Wednesday, September 21, 2005

A Dead Marine

I am documenting the death of God's Earth in less than 60 years.
As a small part of this work I have this year alone documented the great tsunami disaster in advance, the New Orleans disaster in advance, and the precise timing of the formation of hurricane Rita about two weeks in advance.
Currently I am documenting a huge disaster expected on the West Coast of the United States of America on or about October 6, about 16 days from today.
It is in this context I talk to you today about the death of one US Marine in the course of America's stupid and cowardly invasion of Iraq, and juxtapose that death with America's stupid and cowardly torture-enslavement of me and with the American deaths resulting from that torture-enslavement.
To preface this narrative I will note that is has been a favorite American abuse of me, since I became the only audible mental telepath in human history over 30 years ago, to torture me awake.
By this I mean Americans delight in disturbing their enslaved telepath's sleep with coughs and other noises, a torture which if done in great enough frequency is a clear form of wanton murder, leading to irregular heart beat which leads to death.
Yesterday I came across a short video tape on the Internet, a clip shot by Iraqi resistance fighters complete with an opening logo with background narration and very good background music.
The first scene in this video is of a white car being driven down a two-lane highway, just another car on a busy road.  This scene was shot, apparently, through the rear window of a car just ahead of the white car.
You can see the driver of the white car.  He is what Muslims call a martyr and what Americans call a suicide bomber.  He is knowingly and willingly driving to his own death.
The next scene is shot from a stationary position near the side of the highway and follows the white car as it moves along and then angles off the road where it smashes into a US Marine truck and explodes.
I only know one word in Arabic, that being Allah, God, and as the car begins its approach to the US Marine truck those making the video began to repeat a short prayer faster and faster, and continued saying the prayer after the explosion.
The third and final scene of the short video is a panning of the body of a dead Marine, lying on its back, arms stretched out to either side, legs spread slightly, face burned, one eye closed and the other just slightly open, open enough to see the dead eye inside.
Those readers who have read this work over a long period of time know I was a combat correspondent in Vietnam, and that I have faced the fire and taken my chances with Americans on the battlefield.
They know that while I loathe those American governments who needlessly and deceitfully put Americans on the battlefield I deeply love those Americans on the battlefield.
It is this American love for American military people that Republican American Fascism captured to serve its agenda when it invaded Iraq.  Once this government started throwing American soldiers down a rat hole America blindly followed.
So, I ran the video a few times, and I felt sad seeing that dead Marine..
A little while later I took my daily siesta.  I am 66 years old now, America's torture-slave for half my life, and siestas are part of my staying alive.
My neighbor, who loves to awaken me from sleep, did so with that loud and cowardly false-cough torture Americans love so much, and I had to wait for a while for my heart to regain its rhythm.
The name of the dead Marine was Private First Class Moises A. Langhorst of Moose Lake, Minnesota, the psycho-fascist American neighbor who tortured me awake lives in Atascadero, California.
I watched the video again after my heart regained its rhythm, and in the context of that neighbor's torture of me, as he does almost every day, I did not feel so sad about seeing that Marine lying there dead.
Of course I re-collected my empathy.  A Marine once died in a burst of shrapnel that missed me by fractions of a inch; I once helped to carry a wounded, screaming Marine to safety through machine-gun and mortar fire .  Such bonds of empathy are not easily broken.
It strikes me how similar America's fascist torture-enslavement of me is to America's stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq.  There is a mindlessness to it, there is a locked-in momentum to it, there are thousands of Americans dead to it, far more dead (so far) in America's war against telepathy than in America's war against Islam.
I have said before it is almost an accident of history that America is simultaneously at war today with me because of my relationship to God, and with Islam because of Islam's relationship to God.
"Almost" is the key word here, because God has a plan for America which America is too cowardly to look at.  That plan is to a large extent based on America's tendency to attack and enslave those it considers weak enough for conquest and enslavement, all the while praising itself to High Heaven.
God is going to smash Republican American Fascism; God is going to smash Democratic American Fascism, God is going to crash John Q. Public American fascism.  God is going to save God's Earth from the United States of America.


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