Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Boom, Boom Double Doom

As I approach my 67th birthday I note the changes taking place within me; for example, my romantic thoughts of Katie Couric are being replaced by romantic thoughts of Miss Piggy; but I suppose that is normal, and I only mention it to remind you I am a regular guy who happens to know this Earth is dying and the United States of America is currently undergoing utter, terrible defeat because of its role in that death.
In general, it is America's defeat I am talking about in this work these days.  I am pointing to the reasons for the defeat and the tactical errors that made it possible.
I am not sure if Americans have memories, I mean of world events not baby's first word, because disastrous American events tend to repeat themselves.
What I am saying here is America tends to make the same mistakes over and over and over and over again, and that is one of the tactical errors that has brought about America's great and terrible defeat.
During the Vietnam war, when I was a young woman-chasing journalist, I could almost always tell what America would do next, because the action was almost always preceded by a lie denying all intention to take that action.
When there were 14 Americans dead in Vietnam I told a friend there would be 10,000 Americans killed there, and he called me a Communist for saying such an unpatriotic thing.  Of course the total came close to 60,000, and that friend stayed home and made a lot of money, and later told me the war had not touched him at all.
(Vietnam had ripped America's gut open and left a hollow hole in its history where a generation should have been, but my friend was a young Republican on the fast track and that war had not touched him at all, but that's another story.)
When there were perhaps only 30,000 Americans dead (only!) I bet a fellow UPI employee a bottle of booze that the United States was preparing to bomb Hanoi.  He took the bet but when he lost he did not pay up.
In 1966 I told a flaming right wing State Department employee just exactly how the United States would lose the Vietnam war, and although I was precisely correct I lost my constitutional rights for saying it.
I think perhaps I am sometimes lacking in my choices of friends.
The point I am making here is that if I could anticipate America's every move in Vietnam, could not the famed Vietnamese general Vo Nguyen Giap do the same?  And while I was being punished for being patriotically incorrect, Giap was whipping America's ass.
The key to my knowledge was nothing more than being able to look at events patriotically uninvolved.  That allowed me to see truths patriotism-distorted intelligence officers could not see.  America would have been better off to listen what I was saying rather than punishing me for saying it.
Now let's move up in time from the Vietnam disaster to the Islam disaster, and let me show you how easy it is to anticipate American military actions.
Still, as then, American military actions are preceded by lies.  I do not know why the American political system insists on being a liar, but it does, and you and I have to live with that.
Even though just about everyone now knows that the stated reasons for George W. Bush's stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq was an avalanche of lies; somehow, now as George W. Bush is planning a stupid and fascist invasion of Iran, the assumption is the liar is telling the truth this time.
Many people die for one George W. Bush lie.
As this stupid and fascist invasion of Iran (most likely using nuclear weapons) begins to take shape we see some remarkable repetitions of the steps leading to the horrible Iraq error.
In my previous report I mentioned how Chaney's verbal attack Russia was a precursor to nuclear military action against Iran and North Korea.  In that context, you may recall that prior to the Iraq folly the Republican American Fascists were verbally attacking European nations who were reluctant, as was most of the world, to walk into that half-baked scheme.
Now let's look to an event scheduled for early June, and see how it compares to an event which took place just prior to George W. Bush's stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq.
Shortly before Bush delivered America unto shame and defeat in the Middle East the United States exploded in Florida what it said was the biggest non-nuclear bomb in the world, and that explosion was billed as a warning to Iraq of what America is capable of.
Early this June the United States is scheduled to explode in Nevada what it claims to be the biggest non-nuclear device in history, one that will be felt in Las Vegas 90 miles away and will send up a mushroom shaped cloud.
Perhaps you can see the historical echo in this, but with a more pronounced nuclear undertone befitting of the current military plans of Republican American Fascism.
There is another thing that happened before Bush's anti-greatness was revealed in Iraq, one that I am expecting to see repeated in some form because it so defined his sneakiness.
Bush had given a deadline of 48 hours on the impossible demand that the Boogie Man of Iraq leave his sovereign nation, but Bush sneak-attacked well before that time had run out.
I suggest to you sneaky George  was afraid his impossible demand would be met, afraid that the Boogie Man would in fact leave Iraq thus saving his country the pain of invasion and denying Bush that imitation of glory.
I further suggest that the explanation the time, that intelligence knew where the Boogie Man was and the premature attack was an attempt to kill him, was a lie.
So, I expect to see this happen:  If sneaky George makes a demand on Iran based on fulfillment within a certain span of time, he will attack Iran before that span of time has passed.
Bush wanted the Iraq war; that war was the brainchild of the cocaine he had sucked up his nose and the booze he had guzzled down his throat, and of the miserable education he somehow managed to get at Harvard.
That same coked and boozed mind and that same intellectual sub-awareness is about to destroy the world; and that brings us back to the reason the United States of America is being so utterly and totally defeated.


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