Friday, May 25, 2007

The $248 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Seven

Shark America Three

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 156 (Low Numbers Precede Big Quakes)

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007
Looking for the Peru-Chile Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle (Part 7--Waiting for the Death, Second Pitch)

This ship must make some serious course corrections today; but that's what sometimes happens when we sail by the seat of our pants. This will cause some slackness in our sails, but better we change course than do a George W. Bush and run our ship onto the Shoals of Infamy and Calamity.

Both my editor and my artillery spotter tell me I have made two rather important errors, first that the dead cat story does not fulfill the criteria I set up in advance in the Waiting for the Death gambit, and second that the house at 211 Juniper is the wrong target.

Fortunately we are fighting by American rules, and in America bad information is good information unless proven to be bad information, and collateral damage is of no more importance than spit misplaced by wind.

In the first case, I said The Death we were waiting for must clearly be an Act of God, and that the umpire to this demonstration was to be the Village Atheist; who in all certainty would not call the death of the cat an Act of God; and even I called it an act of dog.

What was I thinking to call that a hit? Well, if I were perfect America would have murdered me decades ago.

In the second case I have discovered that the address of the cowardly psycho-fascist American "man" to my rear is not 211 Juniper, but rather 302 Third Street, his house completely blocking my view of the Juniper Street house and I having thought there was just one house there.

(Attention Gun Crew, make note of this correction.)

While this presents me with a serious potential for collateral damage, especially in terms of rounds already fired and in the air, I am probably the only one who is worried about it. Several people knew of this error, including the deputy sheriff, but preferred to let the error stand.

Then of course there is the philosophical question, is collateral damage even possible in this Second American Civil War if there are no Americans within range who believe I should be free?

(The clear exception here being, of course, prepubescent children, who are sacred in the Eyes of God; and killing them as collateral damage is the reason George W. Bush lost his soul.

(The sacredness of these children, and the reason they are so sacred in the eyes of God, is a story of great importance to all the religions of the world, and to all those who go to war, and to all those who would murder, harm or enslave children; but a story for a less hostile market. It is the most important news story in the world today.)

Back to the question, is collateral damage in this case possible? The intense torture of me by the psycho-fascist American cowards at 316 Second and 302 Third is at least passively supported by the entire Smallville community, and from Smallville on to the Lassen County sheriff's deputy, and then on up to and beyond the governor of the State of California to all the Fifty States.

In sad truth the torture of me is as much community entertainment in Smallville as it was in San Francisco, Seattle, New York City and Tallahasee, no matter how much I wish it were not.

I don't know, perhaps the Americans give out medals to one another for Telepath torture above and beyond; and perhaps the psycho-fascist cowards at 316 Second and 302 Third are torture-heroes within the cult of American psycho-fascism. Perhaps there exists an Iron Cross for Psycho-Fascist Cowardice.

So, I'll strop wringing my hands about collateral damage even though those artillery shells already in flight are aimed at the wrong house, and I will turn my attention back to Waiting for the Death.

Like Casey in Mudville, I am at bat in Smallville, having taken a clean strike, or at best a foul tip; and now with one strike against me I am at the plate ready to take a swing at Waiting for the Death again.

"The Outlook wasn't brilliant for the Mudville nine that day
"The score stood four to two, with but one inning more to play
"And then when Cooney died at first, and Barrows did the same
"A silence fell upon the patrons of the game"

To be clear in my own mind less I swing at a sucker pitch again, we are waiting for the Angel of Death to visit one of the two households that have tormented me since I moved in and threatened to burn my home down with me in it; waiting for a human death at either 316 Second or 302 Third; which will clearly be an Act of God, and which will be a Home Run for me.

That is my course adjustment. Can't you feel the slackness in my sails?.

In war as in life, all information is intelligence; and it is when we are so married to our target that we turn a blind eye to our intelligence that we get into trouble.

If you buy honeymoon tickets to Paris, Texas, when your bride wants to go to Paris, France, you are in for a lifetime of woe unless you correct your course and take that lady to Europe.

If you stupidly and fascistically want to invade Iraq because your daddy went to war there; and you are now Playing President at your daddy's desk, his shoes much too big for your tiny feet; and you want to do what he did, but you want to do it better; and your intelligence services tell you not to do it; and you ignore them and do it anyway; murdering babies left and right and destroying homes all around the world; well, your ass is going to fry in Hell.

There is a third course correction I should make, but the sails of this ship are too slack already today and I want to be running hard before the wind when I make that correction.

That course is of course my candidacy for the Presidency of the United States of America, which is apparently not going well; and it seems clear I possibly, maybe, perhaps do not have enough Electoral College votes to win. Go figure.

Go figure, considering the field of Democratic cowards and Republican American Fascists; but the American people are owned by the media and the media is owned by Big Money, and Big Money says I have nothing to say, so what should I expect?.

On the bright side, Ulysses S. Grant won the Presidency though his generalmanship in the First American Civil War, perhaps I can do the same with my generalmanship in the Second American Civil War, the war to end torture-enslavement of telepaths and squash the attempt by Republican American Fascism to undo the Union.

(That is what the Republican American Fascists are doing, you know, not secession from the Union as in their first attempt nearly 150 years ago, but undoing the Union forever, making every State a Slave State, making slavery legal everywhere, making the enslavement of you, Dear Reader, legal; and that is not another story; that is this story; that is this truth boring in on you as i write The Obituary of the World.

("Save your Confederate money, Boys, the South will rise again!" Bang! Kennedy is dead! Fort Sumter has fallen!)

With that I am reminded that we we Space Sailors are waiting for the Miracle of Smallville, like Israelite soldiers waiting for the sun to stand still in the sky, the miracle that will change the course of the Battle of Smallville; change, even, the hearts of the Smallvillains.

The Miracle of Smallville; Hmmm? That just might put my candidacy for the Presidency on course.

For Virgil, mighty Virgil, was advancing to the bat... (with apologies to Ernest Thayer, author of Casey at the Bat, 1888).


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