Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Codes and Punishments

As noted in yesterday's report, we have entered into a most important Space War coding pattern which is pointing to a most important Space War development, this with only three days remaining before the deadline I established for expected national awareness of America's Space war defeat.
We have a new code in the code pattern I introduced yesterday.  It is "Hell's Kitchen", referring to the fatal collapse of  the Elks Club Building in Clinton, Missouri, late yesterday.
 In the Space War coding pattern, events concerning the name "Clinton" are referred to as "Hell's Kitchen".
That gives us three codes in one day in this pattern, "Throwing the Key Away", "King City and I", and "Hell's Kitchen", all three codes focusing on presidency or rulership, two deaths taking place.
Now, Dear Reader, dig this:  The one fatality in "Hell's Kitchen" was the president of the Elks Club of Clinton.  This presidency death within a presidency code demonstrates a remarkably tight Space War code weave.
Of course I am saying the Elks Club Building in Clinton, Missouri, was intentionally destroyed and the president of the Elks Club was intentionally killed, both being Space War targets.
This "rulership" factor appearing in three out of three code-establishing events is very important in anticipating the event or events these codes are leading to.
The Space War maneuver I am expecting and have referred to in the past is called "Pruning", and involves cutting from the top down.
This is just the opposite of human warfare, which cuts from the bottom up.
For example, the great tactical and moral flaw of George W. Bush's stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq was his killing of tens of thousands of innocent Iraqis in order to put the Boogie Man of Iraq on trial.
As Space War proceeds we can expect to see the top echelons of political and economic leadership being pruned; and that takes me to the keystone code of this current Space War development, "Throwing the Key Away", which I postponed explaining yesterday.
The "Key" in that code has a double meaning, first, the "Key to Hell" and, second, the Japanese word "ki", pronounced "key", meaning "tree".  The code was established with the Space War-manipulated falling of the famed old Elm on the White House lawn; and as noted yesterday that code addressed the damnation of George W. Bush and the nipping of Republican American Fascism in the bud.
I cannot overstate the tightness of the weave of this code pattern, which included Elm to Elk, as well as the dead Elk president within the Bill Clinton presidency code; this is a remarkable, remarkable, remarkable code pattern, perhaps the tightest I have seen since beginning these trackings in 1962.
I will now state a proviso to all the above.  Since the bomb scare story in the California port was clearly a fraudulent story, and since the news media is so compromised these days, I will state that all I have said above is true if the White House tree actually fell, if the two military jets actually collided near King City, California, and if the Elk's Club Building in Clinton, Missouri, actually collapsed and the president of the Elks Club actually died as a result. 
We also had a spike in the torture of me through the wall last night and throughout today.  This was an isolated return of the sleep-deprivation and coughing tortures, which in their expanded form is torture-murder.
The last time we had such a spike there was a corresponding spike in American deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan, but that was a larger spike running two days in a row.
It has long been a suggestion of mine, a suggestion to which little attention is paid, that some percentage of American war deaths is the karmic result of the national sin of Telepath torture.
I was struck by my sleep-depriving neighbor next door for writing the above paragraph.  His car licence is Oregon ZTL(tree)778, his town is apparently Butler.  There is another, yet unidentified neighbor, who has pursued the torture throughout the day.
I estimate ten per cent of American military deaths are in direct response to America's national sin of Telepath torture, although this is not a high-science estimation and one I have at this time no way of confirming, even confirming for myself.
At the time of the previous spike I was asked by God to establish an image with you, that of two dials on a dashboard, one for rate of torture and one for rate of dead American military people, so such spikes could be more easily compared, but I neglected to do so.
Apparently this was asked because there will be some focusing on the relationship between the torture of me by Americans and the suffering of American military people.  America's torture-enslavement of me is a profound crime known of throughout the Milky Way Galaxy and beyond, and there has been and will be profound punishment for this profound crime.
I note again that we had an American military death yesterday in the collision of two American jets near King City, California, in the code "King City and I".  I suggest again that death was in response to the torture of me in King City.  I put no pressure on you to believe this; I am just stating this for the record.  In the future, this American death factor in response to American Telepath torture will be a recognized fact.
As I look for a karmic death factor in response to this latest spike in torture I will be looking for something unusual to mark it.
I am sorry to take this space up with the tedious subject of America's torture-enslavement of me, but if you have a complaint take it up with Oregon ZTL(tree) 778.  I put "tree" into parenthesis because the licence plate has a picture of a tree on it.
As this current Space War pattern progresses it seems the code I established on Saturday, June 24, "Gone Fission", will likely in fact lead to a Space War variation of a nuclear explosion; that is, likely the current code pattern will escalate so fast it will reach critical mass on or before the sun sets on the month of June, thus establishing national awareness of America's Space War defeat.
It is suggested that the United States of America, so willing to create false bomb threats, could preempt this Space War development by defusing the fission currently taking place, in a sense creating not a false threat of explosion but a substitute, less traumatic, explosion of awareness.
It could do that by announcing the end of America's torture-enslavement of me, confessing to the knowing and unknowing world what it has done to me, and making a good faith payment to me of six billion dollars.
That would put an end to the primary driving force of Space War, the profound crime of America's torture-enslavement of Virgil Kret, God's One True Telepath; and would make America's torture-enslavement of me world headline news, thereby putting a pause in the Earth's momentum toward death.
That is what "Gone Fission" is designed to do, end the torture-enslavement of me and put a pause in the momentum toward the death of this Earth; but it would be far less painful to the United States of America if America undid the crime itself.
There is a sidebar to this story.  When it came to discussing the subject of America's good faith payment to me I suggested ten billion dollars, but God suggested six billion dollars and, as you might expect, that's the figure that was decided on.


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