The $413 Billion Defeat
Jews Jaws Eight
Shark America Two
Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 138
Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007
Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event
Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle: Watch Them Eat It
Today's Code is "Bone Appetite"
Story time.
When we came upon this Earth so many eons ago she had already broken up; when we came upon this Earth half a century from now she had already broken up.
So we tied a bow in Time and set out to repair the damage.
We have no greater duty; we have no where else to be.
Call us Space Sailors, call us Dreamers, call us Dancers on the Dew.
Everything we tell you is impossible to believe; everything we tell you is absolutely true; but convincing you is not a part of our schedule; convincing you is something we have no need to do.
Some 50 years from now you will be quivering balls of agony adrift in Earthless space.
(Pardon me, boy, is that the God's Space War pooh-pooh? Yea, yea, it's the end of the line.)
Since we have just documented in advance the great southern California inferno of 1907, and know it to be the first of nine blows God will deliver upon the United States of America, likely between now and Easter, 2008, I think this would be a good day to review what has just happened and project what will happen.
Today we at I.C. News feel we can anticipate the direction in which this great God's Space War attack pattern will move, and the timing of at least seven of the eight attacks to come.
See this as the first sketch of the artist's work, the basic form of the masterpiece to come. Don't expect it to be a perfect likeness of the events to follow, but a generally accurate depiction.
We will look to the second attack, which we expect to take place within three weeks, and will make the tentative assumption that a straight line drawn on our map from the first attack to the second attack will show us the direction the attack pattern will take.
We will look to the timing between the first and second attacks and assume it might give us the timing between the third and fourth, fourth and fifth, and so forth.
There are many, many God's Space War codes connected with the southern California fires, codes that demonstrate that God is the Great Fire-Maker in this event; but my giving too many codes in this work seems to be like putting too much food on a child's plate, it spoils the appetite.
I will review these codes if I am asked to, and if I am able to do so as a free journalist; otherwise the review would only be grist for the psycho-fascist torture-mill.
For example, one of the codes was deposited with an identifiable man who struck me for thinking about the fires abut a week before God started them, actually at the very moment I put two and two together and understood what was coming. He struck me to tell me I had no such ability, that I only imagine I have such an ability.. Unless I am free he will of course deny this, deny he struck me, deny he can here my telepathy.
Also, unless I am free reviewing the codes would not expand the public's knowledge of the danger it is in, not danger relative to misrepresented "terrorism", not danger relative to the false issue of Iran developing nuclear energy, not danger relative to global warming, but danger relative to God.
But, and here is my big butt George W. Bush can kiss, consider the indelible fact that very soon after I introduced the "Dante's Inferno" code pattern in this work, southern California became an inferno.
I suggest this alone was an excellent advance documentation of the southern California inferno.
That such infernos are common in southern California is understood by all who watch the TV news; but it is unique that the only audible mental telepath in the history of the world called this inferno like a pool shark hustling psycho-fascist America.
If America were not a stupid, vain beast it would end its torture-enslavement of me today, even if it had no other evidence of my power and authority than my Dante's Inferno advance documentation of the southern California inferno.
That brings us back to the questions, how hard must God hit the United States of America to end America's torture-enslavement of me? To end America's participation in the murder of this Earth? The first question is directly related to the second.
Then we come to the next questions, how hard and where and when will God attack America next?
If we track the Metaphor of Attack we can likely soon understand the direction this attack will move, if not by the second hit of the nine, by the third.
I expect this great conquest by God of the United States of America to march toward Washington Deceit, the city of Satan, as Dante's Inferno headed toward Dis, the city of Satan, because this God's Space War attack is loosely following Dante's Inferno, and Dis is an important landmark in Dante's work.
More on this below.
I don't know about you, but I am finding this attack pattern very exciting.
Yesterday's variation of "Tactics of the Smallville Battle" noted at the opening was "Spit in Their Soup", the classic recourse of the slave slaving away in the slave-keeper's kitchen.
There is a good example of my spitting in America's soup four paragraphs above in today's work, which reads, "If America were not a stupid, vain beast it would end its torture-enslavement of me today, even if it had no other evidence of my power and authority than my Dante's Inferno advance documentation of the southern California inferno."
This entire paragraph is meant to further insure a sure thing, that America will eat the fire; to further insure that America will not do what it almost certainly will not do, that it will not save itself through confession, emancipation and compensation; that it will not ask for the gift of my forgiveness, that it will not avail itself of the promise of Jesus as it smugly parades its way deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper in to Hell.
Within the nut shell of that paragraph is a vitamin-packed nut, a big goober of spit. Though an accurate statement, it is designed to turn the America off and cause America not to listen to my truth. That vitamin-packed nut is the phrase, "...evidence of my power and authority..."
The last thing the Americans will face as they face the boulders of truth rolling down the mountain at them, is that their torture-slave, Virgil, has power and authority over them.
I almost never mention this; and you can mock and taunt, "Well, then, come down from the Cross of Lies we have you nailed to"; but you are not understanding that the southern California inferno is the first stage of my running that splintery Old Wooden Cross up your collective dumb ass.
Let's look at some of those splinters.
One of the things the TV people love to do is video tape people as they return to their homes, some to find ashes, and shed tears, some to find houses still standing, to their great relief. In the old days we raggedy assed old news reporters called these "human interest stories". I don't know what the TV people call them, but they are stories made for TV, tear-jerkers and lump-in-throat-makers.
Now picture those burned out neighborhoods as they were a year ago, pleasant and beautiful; and understand I could not have walked through those neighborhoods without those people playing the torture-Virgil game, and that I could not have lived in those neighborhoods or any other neighborhoods in the United States of America, because a part of America's torture-enslavement of me is to keep me homeless.
So, in fact, 1,600 homes burned down are 1,600 examples of Poetic Justice in the Eyes of God and in the eyes of Virgil, Poetic Justice being the only justice I have.
This may not seem Christian of me, Dear Reader, but America has made it against the law for me to be a Christian; so again America reaps just what it sows.
Do you understand that America has not allowed me to be in the company of one Christian who was not bearing false witness against me, or to attend one church service where I was not tortured by the congregation, since I became audibly telepathic?
(The exception to this is Black Christian churches. I have never been tortured in a Black Christian church; and I have never not been tortured in a White Christian church.)
Returning to our Dante's Inferno attack pattern, all these 30-plus years of America's torture-enslavement of me, Dear Reader, have been America's Judgment Day, and the Blacks passed and the Whites failed.
I would suggest that you smug and proud White Americans look at those once beautiful and proud burned-out southern California homes you see on TV, and see your own smug souls as becoming just like them.
I would suggest you understand those homes succumbed to marching tsunamis of fire (Our God is Marching On) and as quick as a wink all that was left were ashes and stink, and all of America's power could not save them; as all of America's power cannot save those who torture and enslave me, God's One True Telepath.
Now back to the tracking of the second and third of the nine Dante's Inferno attacks on the USA by God, We can expect, understanding the Dante's Inferno code as we do, that what we call the Winter of America's Damnation has begun.
If we follow that Old Wooden Cross being rammed up America's collective ass; and understand that each American soul represents a cell in that colon; and understand the southern California fires constituted the ripping open of the anus of that collective American ass; and understand that in fact America is to be impaled on that Cross of Lies, we can understand that cross will take a generally straight line as America is impaled on it.
This is the Metaphor of Attack, and if we follow it we can begin to estimate the locations and timing of the attacks from the third attack on.
If, for example, the next attack were on San Francisco, so richly deserved, we could expect the attack pattern to move northward; but as I said, I expect it to move eastward to Washington Deceit.
Again, a straight line drawn through the location of the first attack, southern California, to and through the location of the second attack will give us the direction the attack will be moving, and we can estimate the timing of the third attack from the time between the first and second.
This will need some fine tuning, but the basic principle seems sound.
This is why I say that by the fourth attack this attack pattern will be so clear, and so clearly being carried out by God, that America will have an epiphany, a big oh! oh!, a loss of blissful Ignorance, a loss of the maidenhead of psycho-fascist stupidity America is so proud of.
In the mean time I will continue to spit in America's soup.
Contact Virgil Kret at
Legal Defense, Survival & Presidential Campaign Fund:
Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 43
Morro Bay, CA 93443
George W. Bush will destroy the world.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.
His cry of misery will be heard around the world; then the chorus will sing "Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!"
George W. Bush is a perfect storm of stupidity, dishonesty and vanity.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.
"In my strategy, the training for killing enemies is by way of many contests, fighting for survival, discovering the meaning of life and death, learning the Way of the sword, judging the strength of attacks and understanding the Way of the 'edge and ridge' of the sword." Miyamoto Musashi, 17th Century.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.
The world is George W. Bush's Iraq. The world is George W. Bush's New Orleans. The world cannot bear the fascist, insane stupidity of George W. Bush.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.
The most important news story in the world today, and the most important political stance in America today is this:
George W. Bush will destroy the world.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.
This is how America became pregnant with her fascist baby, by falling asleep after the initial rape in 2000 and telling herself the rape had not taken place; and that gave license to the rapist to rape her again and again and again until she was raped silly, barefoot in a world of broken glass, and pregnant with Six-Six-Six.
As my Old Pal God said some 13 months before the 9/11 attack:
"George W. Bush will destroy the world."
Shark America Two
Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 138
Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007
Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event
Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle: Watch Them Eat It
Today's Code is "Bone Appetite"
Story time.
When we came upon this Earth so many eons ago she had already broken up; when we came upon this Earth half a century from now she had already broken up.
So we tied a bow in Time and set out to repair the damage.
We have no greater duty; we have no where else to be.
Call us Space Sailors, call us Dreamers, call us Dancers on the Dew.
Everything we tell you is impossible to believe; everything we tell you is absolutely true; but convincing you is not a part of our schedule; convincing you is something we have no need to do.
Some 50 years from now you will be quivering balls of agony adrift in Earthless space.
(Pardon me, boy, is that the God's Space War pooh-pooh? Yea, yea, it's the end of the line.)
Since we have just documented in advance the great southern California inferno of 1907, and know it to be the first of nine blows God will deliver upon the United States of America, likely between now and Easter, 2008, I think this would be a good day to review what has just happened and project what will happen.
Today we at I.C. News feel we can anticipate the direction in which this great God's Space War attack pattern will move, and the timing of at least seven of the eight attacks to come.
See this as the first sketch of the artist's work, the basic form of the masterpiece to come. Don't expect it to be a perfect likeness of the events to follow, but a generally accurate depiction.
We will look to the second attack, which we expect to take place within three weeks, and will make the tentative assumption that a straight line drawn on our map from the first attack to the second attack will show us the direction the attack pattern will take.
We will look to the timing between the first and second attacks and assume it might give us the timing between the third and fourth, fourth and fifth, and so forth.
There are many, many God's Space War codes connected with the southern California fires, codes that demonstrate that God is the Great Fire-Maker in this event; but my giving too many codes in this work seems to be like putting too much food on a child's plate, it spoils the appetite.
I will review these codes if I am asked to, and if I am able to do so as a free journalist; otherwise the review would only be grist for the psycho-fascist torture-mill.
For example, one of the codes was deposited with an identifiable man who struck me for thinking about the fires abut a week before God started them, actually at the very moment I put two and two together and understood what was coming. He struck me to tell me I had no such ability, that I only imagine I have such an ability.. Unless I am free he will of course deny this, deny he struck me, deny he can here my telepathy.
Also, unless I am free reviewing the codes would not expand the public's knowledge of the danger it is in, not danger relative to misrepresented "terrorism", not danger relative to the false issue of Iran developing nuclear energy, not danger relative to global warming, but danger relative to God.
But, and here is my big butt George W. Bush can kiss, consider the indelible fact that very soon after I introduced the "Dante's Inferno" code pattern in this work, southern California became an inferno.
I suggest this alone was an excellent advance documentation of the southern California inferno.
That such infernos are common in southern California is understood by all who watch the TV news; but it is unique that the only audible mental telepath in the history of the world called this inferno like a pool shark hustling psycho-fascist America.
If America were not a stupid, vain beast it would end its torture-enslavement of me today, even if it had no other evidence of my power and authority than my Dante's Inferno advance documentation of the southern California inferno.
That brings us back to the questions, how hard must God hit the United States of America to end America's torture-enslavement of me? To end America's participation in the murder of this Earth? The first question is directly related to the second.
Then we come to the next questions, how hard and where and when will God attack America next?
If we track the Metaphor of Attack we can likely soon understand the direction this attack will move, if not by the second hit of the nine, by the third.
I expect this great conquest by God of the United States of America to march toward Washington Deceit, the city of Satan, as Dante's Inferno headed toward Dis, the city of Satan, because this God's Space War attack is loosely following Dante's Inferno, and Dis is an important landmark in Dante's work.
I don't know about you, but I am finding this attack pattern very exciting.
Yesterday's variation of "Tactics of the Smallville Battle" noted at the opening was "Spit in Their Soup", the classic recourse of the slave slaving away in the slave-keeper's kitchen.
There is a good example of my spitting in America's soup four paragraphs above in today's work, which reads, "If America were not a stupid, vain beast it would end its torture-enslavement of me today, even if it had no other evidence of my power and authority than my Dante's Inferno advance documentation of the southern California inferno."
This entire paragraph is meant to further insure a sure thing, that America will eat the fire; to further insure that America will not do what it almost certainly will not do, that it will not save itself through confession, emancipation and compensation; that it will not ask for the gift of my forgiveness, that it will not avail itself of the promise of Jesus as it smugly parades its way deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper in to Hell.
Within the nut shell of that paragraph is a vitamin-packed nut, a big goober of spit. Though an accurate statement, it is designed to turn the America off and cause America not to listen to my truth. That vitamin-packed nut is the phrase, "...evidence of my power and authority..."
The last thing the Americans will face as they face the boulders of truth rolling down the mountain at them, is that their torture-slave, Virgil, has power and authority over them.
I almost never mention this; and you can mock and taunt, "Well, then, come down from the Cross of Lies we have you nailed to"; but you are not understanding that the southern California inferno is the first stage of my running that splintery Old Wooden Cross up your collective dumb ass.
Let's look at some of those splinters.
One of the things the TV people love to do is video tape people as they return to their homes, some to find ashes, and shed tears, some to find houses still standing, to their great relief. In the old days we raggedy assed old news reporters called these "human interest stories". I don't know what the TV people call them, but they are stories made for TV, tear-jerkers and lump-in-throat-makers.
Now picture those burned out neighborhoods as they were a year ago, pleasant and beautiful; and understand I could not have walked through those neighborhoods without those people playing the torture-Virgil game, and that I could not have lived in those neighborhoods or any other neighborhoods in the United States of America, because a part of America's torture-enslavement of me is to keep me homeless.
So, in fact, 1,600 homes burned down are 1,600 examples of Poetic Justice in the Eyes of God and in the eyes of Virgil, Poetic Justice being the only justice I have.
This may not seem Christian of me, Dear Reader, but America has made it against the law for me to be a Christian; so again America reaps just what it sows.
Do you understand that America has not allowed me to be in the company of one Christian who was not bearing false witness against me, or to attend one church service where I was not tortured by the congregation, since I became audibly telepathic?
(The exception to this is Black Christian churches. I have never been tortured in a Black Christian church; and I have never not been tortured in a White Christian church.)
Returning to our Dante's Inferno attack pattern, all these 30-plus years of America's torture-enslavement of me, Dear Reader, have been America's Judgment Day, and the Blacks passed and the Whites failed.
I would suggest that you smug and proud White Americans look at those once beautiful and proud burned-out southern California homes you see on TV, and see your own smug souls as becoming just like them.
I would suggest you understand those homes succumbed to marching tsunamis of fire (Our God is Marching On) and as quick as a wink all that was left were ashes and stink, and all of America's power could not save them; as all of America's power cannot save those who torture and enslave me, God's One True Telepath.
Now back to the tracking of the second and third of the nine Dante's Inferno attacks on the USA by God, We can expect, understanding the Dante's Inferno code as we do, that what we call the Winter of America's Damnation has begun.
If we follow that Old Wooden Cross being rammed up America's collective ass; and understand that each American soul represents a cell in that colon; and understand the southern California fires constituted the ripping open of the anus of that collective American ass; and understand that in fact America is to be impaled on that Cross of Lies, we can understand that cross will take a generally straight line as America is impaled on it.
This is the Metaphor of Attack, and if we follow it we can begin to estimate the locations and timing of the attacks from the third attack on.
If, for example, the next attack were on San Francisco, so richly deserved, we could expect the attack pattern to move northward; but as I said, I expect it to move eastward to Washington Deceit.
Again, a straight line drawn through the location of the first attack, southern California, to and through the location of the second attack will give us the direction the attack will be moving, and we can estimate the timing of the third attack from the time between the first and second.
This will need some fine tuning, but the basic principle seems sound.
This is why I say that by the fourth attack this attack pattern will be so clear, and so clearly being carried out by God, that America will have an epiphany, a big oh! oh!, a loss of blissful Ignorance, a loss of the maidenhead of psycho-fascist stupidity America is so proud of.
In the mean time I will continue to spit in America's soup.
Contact Virgil Kret at
Legal Defense, Survival & Presidential Campaign Fund:
Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 43
Morro Bay, CA 93443
George W. Bush will destroy the world.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.
His cry of misery will be heard around the world; then the chorus will sing "Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!"
George W. Bush is a perfect storm of stupidity, dishonesty and vanity.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.
"In my strategy, the training for killing enemies is by way of many contests, fighting for survival, discovering the meaning of life and death, learning the Way of the sword, judging the strength of attacks and understanding the Way of the 'edge and ridge' of the sword." Miyamoto Musashi, 17th Century.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.
The world is George W. Bush's Iraq. The world is George W. Bush's New Orleans. The world cannot bear the fascist, insane stupidity of George W. Bush.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.
The most important news story in the world today, and the most important political stance in America today is this:
George W. Bush will destroy the world.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.
This is how America became pregnant with her fascist baby, by falling asleep after the initial rape in 2000 and telling herself the rape had not taken place; and that gave license to the rapist to rape her again and again and again until she was raped silly, barefoot in a world of broken glass, and pregnant with Six-Six-Six.
As my Old Pal God said some 13 months before the 9/11 attack:
"George W. Bush will destroy the world."
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