Friday, February 01, 2008

The $509 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Eight Down

Shark America Two Up

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 147

Virgil Kret's Cell Phone Number: (530) 276-4923

Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2008
George W. Bush Will Destroy the World

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle: Point to the Thickening Plot

Today's code is "32nd Day, Last Year".

And now, Dear Reader, let's talk about space and space war; let's talk about what we are talking about, God's saving this Earth from the human being.

Every once in a while we come upon an opportunity to prove something great is going on, and such an opportunity may now be less than one week away.

I have held proof in hand--like Goliath's severed head held up for all to see--many times, but knowledge of proof has always been shunned by psycho-fascist America, which avoids God's proof like the Dark avoids the Light. "Hissss! That hurts our eyes," the Americans say, and they pull their brain's curtain closed and punish me for broadcasting the Living Word.

I have seen in the course of my wretched torture-enslavement in America that psycho-fascist America prefers to live its lie about me, prefers to mockingly charge I have presented no proof at all.

I have seen that psycho-fascist America does not care that it lives a lie because it feels it is strong enough to subdue Truth; and strong enough, and pretty enough, and dull of wit enough to make its own mass lie the truth.

Make it's own mass lie the truth; that is the nature of the United States of America; and therein, of course, lies America's doom.

When you think of true and untrue, think of it as how the carpenter Jesus saw it in his plumb line, and see all that is built in distortion of truth--out of true--as a leaning structure which over time shall collapse.

I am expecting Truth to reveal itself so clearly on or about next Thursday that even the United States of America cannot blind itself to it.

I am expecting God to strike America so impressively on or about next Thursday that America will be compelled to face the dawning of which it is so fearful; compelled to face what it dare not face, that it was wrong to crucify me on a cross of psycho-fascist perfidy.

God is about the break the magic mirror on America's wall, of which America always asks, "Who is the fairest of them all?"

To see this compelling sign, look to Anaheim, California, home of Disneyland, for the event we Space Sailors call "Cherry Pop".

I have told you about Cherry Pop many times. Cherry Pop is that day, that glorious day when the American people lose the blissful ignorance they so cherish, the day they lose their virginity relative to reality.

I say this because as I track the current God's Space War operation, deliberately offensively called "Operation Queer", its code lines all intersecting at Anaheim, I received news yesterday of the God's Space War code name for Anaheim.

The God's Space War code name for Anaheim, California, It is "Anahymen", the "heim" becoming "hymen", the hymen often offensively called "the cherry"; so naturally, I am expecting the long-awaited Cherry Pop to take place in Anahymen.

So you see, the plot thickens; and there is bad news for Anaheim, California; and bad news for the United States of America; and good news for non-psycho-fascists like you and me.

I am tracking God's defeat of the United States of America in 2008, and bringing you news of that defeat as it unfolds.

Currently (I repeat for emphasis) we are looking to next Thursday for a major development, right here in Disneyland City, home of Mickey Mouse, on the first day of the Chinese New Year, the Year of the Rat.

The Rat, the Rat, how fitting; America being so rat-like to me, gnawing at my life, eating my babies in their crib.

(I am also tracking Islam's defeat of the United States of America in 2008, but I avoid bringing you that news lest psycho-fascist America feel it is profiting from its torture-enslavement of me, my blabbing saving American soldiers from death, perhaps, thereby disappointing the waiting hungry damned in the Hell America created, waiting to dine on them.

(You Americans are way, way over your heads in the Middle East, having been thrown into that deep water by that fool in the White House, having abandoned the side of God with Bush's declaration of America's right to murder; having cast America in among the worst of History's bad company.

(There was no victory possible in Iraq from the moment the first American toe stepped over the borderline in open aggression; so great the violation; so great the sin; so stupid the action; that the Future trembled at what it would bring; but that's another story.)

Back to God's Space War against the United States of America, I bring your attention to the opening paragraph of last Sunday's report:

"We have two extra codes today. They are 'Out of Thin Air' and 'Copenhagen, Denmark'. They are the codes contained in the human-shaped image photographed by Rover on Mars. Let's see if I am blowing smoke up your ass, or fire."

I have explained how these codes played out in the Little Miracle of God's saving my life a few days ago, and in pinpointing Anaheim, California, as Ground Zero.

At first it may have seemed like smoke, but then you learn that where there is smoke there is fire.

(God has told me something very important about my so-called near-death experience; that it was a total-death experience, and God brought me back. Close your eyes to it; give it a psycho-fascist name, but that card is on the table now.)

These two codes from Mars are proving to be very important codes, having been deliberately set up on Mars for later edification of America as to the scope of God's Space War; and having been played out once, and soon to be played out again.

The first time involved the smoke of the Little Miracle of God's raising me from the death America's sleep-deprivation torture sent me to, and the second can be expected to involve the fire as Anajymen pays the price for letting one of its queers murder me...murder me...murder me.

Murder is the crime; America is the slime.

Sure, you did not read about God bringing me back from death in the Times; no, my resurrection was not televised; it was a Little Miracle between God and me, and it stands alone, unwitnessed, forever, as all the Little Miracles between God and me do.

The bad news for Anahymen, the bad news for cherry America, is that the murder took place even though the murder victim was only dead for ten minutes. Do you understand? You psycho-fascist American are, in God's Eyes, guilty of murdering me even though I still painfully breathe in your torture chamber.

I have told you about the "Litmus Paper Ambush", what we Space Sailors (more poetic than scientific in our words, but more scientific than your science in our science) call the "Light Mouse God Ambush"; and this is that ambush, this is the X that marks the X-ambush, in the home of Mickey Mouse, on the first day of the Year of the Rat, God will show the American people what vermin they are in God's Eyes.

That is, God will show the American people they failed the Litmus Paper Test of God.

Meanwhile, back in the USA, the United States of America, unaware of God's furious anger at it, finished the 31st day of its last year.


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