Thursday, June 22, 2006

Do the Democrats Exist?

Despite their skill and unity in inflicting pain and degradation on the only audible mental telepath in history, I really have to wonder if the Democrats has thrown in the towel, so wimpish is their stand against Republican American Fascism.
I wonder, do they know they are beaten and are just dancing a hollow dance, pretending things are yesterday's normal and not today's fascist reality?
I wonder, have they thrown the game, have they made some deal under the table to pretend to be a real alternative political party in what is now a one-party nation?
I wonder, are they hoping for crumbs from the Republican American Fascists' table?
In the nearly six years since the Republican American Fascist coup that stole the 2000 election, only one Democrat, as far as I know, has called the spade of that coup a spade.  That was Representative Corrine Brown of Florida's Third District; that was way, way back soon after it happened; and not one Democrat, as far as I know, gave her support.
That no other Democrat has picked up on the obvious; that Gore continues to tippy-toe through the tulips as he has always done; that Kerry doesn't know which way is up and is apparently still unaware that the Republican American Fascists own him; that the carpetbagger opportunist Senator Mrs. Clinton wouldn't know courage and decision if it bit her on her ass; and that no real political Democratic fighter has stepped up to the plate, makes me think the Democrats are specimens from another time, more deserving of being on display at the Smithsonian than holding elective office.
Perhaps they are just afraid.  Perhaps they are just pretending to be dizzy.  They certainly must be pretending they do not see the fascist elephant in the living room; and in so pretending they have betrayed America.
There is no, absolutely no, nationally known person in opposition to Republican American Fascism, except for yours truly, Virgil Kret, God's One True Telepath; and backing me up are God and the whole world except for England, Ireland, and Israel.
As a footnote to today's work I will note there were nine American military people reported killed yesterday, and that this spike in deaths coincides directly with the spike the through-the-wall torture of me I have discussed for the past two days.
I cannot overstate the loathing God has for America's torture-enslavement of me; and as I have said before, the backlash to that torture often, I repeat often, results in American military and civilian casualties.
America's torture-enslavement of me is a profound crime.


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