Thursday, October 13, 2005

The Sin Box

I have been asked to tell you more about the damnation to which so many Americans have gone and to which so many more are bound.
This is not my favorite subject, nor do I think my writings on this subject make a great impression on you, but God has asked me to do it so I do it.
As a brief preamble I will point out that psychiatry, America's state religion, discounts the existence of Hell and Damnation, but Jesus Christ hammered this concept home, and hammered it hard.  Believe who you want to believe.
This running report is called The Obituary of the World, and it is so named because our Earth is on a track to death in less than 60 years.  This running report also concerns the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, and it is in that context I am asked now and then talk to you about damnation.
Today I am telling you about an aspect of damnation called the "Sin Box"; and basically this refers to the damnation together of damned birds of a damned feather.
This is a very interesting concept it that it does not simply mean all the murderers of children hang out in the same part of Hell, but that they are placed together within a structure that is in feeling not unlike a concrete box, and within that box there exists a really horrible physics.
I am losing you, I know, you are much too sophisticated to read such dribble, but God has asked me to tell you about the Sin Box so I am telling you.
I have in the past told you that all murderers of children go to Hell.  Your state religion, psychiatry, tells you that child murders are only sick puppies; but your state slave, Virgil Kret, is telling you they are evil.  Believe who you want to believe.
I mention this as a starter because most people in the world would think child murderers deserve to go to Hell, and a great many people in the world would create Hell for them if  Hell did not already exist.  That is, the damnation of child murderers approaches the self-evident and the universally agreed upon.
(I will note the ironic twist that when the alleged current president of the United States of America finds himself in Hell he will find himself in the Sin Box of all the child murders.  This is because although he has done many other damnable things he has been damned for his murder by proxy of thousands of Muslim children.
(As I have told you, the American concept of guiltless collateral damage is a fraud and a felony.)
That said, I have been asked to tell you that like the Sin Box for child murders there is in Hell a uniquely American Sin Box, a Sin Box for Telepath torturers.
While ultimately America's great crime is its part in humanity's murder of the planet Earth, America's unique crime is its torture-enslavement of me, God's One True Telepath, whose gift and whose duty was and is to prevent that murder.
I realize your priests of your state religion, your shrinks, have presented you Americans with a perfect rationalization for your torture-enslavement of me, but those shrinks also tell you the human soul does not exist, that damnation or salvation after death do not exist, and the people who murder children are only just very, very sick, and not really bad people.
Unfortunately for untold numbers of Americans, living and dead, the human soul does exist and the damnation of Americans is as common as the phrase "Oh my God!" in the United States of America these days.
And that brings me back to that peculiar aspect of human damnation, that birds of a feather aspect in which all the sinners of the same sin are placed in the same Sin Box,
Simply stated, with no interest at all in proving this statement or having this statement believed by you American Telepath torturers, your torture-enslavement of me is as damnation worthy as the torture-murder of a child.
This being such an absurd subject to be broaching with such sophisticated people as the American people I thought I might in passing and in closing refer to a great work of literature which presents a concept similar to the concept of the Sin Box.
Long Time readers may know that to a certain extent this work, The Obituary of the World, is based on Dante's Divine Comedy, particularly in the first of the three books, The Inferno.  This is because I rather like the fact that the Roman poet Virgil is Dante's guide through Hell, just as I, another poet named Virgil, am yours.
In his concept of Hell that great Italian poet, Dante Allighieri, 1265-1321, arranges Hell in the shape of an inverted cone consisting of nine circles, and within those circles he places birds of a feather sinners together; the gluttons in one place and the suicides in another, and so on.
Dante, of course, had a 13th Century Roman Catholic mind, when Christians were at crusading war with Muslims very much like they are today spurred on by the "modern" fundamentalist Christian mind.  I note this because in Dante's work Muslims go to Hell, but this more accurate work, my work, they do not.
That is not to say Muslim sinners, such as Muslim murderers of children--even Muslim murderers of children in Holy War--are not damned for eternity (because they are) but this is to say that God saves Muslims as readily as God saves Christians, and Communists, and Jews, and Hindus, and Buddhists, and people of all classifications and of no classification whatsoever.
It is the quality of the soul that determines lost and found.
I think this is enough Sin Box talk for today.  Hopefully tomorrow I will be able to return to the subject of the great blessing God is about to shower down on China, an event called The Angel-Rabbit Song in this work and a subject about which I am very curious.


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