Saturday, September 29, 2007

The $384 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws One

Shark America Nine

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 209

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle--Introduce Them to God's Divine Comedy

Today's Code is "No Fun. Big Gun. Run!"

It occurs to me how really un-fun you American's are. Pompous, yes; mean, yes; murderous, yes; cowardly, yes; perfidious, yes; cruel, yes; cute as buttons, yes; but as God is my witness you are no fun at all.

Living in America is about as much fun as living in a barrel of snakes; some bite, most don't, but all you Americans slither around the truth as if truth were something to be strangled..

One of the things I like about journalism is that it is fun; but there's fun and there's fun; and the battlegrounds of Vietnam were more fun to cover than the snake pits of America.

Duty, beloved duty; that's the only reason I cover the approaching defeat of the United States of America; but there is no fun in it, if that is any consolation to you Americans as you Americans sink into the deep, deep darkness of your doom.

This is what I am leading up to: The way I figure it, if I don't break the biggest story in the world fast, hard and soon, you Americans are just going to nitpick and torture me to death, and then toothpick my flesh out of the teeth of your souls.

Not a pretty picture from my point of view; though delicious, perhaps, to the cannibal souls of you Americans.

The last time I had anything close to fun was when eight or ten friends of my cowardly, cruel psycho-fascist American neighbors in Smallville were getting their courage up to attack me on my turf; and in that potential there existed the promise of a shootout at the VK Corral; but then they did the cowardly American thing and called in my landlord to pull my home out from under me.

Chances like that don't come along every day, where I would have been exercising not only my right but my duty as an American citizen to defend my life with deadly force; but those Americans, as would be expected, took the cowardly course; preferring to give me the finger than put their fingers on the block.

Cowardice is and always has been the underlying trait in America's mass torture-enslavement of me. The cowards' "right" to torture the helpless telepathic man, and the cowards' "right" to bear false witness against the existence of that torture.

Among those who call themselves Christians and among those who call themselves Jews there seems to be no appreciation at all that they are practicing torture-murder based on false witness, two out of the Big Eleven and the Big Ten they subscribe to.

As usual, Americans--Christians and Jews and atheists and Mystic Knights of the Bubble--think God is on their side in their evil business; they see millions of Americans like them living the same evil American dream of free range Telepath Torture, so how could their possibly be anything wrong in that?

Democracy is majority rule, right? If the majority agrees to torture and enslave that is right, right?

That brings me to what my Old Pal God has asked me to introduce you to today, the "Dante's Divine Comedy" Metaphor of Battle; here called "God's Divine Comedy", which we enter into as the Battle of Smallville Metaphor of Battle comes to a close.

"Dante's Inferno", the first third of Dante's Divine Comedy trilogy by Dante Alighieri in the 14th Century is perhaps one of the most widely known-of epic poem in Western literature; although perhaps not generally well known.

Most people have heard it concerns a guided tour through Hell, but few know the guide is named Virgil.

What a coincidence! I am telling you about the Hell into which you have blundered, and my name is also Virgil; and as serious readers of this work likely know, "Coincidence is the Rockets' Red Glare of God's Space War".

In Dante's Divine Comedy the central character is Dante himself. It is he who is guided through Hell by Virgil, dead for over 1,000 years by Dante's time, and Dante describes for his readers the suffering of the damned he sees there.

Now while I would like to say you cowardly psycho-fascist Americans play the role of Dante in this God's Divine Comedy, I cannot because the role of Dante is played by my son, my first non-born, who, had you Americans not denied him the right to be born, would have been named Dante.

In Dante's 14th Century story Dante is flesh and Virgil is spirit; in God's 21st Century story Virgil is flesh and Dante is spirit; but as a Christian who remembers his life before he entered his mother's womb I can tell you the spirit of my son, Dante, lives and will find the damnation of those who murdered him and tortured and enslaved his father a matter of great interest.

So, that leaves but two roles open for you to play in God's variation of Dante's Divine Comedy, roles which you have unwisely chosen or Good Fortune has chosen for you.

Dante wrote from the perspective of 14th Century Roman Catholicism, and within that theology it was believed that anyone who was not a Roman Catholic was damned, with the possible exception of people who lived before the birth of Christ, such as the Greek philosopher Plato or the Roman poet Virgil, Such people existed in a kind of Limbo, not in pain but not with God either.

There are many such silly concepts within Christianity still existing today, and I am not here to argue them other than to say God is Not Stupid.

So, back to our emerging Metaphor of Battle, God's variation of Dante's Divine Comedy.

The role of the innocent-but-unsaved, such as the Greek Plato and the Roman Virgil, is played by those human beings who genuinely do not know of America's torture-enslavement of me.

The role of the damned is played by those who do know about my status and my treatment even though they would swear on a stack of Bibles they do not. The damned not just those who torture and torment me; no, also damned are all those millions whose concealed knowledge makes that torture and torment possible.

Except for the rare and limited gift of forgiveness, that would mean almost all the citizens of Smallville, and perhaps almost all the citizens of the United States of America, who have that knowledge, are damned.

Simple enough, a reoccurring theme of this work, "Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness" even if the government of the United States of America tells you to, even if the television tells you to, even if tradition tells you to; even if your priest, rabbi or minister tells you to; and certainly even if Satan dressed up like Sigmund Freud tells you to.

So, the hypothesis I am presenting here today is that if you know the story of my persecution you are damned, no matter how cute you are, no matter how sweet you are, no matter how innocent you feel you are; you will lose your soul upon death unless you bear True Witness about me.

You expect, perhaps, a finer winnowing of the wheat from the chaff; well, I expected finer things from you, too.

I mentioned yesterday that I already know the subject of the Public Damnation/Public Salvation in the next verse of our timing code-song, The Battle Hymn of the Republic, which is scheduled to begin tomorrow.

I also told you yesterday this story comes from the Blow Job Clinton years, and involves a most serious threat on my life, possibly coming directly from the Blow Job White Oval Office.

I was hiking in deep wilderness one summer, one of those month-long hikes I loved so much but which became impossible after the Republican American Fascists usurped the White House in 2000, impossible because of the degree of government pig harassment that followed me there.

I had forded a stream in a broad, high mountain valley and had put down my pack when I noticed that approaching me from the direction I had come were five or six men, all dressed alike walking abreast in fight formation about five yards apart, intent to do me damage or murder clearly visible in their eyes.

One of the group stopped and said, "I am not going to do this" and turned away, the cowardly crime about to be committed being too far removed from the reasons he had joined Blackwater or some other free enterprise military force--but he is not the one who's soul saved that day; he still has work to do.

The man who saved his own soul that day was a cowboy who rode his horse into the stream just as the five were fording it to attack me. He did nothing other than that, but he bore true witness to what was about to have taken place; so if the five government pigs had killed me they would have had to kill him, too.

I don't know his name. I don't know what he might know of my work; but he knew murder was in the minds of the contractors and he had watched the event unfolding; and he stopped it.

Like it or not, that is the way to save your soul; Stop It.

"But that takes courage," you might say. "Duh," I would say in response; without courage you are whiffs of tissue in the wind.

Contact Virgil Kret at
Legal Defense, Survival & Presidential Campaign Fund:

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 43
Morro Bay, CA 93443

George W. Bush will destroy the world.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.
His cry of misery will be heard around the world; then the chorus will sing "Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!"

George W. Bush is a perfect storm of stupidity, dishonesty and vanity.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.

"In my strategy, the training for killing enemies is by way of many contests, fighting for survival, discovering the meaning of life and death, learning the Way of the sword, judging the strength of attacks and understanding the Way of the 'edge and ridge' of the sword." Miyamoto Musashi, 17th Century.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.

The world is George W. Bush's Iraq. The world is George W. Bush's New Orleans. The world cannot bear the fascist, insane stupidity of George W. Bush.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

The most important news story in the world today, and the most important political stance in America today is this:

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

This is how America became pregnant with her fascist baby, by falling asleep after the initial rape in 2000 and telling herself the rape had not taken place; and that gave license to the rapist to rape her again and again and again until she was raped silly, barefoot in a world of broken glass, and pregnant with Six-Six-Six.

As my Old Pal God said some 13 months before the 9/11 attack:

"George W. Bush will destroy the world."


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