Sunday, January 15, 2006

A Deadness of Soul

Say it's a nice August day and you are swimming in the Niagara River some miles up from Niagara Falls, and at some point you realize the current has caught you, but you figure you are a strong swimmer and you can make it to the shore, but then the current suddenly has a hold on you, and you know you cannot overcome it.
As I can see, standing on the bank of that river in the Augustine Sun (and as I have been told, standing in the warm love of God) America passed that first point yesterday, that point where Republican American Fascism has taken it too far, but America does not yet know it.
I documented yesterday's passing of that point the day before yesterday in the report entitled Drag-Out.
I can give you a good gauge today so you might weigh the state of your soul, know how caught up you are in the Republican American Fascist current to Hell.
This is the gauge of the state of your soul:
If you did not see the great crime America committed yesterday; if you did not recognize by moral instinct the deadness of soul America exposed to all the world and all the Universe; and if you were not ashamed at what America did in your name; you are in deep, deep danger of damnation.
If you do not know what I am talking about, you are in deep, deep danger of damnation.
The murdering of many Pakistani innocents through planned collateral damage in an attempt to kill one wanted person was sin enough to send 300 million American hypocrites to Hell.
For the people of United States of America not to be disturbed or even touched or even concerned about what they have done; to have made no huge supplication for forgiveness and admission of error; and to have added insult to murder by announcing their plan to go to the scene of the crime and pick up pieces of bodies in the hope DNA of the targeted man might be found, is blasphemy against all America mouths itself to be, blasphemy against the teachings of Jesus Christ, blasphemy against the Word of God.
That what America did yesterday was not an unusual act for America, that it is common for America to murder innocents in the name of Good Guy-ism, was the reason for God's damnation of America yesterday.  When Mount Augustine explodes you will know America is over the falls, and then before the end of 2006 America will hit the rocks below.
Just before Christmas I told you if you follow George W. Bush he will lead you into the fire; then he went to Texas, and Texas burned.  Your deadness of soul yesterday demonstrated that you have followed him all the way to the brink of your Doom.
Dead of heart, dead of soul, dead of reason; you Americans are truly hollow monsters of yourselves now.
If you are a politician and did not raise your voice in shame and protest yesterday; if you own or edit a newspaper and did not editorialize against this most contemptible and unconscionable uncaring; if you are a preacher or a priest and today did not approach this crime from the pulpit, you are in deep, deep danger of damnation.
The hugeness of what has taken place, the hugeness of America not caring that it has killed these innocent people, is difficult to fathom this close to the event.  Not caring.  It is not even an issue in America that this crime has been committed.
Were America not so murderous America would be pitiful, but it is a murderous drunkard drunk with self-righteous revenge, a murderous Christian crucifier of Muslims, a murderous nonchalant killer of children.
Dead of heart, dead of soul, dead of reason, you Americans are being swept now toward the Niagara Falls of your Hell, and other nations are being swept with you as you now prepare nonchalantly (except for the great excitement of it) to murder hundreds of thousands of Iranians with nuclear explosions.
Dead of heart, dead of soul, dead of reason, treasonous to God, Lucifer-nation damned.
Dead of heart, dead of soul, dead of reason, how low the mighty voice of justice has fallen, how sodden the good people of America have rotted.
An interesting thing happened on New Year's Day which adds testimony to this.
You may remember how I was scheduled to leave this house of torture in my continuing hope of finding a place where I can live in peace and freedom; and you may remember how God asked me to turn my ship back into the battle; and you may remember how I did not know the reason why, I being captain of my ship but not admiral of the fleet.
It was on January 1, 1963 that I was given by God the commission to write The Obituary of the World, the story of how this Earth is on a course to death by 2065; and I have pretty well done that, pretty well proven what no one wants to know, that the human being has finally done it, that the human being has finally done this Earth in.
On January 1, 2006 I was given by God an added commission, that being to announce and report the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.
And what is the first thing Jesus does?  Jesus damns America for child murder.
Dear Reader, I turn your attention to Mount Augustine, the seed of the coming Alaska Disaster; the news media and the government tell you today it will sputter.  I turn your attention to dead babies in the mountains of Pakistan, the news media and the government tell you today they do not matter.
Dear Reader, I am not caught in that current of Republican American Fascism with you, I stand warm and dry and saved and safe upon the bank of your Torrent to Doom, watching as you are carried toward your everlasting future of hopelessness, of pain and of despair; and I wonder, would you like me to throw you a rescue line?
Or are you afraid, nation of cowards, that Satan will be angry at you if you do not want to go to Hell?


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