Friday, June 27, 2008

Tatoo, Part 31

The $685 Billion Defeat


Jews Jaws Six Down

Shark America Four Up

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: ??? (The USGS Earthquake Hazards site had become too politically corrupted to be a valid source in I.C. News' earthquake study at this time.)

Virgil's Cell Phone Number: (530) 276-4923

Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2008.

George W. Bush Will Destroy the World.

The battle codes of God's attack on Israel and its drone ally, the USA, are: "Two Birds, One Stone", "Double Down", "Home", "Sirhan Sirhan", "Admiral Moorer", "Fadel Shana", "Topsy-Turvy", "Dead Soul Family", "Admiral Moorer 2", "Nipple", "Blood of Mars", "Wait", "Cowards", "That Settles It", "Stop Right There!", "Blackout", "Turnaround", "The Pig-Weasel Axis", "Bat Out of Hell", "Tell Me Something Good" & "FIN".

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event.

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle: The Secret Story, Tatoo (31)

Today's code is "179th Day, Last Year".

Yes, clearly God's Space War has entered into a new phase.

Everything about it is hush-hush here at I.C. News, but every journalist has a sacred contract with the public that supercedes hush-hush, and since I am your only God's Space War journalist my philosophy is to tell you whatever I know as soon as I know it.

To tell you what I know today--or think I know today--I must make the assumption that the Israelis told the world the truth about what happened at the Ben Gurion airport when the president of France was being seen off--I mean Israel's version of the bizarre "suicide" incident.

You might ask, how can I believe Israel when I know Israel has been a liar all its life? Have I gone insane to think Israel would tell the truth?

The thing is, Dear Reader, the story Israel told is so implausible that it might be the truth, because Israel is a skilled and plausible liar and this is not the kind of lie Israel would tell.

It is like watching a conveyor belt of Israeli lies, lemon, lemon, lemon, lemon, orange, lemon, lemon...

Taking that into consideration, let's look at our Battle Map today. Let's see what's happening in God's attack on Israel and its drone ally, the United States of America--like when I was a boy in the early 40s and we Americans used to follow the maps of the battle lines of Europe published on the front page of the daily newspaper.

We have just experienced God's opening salvos on the two nations, Israel and its stooge ally, the USA.

The one on the USA was easily documented in advance, easily provable, that being the death of Tim Russert.

The one on Israel was the bizarre shooting incident at the airport departure ceremony for the president of France and his wife, less easily provable.

Most interesting to me in these first two salvos, is that the God's Space War attacks on the two countries seem to have two distinct personalities or styles, blunt object-like with the Americans, stiletto-like with the Israelis.

How like the two countries are the two attacks; and recall, this is Do Unto Others warfare.

The American attack was blunt and simple. I.C. News told you there would be a blackout and a famous person would die. There was a blackout in Washington Deceit in the morning and the death of the famous Tim Russert in Washington Deceit in the afternoon.

This is elementary school reading of God's Handwriting on the Wall of the News. To us older folks, this is Dick and Jane.

God's opening salvo on Israel was subtle and hardly noticeable, documented in advance only with my reference to the Little Miracle story I called, "The Crack in the Stone Heart of Jerusalem", and it disappeared from the news almost as soon as it happened.

Let's look at the Israel story. It is somewhat biblical; whereas the American story is somewhat Yellow Journalism.

Even addressing the Israel story is difficult because the story is so low on the radar of public knowledge, was so quickly buried and lost that the average person might know little or nothing about it...might even be unaware that the "suicide" incident took place.

Yet both were messages from God to the two countries, one within the American culture, one within the Israeli culture.

Let's look at God's message to Israel, and the message is only clear if the Israeli version of what happened at the airport is reasonably honest and reasonably correct.

In Israel's version, some distance, perhaps a hundred yards away from the farewell ceremony, an Israeli Border Guard stationed on the roof of a building, decided to shoot himself, and shot himself so that his body fell off the building and landed on the ground.

And here is the interesting part of Israel's story which, if true, proves the event was a God's Space War action.

Two female Israeli soldiers are said to have witnessed the event and fainted.

Think about the odds against two such simultaneous faintings taking place. This is an element to the story which is so preposterous and out of context that it likely would not have been included in an official Israeli lie about the event--unless such faintings would be culturally plausible in Israel--and I assume not.

Have you ever in your entire life, in your entire study of human history, heard of two women fainting at the same time except young teenage girls at something like a Beatles concert? Likely not, yet there they are, two women faint upon seeing the sight.

Consider, our fundamental code in God's True Armageddon is "Two Birds, One Stone", and here we have two women--two birds--being downed by one sight.

Considering my advance documentation of the "suicide" event, as murky as it might be, and considering the "Two Birds" factor, I would suggest another "suicide" scenario which might be closer to the Truth.

My suggestion is God intentionally caused the bizarre death of the Israeli Border Guard and the faintings of the two Israeli women soldiers as a very personalized message to the Israelis.

Unless the Israelis are, like American Jews, totally dictated to intellectually by psychiatry, I think it is plausible the Israelis got a glimpse of the reality of this Little Miracle, and that glimpse is causing the Truth of God's arrival on this Earth to dawn on them.

(And that Truth is that God's Armageddon is not at all what the Christians believe and what the Americans and the Israelis are attempting to counterfeit.)

You will find as we go along that a number of core beliefs within Christian theology are in error, or perhaps more kindly said, underestimate God.

One of those errors is their belief--held with murderous intent--that God's focus is on them and on the Jews; and the rest of the people of this world and of this world's history are the Hindmost which the Devil can take.

Believe me, if you believe that, you are worshiping God's Left Arm and not the Whole God.

As God's intervention into the course of human history continues you will see God talking to each culture from within its culture, and ultimately each individual from within the uniqueness of the individual.

Certainly you Christians and you Jews might understand that God will speak to the Chinese in Chinese, but it might be difficult for you Christians and you Jews to understand that the Concept of God speaking to the Chinese is not the Jewish or Christian concept of God, yet it is the same God.

God is God, Dear Reader, and I have come across no concept of God on this Earth which takes in the whole of God, yet most concepts of God claim to do that.

Tatoo, Part 31

The Americans and the Israelis should understand, God's Space Sailors do not like them.

To be Continued.

Meanwhile, the United States of America, unaware it was about to eat the fire Israel will serve up, passed through the 179th day of its last year.


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