Wednesday, December 05, 2007

The $452 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Five Down

Shark America Five Up

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 153

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle: Put the Blame Where Blame Belongs...

Today's Code is: "He is Succor to the brave".

There is a reoccurring theme among human beings that criminality is lost if enough human beings commit the crime; and another reoccurring theme that precedence makes illegality legal.

One of the suggestions of this work is that God does not go along with this pattern of rationalization.

If abortion is a crime in the Eyes of God, a million abortions do not make it any less of a crime in God's Eyes, even though abortion might become commonplace and normal in human society.

If someplace down the road when all arguments against abortion have been silenced and abortion is seen as natural as the birds and the bees, God will still not accept abortion even if God stands alone.

A frequent suggestion of this work is that God does not recognize the concept of "collateral damage" in war; nor does God grant leaders of nations the right to kill, no matter how strong the custom and precedence is in both modern and ancient human history.

"They do it, we do it, so the crime is canceled out", so goes the rationalization.. No, both they and you are on the wrong side of God for it.

Jesus was not just whistling Dixie when He said "Vengeance is the Lord's"; "Thou Shalt Not Kill" was not just an earnest suggestion by God to the Jews.

Injunctions like these were meant to lift the human being out of the swamp of rationalized murder in which it swims; and out of the fog of war in which unscrupulous leaders often hide their wicked intent.

The goal of human advancement must consciously be away from the darkness of olden times and toward greater understanding of the value of life and peace; for without that understanding there will exist no human life, peaceful or otherwise, on this Earth after 2055.

When I say George W. Bush lost his soul with the first Iraqi child he murdered, "murdered" is the correct word.

While "collaterally damaged" sounds much nicer, when you understand that in the planning of George W. Bush's stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq its was understood, written into the equation, that innocents would without doubt be killed by American firepower...when you understand that you understand Iraqi collateral damage was premeditated murder.

"I can get rid of the Boogie Man of Iraq", the idiot faux-president said, "and I can secure Iraqi oil for the Homeland; and to do that I must kill X-number of Iraq children, but the end justifies the means."

The end does not justify the means in the Eyes of God, and therein lies the damnation of George W. Bush, and therein lies the damnation of the United States of America, which we shall see unfold this winter.

We can also see this agreement that a crime is not a crime if enough people commit it when we look at America's torture-enslavement of me for being the only audible mental telepath in human history.

Indeed, it seems to me the least understood and most under-appreciated truth in the United States of America is the profoundness of the crime committed by the American people in their torture-enslavement of me.

I would be surprised if there are six Americans who understand this; yet God is going to punish America down to its very bones for this crime; just as God is going to punish America for its war crimes in the Middle East, even though a majority of Americans might not see them as crimes.

That is what I was talking about when I was talking about The Crack in the Earth two days ago.

Question: Am I so important that God would punish America for its torture-enslavement of me? No. The massiveness of the crime is so important. It is the same with other crimes, such as the crime of collateral damage; the crime is just too great and too accepted by too many Americans.

You see no crimes in these things? Duh. That's the point.

Three baby murderers in a hospital for the criminally insane do not see the crime in child-murder; and a faux-president and a faux-vice president and a faux secretary of state in the White House do not see the crime in their collateral damage child-murder.

Certainly there are many differences between those three nuts in the White House and those three nuts in the nut house, but the babies murdered are just as dead, and the level of evil, in the Eyes of God, is the same.

Contact Virgil Kret at

Virgil Kret
Legal Defense, Survival & Presidential Campaign Fund
P.O. Box 43
Morro Bay, CA 93443

Cell: (530) 276-4923

George W. Bush will destroy the world.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.
His cry of misery will be heard around the world; then the chorus will sing "Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!"

George W. Bush is a perfect storm of stupidity, dishonesty and vanity.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.

"In my strategy, the training for killing enemies is by way of many contests, fighting for survival, discovering the meaning of life and death, learning the Way of the sword, judging the strength of attacks and understanding the Way of the 'edge and ridge' of the sword." Miyamoto Musashi, 17th Century.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.

The world is George W. Bush's Iraq. The world is George W. Bush's New Orleans. The world cannot bear the fascist, insane stupidity of George W. Bush.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

The most important news story in the world today, and the most important political stance in America today is this:

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

This is how America became pregnant with her fascist baby, by falling asleep after the initial rape in 2000 and telling herself the rape had not taken place; and that gave license to the rapist to rape her again and again and again until she was raped silly, barefoot in a world of broken glass, and pregnant with Six-Six-Six.

As my Old Pal God said some 13 months before the 9/11 attack:

"George W. Bush will destroy the world."

The way things are progressing in Republican American Fascist propaganda punditry, soon John D. Rockefeller will have been a left winger, and Ronald Reagan will have been a god; and anyone who doesn't bow to the stupidity and fascism of George W. Bush will be a traitor.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.


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