Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Pruning Their Favorites

I have two very important things to talk to you about today, oil and death, and how the first leads to the second; and I must add something more about the stingray death of the famed and beloved Australian, Steve Irwin.
I am going to ask you one thing and tell you another.
I have been asked to ask you if you need to see the Aussie demonstration repeated; if you need another famous and well liked person dead to a highly improbable cause, another death documented in advance in this work.
I have also been asked to tell you God will not allow the United States to plunder the vast source of oil it is currently claiming to have found under deep water in the Gulf of Mexico.  The first reason for this being the oil is needed where it is.
There is on the part of my Space Sailor friends some interest in taking my work public; by this they mean compelling America and its allies in the torture-enslavement of me to set me free.
They are saying that if in order to do this the psycho-fascists need to put their fingers into other wounds in addition to Mr. Irwin's, those wounds will be made available to them; and those wounds will be famous and well liked people killed in unusual and improbable ways.
This is an old Space War strategy called "Pruning Their Favorites", and it is now being compressed in frequency, as many Space War strategies are.
Said more clearly, this work will run "The Great Crushing Sadness" code again and see what happens, and again if necessary, and again if necessary..  This is the code that preceded the strange death of Mr. Irwin.
I don't know if you can see my advance documentation of Mr. Irwin's death in the code, A Great Crushing Sadness, even though his death did in fact bring a great crushing sadness around the world within about a day after the code was published; and certainly you cannot look to my poem, "Songs of Space War" for the further confirmation it contains, because the United States of America, as part of its persecution of me, deleted the site it was published on.
If a market demand develops for Songs of Space War, which is over 100 pages long and tells the story of God's Space War against the human being, I will publish it again; but events are moving so fast that there is more proof in the near future than in the distant past.
This somewhat unfriendly suggestion that we run The Great Crushing Sadness code again refers to a saying in God's Space War, "Double Shadow, Mysterious, Repeat of Message, We are Serious".  Often demonstrations are run twice to emphasize that the first was not a random event.  This making of twice into thrice and so on indicates Space Sailor impatience with the psycho-fascists.
This "Repeat of Message" can best be seen in my advance documentations of the rolling of two ships, the Crown Princess and the Cougar Ace, both in July.
Now let's return to the second subject of today, the alleged great oil find in the Gulf of Mexico.  I say alleged because Republican American Fascism lies to us so much about such a variety of things that it is reasonable to expect this to be another lie.
However, assuming there is some truth to the report, harvesting the newly discovered vast oil field would add another poison apple to the basket of poison apples which is the sucking of oil from this Earth.  That is, it would accelerate the death of this Earth.
A focal viewpoint of this work is that oil performs a natural function in this Earth, a function that is lost when oil is sucked out.  This is separate from the pollution effects of burning oil.
This work suggests that the three earthquakes between Iran and Indonesia on or about December 26 three years in a row, including the earthquake that causes the great tsunami, were a result of the untold billions of barrels of oil sucked out of the Middle East.
This work projects another earthquake, the fourth in four years, on or about December 26, between Iran and Indonesia.
The sucking of oil from the new Gulf of Mexico field, apparently under at least a mile of water, with all the downward pressure that indicates, would accelerate the earth-killing process greatly.
Therefore, God will stop this project.


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