Saturday, December 29, 2007

The $476 Biullion Defeat

Jews Jaws Two Down

Shark America Eight Up

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 251

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2008
George W. Bush Will Destroy the World

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle: Swing that Axe

Today's code is "Crime and Punishment".

Before we get into today's report on God's Space War against the United States of America, three comments on journalism.

One, a reporter should never ask a political candidate questions concerning the potential of that candidate being assassinated.. This is particularly true with TV journalism because TV is a mass hypnotic, but it is also true of print journalism. The question plants the seed.

Two, Fox News is to Big Money as Monica Lewinsky was to Bill Clinton. When you understand this you know what the Fox "pundits" are spewing out on you.

Three, American journalism kills.

Now back to our story of the defeat of the United States of America by God.

In this short, current God's Space War maneuver we call "Tiger Rag" we point to the crime of Telepath torture and the punishments for it; as exemplified in the crime of tiger torture at the San Francisco zoo and the tiger's infliction of punishment for it.

Tiger Rag can be expected to continue until January 8, 2008.

Today I point out that no American who has ever participated in the torture of me, from my perfidious wife over 30 years ago to the queer--er, gay gentlemen-- who knocked on my wall to awaken me last night, no such person has ever met death without damnation; that is, no Telepath-tortuerer has ever gotten away with it.

The only exception to this blanket damnation is people I have personally forgiven, and I am no Jesus on my cross for you, and there is no such thing as blanket forgiveness because you do not know what you do. Liar, you know what you do, you just expect to get away with it.

I love to tell you truths that turn the honey is your belly to puke--in particular I love to tell you alleged Christians such truths. Here is one of them:

As far as I know, I am the only human being walking this Earth today who personally witnessed the crucificixion of Jesus Christ. (This truth is calculated to cause "Christians" to emit steam from their ears.)

This is an old truth, my having witness that event, a secret truth concerning Christian reincarnation; but it is not for me to preach it to you, and you do not want to hear it anyway.

But anyway, I will tell you this true story about that day.

Jesus, the assumed eternal idealist, was on his cross, dying, and he allegedly said, "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do".

You know that part, and many Christians have gone to their personal Hell claiming not to have known the evil they did in life was evil.

"Forgive me, God, for I did not know what I was doing when I butchered that baby. In Jesus' name save me, as the preachers say you promised to do", says the murderer awaiting the hangman's noose...well, in the days when baby murder was a capital crime and not a mental illness.

Sound familiar? Now add your personal variation to that idiot-criminal's prayer. "Gee, God, I did not know it was wrong to torture a telepathic human being day and night for over 30 years." God is not stupid, Stupid; God will not buy that crap.

Raise from the dead that baby you murdered; raise that baby from the dead; then talk to God about your soul while you pat that baby on the head. Otherwise, you son of a bitch, you are damned and there is not a preacher or priest or line in the Bible that can save you.

But I digress, Telepath torture ranks with baby murder. You Telepath torturers should know that.

So, Jesus was on the cross and allegedly said the famous words, "Father forgive them for they know not what they do"; and God said, "Look again, Son, look again".; and down at the foot of the cross Jesus saw idiot children picking their noses, and idiot bitches looking at his cock, and idiot men smirking and saying, "If you be the Son of God come down from that cross"; and Jesus said to God, "Yes, Father, I understand now; next time I will ram this cross up their asses", and then Jesus said, "It is done," and died.

Then Jesus descended into the Land of the Dead, but that's another story, another story you alleged Christians do not begin to understand.

So, if you are a living American who has ever tormented God's One True Telepath in any of the several ways psycho-fascist Americans torment me, you should ask my forgiveness before you die, because you sure are not going to get foregiveness automatically after you breathe your last breath.

I have forgiven just one person for this horrible crime, my mother; and even within that honoring of her she suffered because in death she understood the scope of her sin and had great difficulty forgiving herself.

That is, I struggled greatly to save the soul of my mother; but I won't life a finger to save the souls of you psycho-fascist Americans.

Heaven is where good people go; torturers are not good people. Duh.

You are welcome to test this; I encourage you to test this; I encourage you to go to your death thinking this weighty sin is not a sin at all; or thinking Hell does not at exist at all; you will not be missed at all by those of us who are not damned.

I particullarly encourage all you priests and nuns and preachers and holier than thou Christians who have tortured me to ignore the millstone of that torture tied around your neck until you slip under the Sea of Death; you are the hindmost the Devil can take.

You think you know; but you have no idea.

So you see, Dear Reader, this brief maneuver we call Tiger Rag deals with crime and punishment, crime you do not think is crime, and punishment you do not expect to exist.

In the end it does not matter how innocent you think you are.

In the end it does matter if every priest, politician, preacher, policeman and shrink tells you you are free to torture the only audile mental telepath in human history.

In the end it does not matter if you call torture something else, or if you can claim a 99.999999 per cent agreement among you psycho-fascists that Telepath torture is A. O. K.

In the end it is just you, I, and God, and your crime of torturing God's One True Telepath, me, and whatever other crimes against God, Man and Nature you might have committed; and God turning to me and asking, "Do you forgive them, Virgil", and I saying, "No, damn their eyes, I am not stupid."


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