Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Still Waiting for the Miracle

This a real puzzle.
When I previously visited this place in Time there was a huge miracle right about now.  Oops, you do not understand yet that Time Travel is a weapon being used against the United States of America, do you?  Forget I said that.
I am puzzled by the non-appearance of the Miracle for France I told you about.  As space war codes go, the Miracle for France was about a nine on a scale of ten.
I keep going over my calculations and looking for a mistake in reading the code, but the code continues to be solid, and that is the puzzle because I see no miracle in the news coming out of France.
I will explain the genesis of this code.  Of all the nations of the world that I have had contact with since God made me the only audible mental telepath in human history, France was the most kind to me.  That is to say, France was head and shoulders above all nations in kindness to me.  Uniquely kind, beautifully kind; and we Space Sailors consider that kindness to be a holy event.
My understanding of the Miracle for France code is that God is going to reward France for that kindness.
While I expect this to happen, I must note that in general I have been somewhat off in tracking events lately, particularly in tracking their location on the globe.
I expected a disaster on the West Coast of the United States of America, and instead got the Pakistan-India-Afghanistan disaster.  The events in France fit the metaphorical description of Operation Roll-Over I reported to you here, but I expected that metaphor to be played out, again, in the United States.
But I can feel the Miracle for France; and I know the paw of the American Beast has been severed or is about to be severed; and I see the swift and mighty sword coming down on America's head; and I am getting pinpoint confirmations of these developments every day.
So why am I fretting?  I am wondering if I am I missing the forest for the tree; if I am I too focused on the United States of America and forgetting I am writing about the death of the whole world.
Please excuse these musings, Dear Reader; I am on the point of a great discovery, a great breakthrough, a great breakout, and I am pacing back and forth like a father awaiting the birth of a child, awaiting the cries of pain of the mother to cease and the cries of new life of the infant to begin.
The codes I am receiving are sparse and strong.  The Miracle for France code, as I said, still stands.
There are also strong codes concerning my escape or release from American's torture chamber within the next few days, something I would assume would accompany the severing of the paw of the Beast who tortures me; and as you can well imagine I am eagerly anticipating that event, anticipating holding the Beast's hand in mine and shaking it high over my head like a Sioux holding up the scalp of Custer.
I understand there are some readers who like to follow the progression of the space war codes in this work.  For them I will point out the appearance twice of the "electrocution" code.
You may recall my most excellent advance documentation the electrocution death of Reverend Kyle Lake of the University Baptist Church, Waco, Texas, as he touched a microphone while standing in the water of the church's baptistery.
What may throw you off may be that this seemed to be such a small matter on the international plane; but I am pointing out signposts to a destination here, and signposts are generally rather small objects along the road.
You may have noticed that the riots in France were triggered by the electrocutions of two boys who were running from the police.
I suggest this was a very important continuation of the electrocution code.
In space war, two such similar themes in close time sequence are similar to movements in a musical score.  That is, they point to a pattern.
I had expected such a pattern, but I expected it to be water.  I am still looking for that water factor, and I am now also looking for the reappearance of the electrocution factor.
There is a second puzzle relative to the Miracle for France code; that is the bizarrely poor news reportage on the electrocution deaths of the two boys.
The news coverage has been remarkably vague and inconsistent, and I am thinking the electrocutions might actually be a larger factor than is being reported or appreciated in the French story.
For several days news reports were saying only that the boys had been electrocuted while running from the police, but not saying how that happened even though that is a very strange event.
Later it was said they died while hiding in an municipal electrical housing of some sort, and still later that they died when they attempted to climb an electrified fence.
This latter story is incredibly implausible, since such a fence is hardly likely to exist in a French suburb; and while I have been to France only twice and have never seen such an electrical housing, I do not know if that story is plausible or not.
The vagueness of this electrocution factor seems to have been in the French news media as well as in the American, and when I see such vagueness in high level journalism I am suspicious that it is intentional vagueness, that something is intentionally being left out.
Consider the competition factor of journalism alone.  The electrocution deaths of those two boys triggered the biggest news story in the world today.  Normally you would expect that part the story to be wrung dry, with every detail reported again and again; but in this case there is nothing and worse than nothing.
So, it seems to me the electrocution deaths of the two Muslim boys and the one Christian minister are, in space war terms, connected; and that in that connection may be hidden the Miracle for France.
It further seems to me that the Miracle for France might in some way be related to my escaping from the torture chamber America has kept me in for over 30 years.
An improbable, but not impossible, scenario comes to mind.  What if God were to lift me out of my torture chamber in California, and set me down by the Arc D'Triompe.  That would be a miracle that would change the equation of the world.
Possible, as I said, because all things are possible with God; improbable, as I said, because I have never yet accurately anticipated a miracle of God.


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