Saturday, April 22, 2006


Today I want to talk to you about a sudden change that is about to take place, and to note that whoever your favorite, most trusted news person or politician is, that person is unaware of this approaching sudden change.
Likely, too, that person will until the last minute remain unaware of this sudden change because that person has a momentum of thought and action which does not allow for that awareness.
In this context I remind you that I knew of and tried to warn of the 9/11 attack before it took place, and I suggest the only reason I could not get my information through is because I have the constitutional rights of a laboratory animal.
I also remind you that before George W. Bush's stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq I said the United States of America would lose that war like no other nation in the history of the world had ever lost a war.
Unless you are a total Pollyanna you can perhaps see that defeat developing; and even if you are profoundly opposed to that stupid and fascist war you cannot see the scope of that defeat.
It is mass America's awareness of that approaching great and total defeat that will appear suddenly.
The bedrock reason for that defeat is what I have always said is the greatest weakness of the United States of America; that greatest weakness being that America lies to itself and believes its own lies.
This self-deception has blinded America to knowledge of what the rest of the world thinks about America's drift into fascism since the questionable election of George W. Bush.
What America sees is the only most outspoken opposition, Iraqi resistance, Iran, Venezuela, Colombia, North Korea, but what it does not see is the unspoken opposition all around the world, which bridges great political differences just as the development of Nazi Germany bridged the political differences between the United States and the Soviet Union.
Certainly the United States does not see itself as fitting this comparison, but it is how the rest of the world sees the United States that in important here; and the rest of the world is seeing America as an emerging and irrational fascist threat.
When Bush talked to Hu, Hu was seeing Bush in that context even though he did not speak of it.  It was the same when Bush talked to Putin.  They know what America has become, the gangster owner of 7,000 nuclear warheads preparing to use those warheads for blackmail and for punishment and for conquest.
In truth, the United States has only two allies at this time, England and Israel.  Israel leads the United States into Hell by the nose, and England follows along in America's wake.  India is currently in line, but that will not last long.
The story of America's approaching defeat by the world is only half the news.  The other half of the story is America's already accomplished defeat by the forces of Telepathy, and by that I mean by God and God's Angels.
In noting the level of public torture of me yesterday, and the smirks on the faces of the torturers, I understood my running of the Fool's Mate gambit convinced no one of anything, because when my demonstrations sting there is always a grace period of no torture.
I further note it was not within the metaphor of attack for Fool's Mate to be a convincer, the convincer is expected in June when the American people come to understand that God has sunk their ship in response to their torture-enslavement of me and myriad other crimes against mankind and this Earth.
Remember the Space War Metaphor of Attack.  Titanic America.  The iceberg has already been hit, and there is no going back, the ship is sinking and there is no stopping that sinking.  Fool's Mate was a code within that larger code.
The American people, the passengers aboard this doomed, "unsinkable" luxury ship, have not yet realized what has happened, that their torture-enslavement of God's One True Telepath has cost them the good will of Heaven.
They will know when the icy water is up to their ankles, and that is expected around June; and until then they can be expected to retain their smug, mean, psycho-fascist attitude toward God's One True Telepath; but after that, liquid brown smelly stuff will run down their quaking legs.
There remains something missing in the news relative to Fool's Mate, either it did not take place or it took place and was not reported, but I had the name of the target, and Fool's Mate is still in play at I.C. News until I know the status of the target.  When I know the status of the target, harmed or unharmed, I will show you how to find the target's name in the Fool's Mate code-riddle I gave you.
To emphasize what I am saying, the most striking thing about the news today is that the United States does not know how much trouble it is in, but it is in fact in trouble in both of its stupid and fascist wars--its war on Islam, which actually extends to its war on the world, and its war on Telepathy, which actually extends to its war on the Will of God.
The question here at I.C. News is who will defeat the United States first, the forces of Islam and the world or the forces of God?
We are expecting the forces of God to have utterly and completely defeated the United States by approximately a year from now, so by extension, knowing the closeness in time of the two defeats, we are expecting Islam's/world's victory about that time as well.
It is the expectation at I.C. News that God will defeat the United States first so the world will unmistakably see that God has stepped in; and then God's attention will be turned to the rest of the world.
The bedrock of America's defeat by God also goes back to America's greatest weakness, that it lies to itself and believes its own lies.  The lie in focus here is that America has the right to enslave and torture God's One True Telepath.
So what are the two things the United States is soon to suddenly learn?  First, that it alienated God with its Psycho-Fascism; second, that it alienated the world with its Republican-American Fascism.


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