Thursday, July 20, 2006

Liars and Cryers and Pray-ers, Oh My!

I have been told the Jews are very angry at me, me the internationally known telepath, the only audible mental telepath in human history, God's One True Telepath, for saying the Jews might possibly, maybe, share just an itsy bitsy bit of responsibility for the welt of agony pressing Israel on three sides.
The Jews have led the attack on me since the day I became audibly telepathic some 35 years ago, yet they expect me to stroke their egos even after what I have seen in their hearts and even after I have felt the lashes of their whips on my back.  Perhaps the Jews should try looking into a mirror other than the mirror that tells them they are the fairest of them all.
That said, the Space War codes "Sudden Collapse" and "Sudden Collision" are  being  applied directly to Israel; and it is being strongly stated the ceiling will cave in on Israel.
These codes have proven to be exceptionally strong when applied to the United States.
I cannot overstate how important these codes are, because they speak to stopping the rush toward world war now underway.
I remind you, these are Space War codes, codes from God's war to save this Earth from being murdered by the human being; and they strongly indicate the intention of God is to break up the Tornado of War, the dynamic of constant war between Judaism, Christianity and Islam that will destroy this Earth if allowed to continue to spin.
You should see these codes in the context of the quake-tsunami-volcanic action going on around the world.  Those events warn of dire danger for all life on this Earth and dire danger to the very existence of this Earth except as flotsam and jetsam orbiting the Sun.
We have now three Space War codes applied to Israel in three days, "The Scraper", "Sudden Collapse" and "Sudden Collision", all three codes indicating God's intention to traumatically impact Israel.
Meanwhile, back at the slide into Hell on the razor's edge of stupidity which is George W. Bush, the Marines have landed in Lebanon; and we are waiting now, patiently, patiently, patiently waiting for the first Marine to die; at which point George W. Bush will take America into war against Lebanon.
Also back in the USA, the TV drumbeat for world war goes boom, boom,. boom-biddy boom.
Hmmm?  After over three decades of attempting to prove this Earth will be dead by 2065 and to further prove God is intervening against that horrible future, the Jews don't like me, the politicians don't like me, and the Christians don't like me; I must be doing something right.


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