry.
After I returned to America, hounded by government pigs, after I worked for the Los Angeles Times, hounded by government pigs, after I married my wife, hounded by government pigs, I found it necessary to hitchhike around California for a while because it became my accurate understanding that the government pigs were getting ready to either murder me or murder my wife and blame it on me.
So, my thinking was it would be easier to murder me if I were out on the road; therefore my beloved wife might suffer grief but not suffer being murdered.
In addition I wanted I some private time to see if I could read just what the fascist government of Richard M. Nixon had in mind for me, and also to determine if God was really talking to me or if, as psycho-fascist America saying, I was being delusional.
What I found was that Nixon had mind-rape and torture and false imprisonment in mind for me, and that God was there on the road beside me.
So, in the course of this hitchhiking around for several days I found myself alone on a dark street near the Pacific Ocean, straight across the peninsula from the San Francisco airport, and I was weary and I was hungry, so I called in God's marker.
Walking along that dark street I reminded God that I had been promised a bowl of rice if I were hungry, and I asked God to give me, right then and there, a bowl of rice.
In answer, beside me on my left stood a very tall but invisible presence who could be felt but not seen; and that presence, so much taller than I, draped his right arm over my right shoulder, and with an invisible outstretched arm and invisible hand pointed to a place a few feet above the ground perhaps 20 yards ahead of us.
As I watched, as I followed the event during every second of is taking place, a dollar bill came out of thin air and fell to the ground.
I picked up the dollar, and after walking a block or two came upon a Chinese restaurant, where I bought fried rice, soup, and tea for a little less than a dollar.
That is the story of the Little Miracle I am today calling, "100 Pennies from Heaven".


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