Friday, June 06, 2008

Tatoo, Part 16 (Stopped 27)

The $664 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Seven Down

Shark America Three Up

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 246

Virgil's Cell Phone Number: (530) 276-4923

Expect a Profound Act of God Against Israel & USA on June 7, 2008. Attack Codes are "Two Birds, One Stone", "Double Down", "Home", "Sirhan Sirhan", "Admiral Moorer", "Fadel Shana", "Topsy-Turvy", "Dead Soul Family", "Admiral Moorer 2", "Nipple", "Blood of Mars", "Wait", "Cowards", "That Settles It", "Stop Right There!".

Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2008.

George W. Bush Will Destroy the World.

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event.

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle: The Secret Story, Tatoo (16-27)

Today's code is "158th Day, Last Year".

We have a new God's Space War June 7 Hit Code today, "Stop Right There!".

Listen to it; and remember we have run it before, on the Time Travel trip that documented the killing of a CIA agent by Houston police before it took place.

For the record, every once in a while the American news media profoundly betrays the American people.

Sure to be sure, it daily coats the American people with that thin layer of fiction and incompetence it calls news reporting, but sometimes it Benedict-Arnolds the American people right up the gazoo.

That kind of betrayal is happening right now, today, as Israel and its drone ally, The United States of America, prepare their nuclear rape of the world.

I.C. News has been telling you about God's expected June 7 attack on Israel and its trained dog, the USA, since April 2; and here we are in that attack zone, June 7 coming to Israel before June 7 comes to Israel's sucker, the USA.

When we look at our Time Map, our Battle Map, we see that two massive war events are scheduled for June 7, the Israel-USA Wickedness' attack on the world, and God's attack on the Israel-USA Wickedness.

This is such an astonishing coincidence that one wonders if God, knowing the Israel-USA Wickedness' attack was scheduled to begin on June 7, 2008...if God knowing that Horrible Sin was about to be committed by the Israel-USA Wickedness... if God didn't plan God's Attack for June 7, 2008, to nip the Israel-USA Wickedness in the bud.

Say, for argument's sake, if there is still to be the US Army's West Point after this is over; if America will ever study war again; if Americans will ever read again; eat well again; breathe free again, June 7, 2008, will be the day the military historians will love.

One can almost see those professors of war now, explaining the forming of the two massive battle groups--the force of Satan with the USA as its right fist and Israel as its left; the force of God with God's power all-encompassing--with excited gestures and drawing arrows and lines on their blackboards; saying,"The Achilles Heel of the United States of America was that the American people were stupid."

That's it in a nutshell, Dear Reader; the American people were brave enough and strong enough to stop the Israel-USA Wickedness in its tracks, but they were just not smart enough.

It was in the news media's dumbing down of the American people where journalism's betrayal of the American people can be found.

American journalism kept the American people in the dark about the Republican American Fascist coup.

I think it happened this way: Journalism was hep to the Republican American Fascist coup by the time the shenanigans in Florida were over; then when it realized how deep the coup was American journalism froze in fear.

The Democrats did about the same, and every Democrat of rank knows of and bows before the Republican American Fascist coup; fancy dandy Democrats stopped dead in their tracks, knees shaking and liquid poop running down their legs, frozen solid with fear salved by the lie that it was only Neo-Cons, and they would go away, and not the fist of Satan Itself; and that fist was here to stay.

I will tell you a funny thing about journalists, and this is why journalists will always screw you in the end; they will risk their life to cover a battle, but they won't risk their job to cover a truth their boss doesn't want covered.

It's hard for me to look at an American journalist, almost makes me puke; cowards before Truth, slick pushers of Big Money's Dope.

It is common, common, common for an American journalist to distort the story in anticipation of what Boss would want it to be; but more importantly to black out stories Boss wants to be blacked out.

So; cowardly; covering its ass; the news Media blacked out the story of the Republican American Fascist coup.

You see, I don't think the American people wanted to be fascist, even though the Liar's liars, the media and the government, have them marching off to Fascism's Hell today; but the media and the politicians never gave them a chance to choose.

Not one said the "f" word--fascism.

No, I do not think the people wanted the flagrant lies, the open theft of Trillions of dollars, the kitty litter box cover-ups, and the killing, killing, killing, Killing; but the news media made sure they had no choice.

Sure, the media covered the murder of democracy in America just like is was the ordinary daily news, but it did not once break the obvious story that George W. Bush is a stupid, lying Nazi, and has been a stupid, lying Nazi since his university days.

Nitpick the little stories; black out the Republican American Fascist coup stories. That's your American "journalism", Dear American.

Further, today, June 6, 2008, marks a day of profound betrayal of the American people by the Democratic Party, as Israel and its drone ally, the USA, prepare their nuclear rape of humanity.

The Republican Party betrayed the American people nearly eight years ago, so that's old news--old but unreported news; but the Democrats kept their mouths zipped about it.

This is where the betrayal of the American people lies:

The American people expected of people working in the news media and the government to have integrity and courage; but no news media or government people have shown courage since the Republican American Fascist Coup of 2000.

This is to say everyone in the national media and the national government knows this fascist coup has taken place, but no one addresses it. The reason: cowardice.

Sure to be sure there was in journalism a massive underestimation of the strength and depth and totality of the Republican American Fascist coup which now reigns over the United States of America, there was a wishful thinking that the leopard will change its spots, that the boa constrictor of fascism will voluntarily cease its constricting--cowardly wishful thinking in cowardly journalistic minds.

But leave those minds in Hell where they belong, and let's look at the pile of crap they've left to us, but bear in mind the end result of this American journalistic cowardice is the loss of the United States of America--the ceasing to exist of the United States of America in any form but name only.

Yesterday, the master of the American people, Israel, said this:
"If Iran continues with its program for developing nuclear weapons, we will attack it. The sanctions are ineffective...Attacking Iran, in order to stop its nuclear plans, will be unavoidable".
This is a fraudulent statement of true intent. Fraudulent in that Iran is not developing nuclear weapons; and true that Israel is planning a nuclear attack on Iran.
To understand what has happened over the past eight years compared to what is about to happen, picture a "slippery slope" at a 45 degree angle which America has been sliding down since 2000; now see that slope suddenly go to 90 degrees, straight down to the boulder-strewn cascades below.
What has taken place on the 45 degree slope--the wars, the Katrina crimes, the foreclosures, the approaching economic collapse, the approaching food famine, and so forth--were but tactical stages in the Republican American Fascists' conquest of the United States of America; they were but preparations for the 90 degree cliff toward the lip of which you now slide.
Now comes the 90 degree cliff, the public shredding of the Constitution of the United States of America, the destruction of the American Army so the mercenary armies can take over, the secret showing to the nations of the world American Fascism's power and intent to use that power on the world--the intent to conquer the world and the power to do it.
On the 45 degree slope is where the American people were betrayed by their journalists and their politicians, because the American people had expected backbone of them in just such a situation.
No backbone, no backbone, from sea to shining sea no backbone in journalism or the government of the United States of America.
In that context, with the United States of America already taken over by fascism, with journalists and politicians having absolutely no balls at all, with a quiet fascist conquest of the American military going on, with generals and admirals being sacked; with the Democratic nominee for President of the United States of America kissing Israel's ass, with concentration camps constructed, and Martial Law on the brink of declaration, with the economy successfully manipulated into collapse by the Big Money, with American democracy standing on the trapdoor of the gallows of dictatorship while the American people watch Liar TV with their feet up and their bellies full, as the world stands poised to be blistered by Israel-USA Wickedness' nuclear war...while all this is going on all around you, over you and under you...along comes God.
Our story of Tatoo and how she is remembered by the Japanese as Amaterasu, the Sun Goddess, remains stopped today because the story's Space Sailor teller, Sweet Muse, is at her battle station, her trigger finger itching.
Tatoo, Part 16 (Stopped 27)

(To Be Continued)

Meanwhile, the United States of America, unaware that it was about to eat the fire Israel will serve up, passed through the 158th day of its last year.


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