Sunday, October 15, 2006

The $27 Billiion Defeat

This is our day of rest before we enter the fourth week of this eight-week attack by God on the United States of America.

The strongest of our three code patterns seems to be the one involving the deaths of athletes in aircraft crashes, having just documented in advance the crashing into a Manhattan building of a New York Yankees pitcher, but one of our other code patterns seems to be taking form, promising much more force and finality.

The other two code patterns we have been following, school shootings and ecological disasters seem to be active, but the disaster factor is beginning to loom.

This week should tell us if the "storm" of school shootings has passed.

My having documented two fatal school incidents and several non-fatal in advance in recent weeks, we had at least four non-fatal, even minor, events last week, like the last sprinkles of a storm.

So, I watch this school code with anxious interest this week. If there is not another fatal incident, we are likely out of the woods. If we have another fatal shooting, however, we are looking at weeks if not months of child-murder misery.

The ecological disasters (Green) code had seemed to me to be the weakest of the three, but I am beginning to think it may be the big surprise attack by God on America.

The question is asked, what if I have been wrong in my estimation of the death of this Earth coming in 2065; what if it is coming much sooner?

There was the briefest news report of an oil drilling platform accident in the Gulf of Mexico last week, but apparently there was no immediate ecological threat. We can't tell, censorship in America grows more common every day, and information on ecological disaster on a planetary scale is more censored than the Manhattan Project of World War Two.

The whole evil plot of Republican American Fascism is directed toward taking advantage of the great ecological disaster approaching this Earth, and at gaining rulership over the world in the course of that disaster.

I think this apparently minor Gulf of Mexico event is important, reminding us that the sucking of oil in the Gulf of Mexico is one of the critical aspects of a great ecological disaster to come, removal of oil causing the sudden collapse of the seabed under the Gulf, one of the major triggers of the shifting of the Poles.

The other major trigger of the movement of the Poles is the earthquake zone between Iran and Indonesia.

The sucking of oil from the Earth is the great killer of the Earth, far greater than the effects of using the oil as fuel and the resulting changing of the atmosphere, although the two do work together in unholy matrimony.

In the context of the current fragility of this Earth I want to point to three events, which I say were inter-connected, one causing the other in chain reaction. The underground nuclear explosion in "North" Korea, the quake off Japan, and the Hawaii quake today.

The Earth is like an egg, its shell too thin for its own good.

We are talking these days almost exclusively about America's approaching defeat in God's Space War, but America's defeat in the politics and warfare among peoples and nations is also rapidly approaching.

The world knows America became fascist in 2000; and it does not like it; and it will not appease it.

The question is, who will defeat America first, God or all the rest of humankind?

Looking to Iraq, President Nitwit's War; some time back I said a telling point in the process toward ultimate and ignominious defeat of the United States in Iraq would be when the American death toll reached 4.5 per day. The toll America pays to go down this wrong road seems to have reached that level.

Over many weeks before George W. Bush's stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq I said America would lose that war worse than any nation in the history of the world has lost a war. That is very much in the offing. Censorship is currently blocking the worst of the bad news.

America took the wrong road when it invaded Iraq, and all the American debates now concern which offshoots of the wrong road to take. The wrong road leads to Hell, as do all its offshoots.

It is not a matter of staying or leaving; it is a matter of undoing. The American people need to admit their error, admit their sin against the Iraqi people; ask the Iraqi people for forgiveness; and seek to rebuild what they have broken and return what they have stolen.

They will be damned lucky if the Iraqi people forgive them; they will be damned if they don't.

This is the Christian Solution.

Turning to this week's verse of our Battle Map poem by Robert Burns, To A Mouse, On Turning Her Up In Her Nest With The Plow, we see it reads:

Thy wee bit housie, too, in ruin!
It's silly wa's the win's are strewin!
An' naething, now, to big (build) a new ane,
O' foggage (foggy) green!
An' bleak December's winds ensuin,
Baith (both) snell (biting) an' keen!

Remember, God suggested this poem to me. I had never read it and I still have not read it through. I read each new verse as I give it to you. Remember, in the God's Space War overlay of this poem, God is the Ploughman and America is the Mouse, and the home of the Mouse will be destroyed by the Ploughman.

December; this verse introduces December. Christmas; yesterday I mentioned America's bad Christmas and my good Christmas. This week's verse tells us America's Christmas will be bleak, and the December winds of God's war on America will be biting and sharp.

This current "Mouse" attack pattern extends into November; thereafter another attack pattern will be introduced. As I said, God is gong to cut America off at the knees.


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