The $1,054 Billion Defeat
"Whoop-ee-ti-o get along little doggies
"It's your misfortune and none of my own
"Whoop-ee-ti-o get along little doggies
"You know that Wyoming will be your new home"--Cisco Houston
An odd thing has happened, the American secret pig community--the intelligence community to you--has asked me to repeat an advance documentation demonstration I recorded last April and May in which a CIA officer was shot and killed by Houston police.
That is, I told the secret pig community via this work that God would kill one of theirs in response to an attempt of theirs to kill an innocent friend of mine; and God did, God killed one of those secret pig bastards, and the codes fit perfectly with what the American secret pigs had done in their attempt to kill my friend.
The CIA pig was killed on April 30, and you can find my review of my advance documentation in the May archives of this work, if you have the time and inclination to look.
It is interesting that now the government secret pigs are threatening the same friend. I don't know why, but I assume they want to see if the same demonstration can be repeated.
I don't know what America's secret pigs get out of their wickedness to innocent people. All my life I have found that government secret pigs enjoy that wickedness.
Perhaps it is just a birds of the same feather phenomenon, that people who are prone to inflicting suffering on innocent people and do not have the courage to be gangsters chose to be secret government pigs.
It is not just American secret government pigs, its government pigs in every country, every economic system.
But, I was telling you how the American government secret pigs have asked me to repeat my documentation of the strange police-administered death of a CIA agent before it took place in Houston on April 30.
Now, Dear Reader, I did not kill that secret CIA pig, the Houston Police Department killed him; and I did not manipulate the Houston Police Department to kill that secret CIA pig, God did.
All I did was document that glorious poetic justice in fine detail; all I did was document the Lord's vengeance before it took place.
So now, Dear Reader, as clearly as I can say it, I.C. News today begins the advance documentation of the violent death of an American government pig--at the request of the American secret government pig community.
We play the same hand we played once before, and with the same result.
"It's your misfortune and none of my own
"Whoop-ee-ti-o get along little doggies
"You know that Wyoming will be your new home"--Cisco Houston
An odd thing has happened, the American secret pig community--the intelligence community to you--has asked me to repeat an advance documentation demonstration I recorded last April and May in which a CIA officer was shot and killed by Houston police.
That is, I told the secret pig community via this work that God would kill one of theirs in response to an attempt of theirs to kill an innocent friend of mine; and God did, God killed one of those secret pig bastards, and the codes fit perfectly with what the American secret pigs had done in their attempt to kill my friend.
The CIA pig was killed on April 30, and you can find my review of my advance documentation in the May archives of this work, if you have the time and inclination to look.
It is interesting that now the government secret pigs are threatening the same friend. I don't know why, but I assume they want to see if the same demonstration can be repeated.
I don't know what America's secret pigs get out of their wickedness to innocent people. All my life I have found that government secret pigs enjoy that wickedness.
Perhaps it is just a birds of the same feather phenomenon, that people who are prone to inflicting suffering on innocent people and do not have the courage to be gangsters chose to be secret government pigs.
It is not just American secret government pigs, its government pigs in every country, every economic system.
But, I was telling you how the American government secret pigs have asked me to repeat my documentation of the strange police-administered death of a CIA agent before it took place in Houston on April 30.
Now, Dear Reader, I did not kill that secret CIA pig, the Houston Police Department killed him; and I did not manipulate the Houston Police Department to kill that secret CIA pig, God did.
All I did was document that glorious poetic justice in fine detail; all I did was document the Lord's vengeance before it took place.
So now, Dear Reader, as clearly as I can say it, I.C. News today begins the advance documentation of the violent death of an American government pig--at the request of the American secret government pig community.
We play the same hand we played once before, and with the same result.
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