Monday, September 25, 2006

Eight Weeks of Punishment

If you would like to get into the spirit of the eight weeks of Hell America has now entered, I suggest you might imagine yourself as an officer in the battlefield headquarters tent of Ulysses S. Grant or Robert E. Lee, and see that the general has spread a map across a folding table and is describing for his officers the plan of the battle to come.

The American Civil War is a good historical reference in that this is somewhat of a set-piece battle; and also in that an underlying cause of this war is America's succession from the Constitution in its torture-enslavement of me, God's One True Telepath, the only audible mental telepath in history.

In fact, among we Space Sailors, this conflict between God and the United States is often called "The Second American Civil War", because it concerns America's fundamental violation of its contract with God.

I remind you to see yourself as a thinking, fighting officer attending the briefing, not as a fly on the wall, since the fly's only interest in war is that the dead and wounded provide nurseries for its beloved baby maggots, and your interest is far, far greater, no matter what side you are on, Telepath or Anti-Telepath.

As the general reveals the battle map we see it is based on an overlay of a 1785 poem by Scotland's Robert Burns. The poem is, "To A Mouse, On Turning Her Up In Her Nest With The Plough".

In this battle, America is the Mouse and God is the Ploughman.

Today's battle code is "Wee, sleekit, cow'rin, tim'rous beastie", the first line of Burns' poem.

With apologies for my limited linguistic range I will modernize it as "Tiny, sleeked, cowering, timorous little beast", which seems to me to be a good opening definition of the United States of America I know.

When we look at the topography of the map, of the poem, we see it is composed of eight verses of six lines each.

The general's long experience in God's Space War leads him to overlay the six lines with six days of the week, Monday through Saturday. He leaves Sunday open to allow America to pray for its many dead---well, grieve, since praying won't help them, and for we, the general's staff, to review the battle for ourselves.

The general's long experience also tells us we can expect at least one major hit each week, and a particularly powerful hit on the days the poem's most famous two lines appear. Those lines are, "The best-laid schemes o' mice an' men / Gang aft agley". That is in the seventh verse, the seventh week of the eight-week attack.

I know little about this attack. I have never read this poem, and it is in 16th Century Scottish-English, and even the modern form of Scottish tongue approaches being Greek to me.

Given continued Internet access, I will publish the current verse on Monday of each week, parenthetically adding modern forms next to the more obscure forms. This does not mean I have any knowledge in this field, only that I have done an Internet search.

Let's look at the first verse to show you what I mean.

Wee, sleekit, cow'rin, tim'rous beastie,
Oh, what a panic's in thy breastie!
Thou need na (not) start awa (away) sae (so) hasty,
Wi' (With) bickering (hurrying) brattle (rattling sound)!
I wad (would) be laith (loathe) to run and chase thee,
With murd'ring pattle!

You can see how difficult this is to read, but there is a purpose in the obscurity in operation here, that being to publish that which is about to happen before it happens, with little chance of what is about to happen being deciphered.

We do not want America dodging these bullets.

Unless you are a glutton for poetic punishment, you need not spend much time with these verses. For our purposes consider them as if you were reading encoded Japanese prior to Pearl Harbor. You may understand a bit of Japanese, but the code defeats your understanding.

Early indications are this week's primary hit will be a "Green" hit, an ecological disaster of some type.

There is one way out of this for the United States of America. That is openly and honestly confessing the crimes America has committed against me, asking my forgiveness before the world, and making the good faith payment mentioned previously.

Frankly, I have a rough idea of how badly the United States of America is going to be hurt over the next eight weeks, and if America wants to continue its enslavement and torture of me for all that time I know there is nothing I can do about it, and I know America will pay a crippling heavy price for it.

It is the nature of this attack that the deeper America gets into it, the more difficult it will be for America to get out of it. That is, at a certain point surrender will be impossible.

At last mention, America's good faith payment to me stood at six billion dollars; however it is likely the financial cost to America of just the first week of this attack will far exceed that amount.

Therefore, to illustrate America's profound danger as it bumbles into these next eight weeks of God's Space War against it I am increasing the good faith payment by one billion dollars a day, today the figure stands at seven billion dollars, tomorrow it will be eight billion, Wednesday nine billion, and so on.

War is Hell.


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