Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Accidental Allies

Let me point out two miserable facts.  The United States Senate unanimously supports Israel's rape of Lebanon.  The United States Senate unanimously supports America's rape of my life.
In that sense, both Lebanon and Virgil are in the belly of the same beast.
I don't know about Lebanon, but I am in a position to cut the beast's belly open.
When I do, perhaps we can both escape, and all the others trapped in here.
You may recall last week when George W. Bush and his wife were going to the G-8 meeting in St. Petersburg, I said he was taking his wife and the United States of America through the Gate of Hell, the code for G-8 being Gate.  
I told you there would be a public damnation of the First Lady, expected by Monday.
That public damnation took place, but it might have taken place Tuesday; the unknown time factor being if the tail end of Monday had already disappeared at the International Dateline when the public damnation took place on Tuesday, Florida time.
In Space War, which is the name I give to God's intervention in the human being's murder of this Earth, public damnation is a rare and important occurrence.  Prior to the public damnation of Laura Bush, only George W. Bush and Ronald Reagan were publicly damned.
Many have been damned, Dear Reader, and many more will be damned, as many as it takes to save this Earth; but the publicly damned, the publicly damned, Dear Reader, they stand out as beacons in Hell.
How could such a charming woman as Laura Bush have lost her soul; and what was the confirmation code that told me her public damnation had been confirmed?
Simply stated, she lost her soul by following George W. Bush into Hell; but also she lost her soul as part of the tit for tat of Space War.  America wrote the rules of Space War with its torture-enslavement of me, and part of that torture-enslavement has always included putting my women through Hell.
The confirmation codes of Laura Bush's public damnation lie in the name and location of the very serious and very unusual hard listing to port Tuesday of the cruise ship, Crown Princess, and the "M-81-M-82" code I established shortly before the recent space shuttle landing.
I have come to understand these codes are not easily understood or appreciated, so I should come to terms with that is what their function is, to be difficult to understand and appreciate, and stop trying so hard to teach you the language of space war.
These current codes are exceptionally subtle, so I will skim them and if you want deeper deciphering just ask.
For example, can you see the metaphorical/poetic balance between "First Lady" and "Crown Princess"?  I do not know if this is obvious or obscure to you.
The M-81-M-82 code is much more complex, and has a number of functions including setting the location of the "Crown Princess" incident and further identifying the First Lady.
Appreciate that the Crown Princess incident took place close off Cape Canaveral, where the shuttle landed, and that M-81 reads Mate One as G-8 reads Gate.
Beyond that there is some esoteric encoding evolving the positioning of M-81 and M-82, the two colliding galaxies mentioned, and the adding of the code, Mate Two, apparently referring to the public damnation of a second woman.  My current guess is that second woman is Condoleeza Rice, but I do not know anything about George W. Bush's private life.
While the news tells us the very unusual maritime incident which injured many on board the Crown Princess had something to do with a rudder malfunction, I think the event in fact was caused by a collision with a still unidentified object.
I think this is the case because of the code "Sudden Collision" established along with M-81 and M-82, and I believe the codes over the news.
This severe listing to port of the Crown Princess contains a very important warning to the world, if the world cares to pay attention.
I must stress with all the urgency and sincerity I can muster, the most important thing God has ever asked me to report to you is that George W. Bush will destroy this Earth.
Look in the news this week to the quake-tsunami-quake pattern off Indonesia, and recall that at the time of the great quake-tsunami in that area the very rotation and axis of this Earth were altered.
In the course of the destruction of this Earth by George W. Bush the entire planet will list, roll over, in much the same way as the Crown Princess rolled hard to port.


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