Sheer Fear
We are tracking the death of this Earth by 2065; and we are tracking the defeat of one of the primary murderers of this Earth, the United States of America.
The hypothesis in operation is that the United States will not stop murdering this Earth willingly, hence the need for its defeat.
I am attempting at this time to describe for you the scope of that defeat and the tactical physics behind it. You are likely not ready to listen to me on this, but I remind you that had you listened to me you could have blocked the 9/11 attack.
I know, you prefer not to know such things, and frankly I think you would rather risk utter military defeat than free me, you love this torture so much, but free me is what you must do to prevent this defeat. This is because the constant of your torture-enslavement of me is what the tactic and weaponry of your defeat is based on.
I will attempt to describe this space war military tactic to you, but you may not be capable of understanding it.
This is not meant to be an insult, Albert Einstein is not capable of understanding it either. (Note that I say "Einstein is", this is because Albert Einstein is alive; but that's another story.)
To begin to understand the incredible, phenomenal and beautiful defeat of this nation that has been so wicked to me for so long, you should understand that the great laws of God are laws of physics, not simply rules of morality; and you should incorporate with them one of the basic laws of physics, "every action has an opposite and equal reaction", but in this context "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you" is more appropriate.
In this context "Thou shalt not kill", "Thou shalt not bear false witness", and "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you" are immutable laws of physics. Other laws of God apply here as well, such as "Thou shalt not steal", but let's not make this equation too complex for the American media to report should it ever decide to stop bearing false witness against me.
If you do not understand that America's treatment of me violates all the above laws of God you have not thought much about it, or you have invested in misinterpretations of the Bible, or you believe Godless psychiatric babble.
I am not here to argue this, we are two thousand years past that argument, I am just introducing you to the physics of your doom.
Your doom is a matter of ratio and proportion.
Consider the number of Americans in league against me, ("We are legion.") including those who participated and have died over the past 35 years, and add those of other countries who were enlisted into the torture. Say, as a ballpark figure, this ratio runs at least 500 million to one; 500 million of you against singular me.
This rounded off and hypothetical number does not incorporate God's separating the wheat from the chaff, but it serves well in describing the physics of America's approaching military defeat.
Now now let's refer back to the law of physics scientists call opposite and equal reaction, and Jesus calls do unto others. Within this law, a 500 million action brings a 500 million reaction; so, the response to America's torture-enslavement of me would be 500 million times the force of the crimes you psycho-fascist Americans committed against me as a torture team.
(Almost certainly you do not consider your torture-enslavement of me to be a crime, but that rationalization will stand like tissue paper before a firestorm.)
Other elements of weight and mass also enter into this equation, such as comparative wealth and military power and morality, but that takes us to an esoteric level which need not be considered here because the action-reaction factor of just my being outnumbered by hundreds of millions to one constitutes a staggering, near-damning blow upon America.
Note I say near-damning. Damnation is another subject altogether.
This said, there is even more to this ratio and proportion equation you should know. I must tell you about the ratio and proportion of the time factor.
You 500 million psycho-fascists have enslaved and tortured me for some 35 years.
I will do the math for you. Multiply 500 million by 35, and although my mathematical skills are marginal that seems to total some 17,500 million years of hellish payback time you psycho-fascists will serve together for your unified crime.
Since, like Einstein, you are immortal, this is not a life sentence, but it is enough to reduce you psycho-fascists to insignificant and unrecoverable specks of pain drifting in the void of space.
Your having tortured me for 35 years does not bring your eternal punishment; your eternal damnation comes from other evil things you have done, among them being your recent war-murder of children and your torture-murder of this Earth.
Personally, I think you should stop your torture-enslavement of me while you still can; but, of course, psycho-fascist fools that you are you are likely to smirk and assume I am wrong in this.
Well, Dear Reader, was I right when I said you could not understand this? I think so, but I was obligated to give you this warning.
You can expect to see a demonstration of this space war physics in the maneuver called The Amputation of San Francisco.
The numbers will be different, they will evolve around the total accumulated population of San Francisco over the past 35 years, but the physics will work the same. When you see the San Francisco death toll, remember the dead will be serving hellish time together.
If you have never experienced sheer fear, you will when you see San Francisco become the Hiroshima of space war.
This is why I suffered through a great deal of San Francisco torture twice recently to warn those psycho-fascists to get their children out of town.
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