Saturday, August 23, 2008

The $1,040 Billion Defeat

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

The bulletin news story I was expecting yesterday did not cross my desk. That doesn't necessarily mean it did not take place, only that is has not yet made the news.

For example, a bulletin-level decision might have been made but has not yet been announced; or a bulletin-level event might have taken place but has not yet broken through the news media's policy of blacking it out.

We put this one on the back burner.

I will tell you what I expected. I expected Barack Obama to grow a pair of balls. Didn't happen. Hope springs eternal.

On the back burner.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

We are entering a time frame now which presents the United States of America an opportunity to step out of its status of Idiot-Villain of History.

American holds this status because it is the tip of the human spear that kills this Earth by 2065.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

This election season is America's last chance--not the world's last chance, America's last chance--and as it stands today America is dropping the ball of that last chance.

Thus far all of the campaigning for the Presidency by all parties misses the Doom's Day point. What is American bland and shallow nitpicking now, chipping away at the dullard vote that tips the scales of elections, will be seen as horribly grotesque by 2020, when the human race knows it is a mere 25 years from extinction.

Understand, Obama and McCain and all the little party candidates--all but me--will be loathed by the people of 2020--loathed by all the people of the world including all the American people, because they pissed away humankind's last chance to save this Earth.

Leaders lead, but in the United States of America leaders are followers, following 1970 in a 2008 world.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

Obama's minister's sermon, McCain's house count, such things will be seen as fleas on the Lion of Folly which devours the human race, seen as totally missing the point, seen as masturbation on the wedding night.

Let's see if the Democrats pick up the ball at their convention next week. Fat chance; but Hope springs eternal.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.


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