Saturday, February 24, 2007

The $159 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws Six

Shark America Four

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 136

We are touching on three very important stories today. The first is the American media's assassination of Britney Spears; the second is a countdown to disaster code just in, and the third concerns the God's Space War nuclear bomb currently inserted up America's ass. All three stories are inter-connected.

It is very interesting watching the paparazzi-nazis as they murder Britney Spears; but it is more interesting watching the American news media as it allows it and giggles about it.

One would think the paparazzi-nazi involvement in the death of Princess Diana might have sobered the media to the nature of that photo-scum.

I think victims of the paparazzi-nazis should be able to ask for and be granted restraining orders against them. The paparazzi-nazis have telephoto lenses, let them shoot from 300 yards away, but don't allow them to harass their victims to distraction; and don't mock their victims as they reel from the harassment.

(Why is it, I wonder, America so favors mob action? The paparazzi-nazis are the tree from which show business stars are hung.)

Freedom of the press is not freedom of the media to form ruthless mobs, nor for TV to snicker at the torment the mobs inflict.

I think the paparazzi-nazis should be sent to Iraq where they can point their cowardly cameras at people who can shoot back; or, understanding that justice is not likely to happen, the people they mob and hound should have a way of fighting back.

What the paparazzi-nazis do is assault for profit; they are legalized stalkers; they are the lice upon the mice you know as journalists,

There is a silliness to America, and the news media leads and forms that silliness. Astronaut in diapers, blonde babe's body rotting, singer shaves head and attacks paparazzi-nazi's car with umbrella; those are the big stories to the little media minds.

You hear the TV boys and girls remarking about the great public interest in the Anna Nicole Smith story, but the public is not interested in it, it is the media profiteers who slaver over it like drooling hounds and cram it down the public's throat.

This they do while America is sinking deeper and deeper and deeper into the quicksand of defeat and shame into which George W. Bush pushed it; and while the planet itself, the planet itself, the planet itself, is dying, is dying, is dying, the media titters like drunken schoolgirls showing each other their panties.

The American news media, Dear Reader, is murdering you, tittering you to death, stupefying you into babble-rabble. Comics and gossip are on the front page, and real news fills the cracks among the classified ads.

Now let's look at the new code that has come in. It seems to be an important counting code. The code is "Strawberry", but it seems to be best read in Japanese, "Ichigo". It is in Japanese that the code becomes a counting codes, "ichi" being "one" and "go" being "five". We read this one-five, not fifteen.

The code also has a function in its English form, Strawberry, but that involves America's death spot, not Britney's bald spot, so there is no news in it fit for TV.

When we look at the Jews' Jaws and Shark America counts we open with daily, we see they passed through their meeting point, Five, yesterday; Jews' Jaws today being at Six and Shark America being at Four.

I seems to me the Strawberry-Ichigo code takes us to just about Shark America Zero, and it is there we can expect to see God's Space War nuclear bomb--now nicely inserted up America's most deserving ass--explode.

Let's describe that bomb a bit, and suggest how to deactivate it.

Yesterday I told you about the American lady doctor who shoved a tongue depressor up my ass and twisted it; the nuke up America's dark and smelly place is in that tradition and follows the precedent.

On February 15 I told you a boyhood story about how once I got hung up on a spring pole when casting off the bow line of the fishing boat I was working on; that amusing story, too, applies here; but it will hurt, not amuse, it will kill, not embarrass.

It is those two stories we combine here in the Strawberry-Ichigo code.

There was no escape from my stick-up-the-ass situation at the Monterey California County Hospital, other than passing through nearly a week of torment and threats of murder without blowing my top; and America is in that same situation in this code pattern.

America can expect a few threatening things to happen, threats which if it responds to will result in overwhelming retaliation.

(Just as if I had responded in any way when the American-doctor-bitch shoved the stick up my ass, I would have been punished all the more ruthlessly.)

America is also on that spring pole on which I clung, but in a different way, not clinging to it but impaled on it; but there is one way out of America's situation as there was one way out of mine, that is by asking the skipper to bring the bow over.

In this situation, America should see me as the skipper.

So, Dear Reader, if you like fireworks, if you favor The Vengeance of the Lord, look to Shark America Zero for the God's Space War nuclear bomb now inserted up America's ass to be twisted, and to explode.


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