Wednesday, December 20, 2006

The $93 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws Zero

Shark America Eight ?

A very interesting development is approaching.

We have twin operations running, one against the space shuttle Discovery and one against Washington Deceit.

Both operations have seen two non-fatal hits, and now both operations are expected to see a third and fatal hit.

Reviewing the hits:

Meteoroid hit Discovery's left wing, stroke hit Democratic Senator; largest recorded sun flare passes by and through Discovery, Laura Bush reveals sun-generated cancer. This is classic God's Space War Metaphor of Attack.

An interesting but perhaps too esoteric expansion of our understanding of this attack is that it is a "Two-Sword" attack, based on the Samurai concept of fighting with two swords, the long sword in the right hand and the short sword in the left.

Discovery is scheduled to return Friday, so whatever is going to happen with that sword has to happen before Discovery leaves weightless space; but the Washington Deceit attack is not time-restrained in this way and is expected to come a week or two after the Discovery attack.

There is something missing in the above paragraph, but I do not yet know what it is. I am advised there is a Discovery code in the oven. I am expecting it tomorrow, and I am expecting it to fill that gap in my information.

In the news today, there were too many lies folded into George W. Bush's press conference to use up megabytes pointing them out; but there was one very important aspect of that Pit of America's Disaster which is Iraq that was not mentioned at all.

That important aspect was this: The Iraqis now loath the United States of America. Though apparently not taken into account by the fool in the Oval Office or his worshipers, this is a major aspect of the equation of America's inevitable ignoble calamitous defeat in Iraq.

This loathing happens when you bomb people's children and make of their nation a cauldron of pain. This seems to be a difficult concept for Americans to understand.

Because America lies to itself and believes its own lies, that element of loathing remains a Joker in the deck and will bite America hard when it is played. The United States of America feels itself to be so god-like that it cannot perceive of being hated by the people it murdered "to make free".

No wonder God has damned George W. Bush.


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