Tuesday, August 08, 2006

You Have To Come In Through The Door

Our story suddenly moves back to Israel, back to Jerusalem, back to the little cul de sac just down from Jaffe Gate I have written about in the past, but perhaps too long ago to expect most readers to remember; and now the Little Miracle I experienced there seems to come into play; and now the codes concerning God's aborting Israel pop up again.
The underlying theme of this "Aborting Code" is that the Israelis are not right with God.  In my experience Jews do not care if they are right with God as long as they are right with Freud, as long as they have the right to be guilty without feeling guilty; but I do not know if this is what God is talking about.
Of course the underlying theme of the Space War attack on the United States of America, which I have documented so well and which I expect to impact like nuclear bullets on August 12-13 and August 19-20, is that the United States of America is not right with God.
In my experience, a common denominator of the USA and Israel is that both consider themselves to be kittens in God's basket, that they can do no wrong no matter how much wrong they do; and it is my understanding that the error in this egocentric delusion is what both are about to learn.
It has been my policy to leave the Aborting Code for the Israelis to become aware of and respond to. By this I mean I expect God to impact Israel in a most impressive way, in a way Israel will not like, but I felt this is between God and Israel because I am not a citizen of Israel.
What I am learning is the "way" God will impact Israel is concealed in the Little Miracle I experienced in the cul de sac in the wall of Old Jerusalem; and further that in fact I do have a voice in this because the Jews of America and of Israel have been so wicked to me since I became audibly telepathic.
I will describe that Little Miracle for you with the suggestion or even promise that you will soon see how that Little Miracle is repeated in God's correction, or abortion, of Israel, but on a grander scale. 
In addition, I have been asked by God to comment on Israel in broad terms.
In the broad sense, Israel just looks too much like Nazi Germany, particularly in its tradition of racism and violence toward its neighbors.  Lebanon is Israel's Poland; the Palestinians are Israel's Jews.
That said, let's look to the Aborting Code.
I have said in the past that the little cul de sac perhaps twenty yards from Jaffe Gate was my favorite place in Israel when I visited there in the early Seventies soon after I became audibly telepathic.
That visit to Israel was for me a purely spiritual visit.  God had given me the gift of audible mental telepathy, the only person in the history of the world to have been given that gift, and in that a context I was a Christian walking in the footsteps of Jesus seeking to understand what duties might come with that gift.
The Americans, apparently spearheaded by Jewish Americans, had immediately insisted at the price of life and liberty and psychiatric torture that I deny the existence of that gift.
That journey away from America was a time of great discovery, a time away from the brutal and perfidious treatment I had been undergoing, traveling from country to country, learning that I was broadly known, and staying ahead of the torture.
Through England, through France, through Italy, by sea to Greece and Cyprus and then to Haifa, I was known but not tortured, known but not tortured, known but not tortured; the last period in my life when I would be free of torture.  The torture would catch up with me in Israel, India, Thailand and Singapore, but for the time being I could talk to God without an American or an ally of America striking me for it.
I particularly liked the Old City of Jerusalem, as I generally like any city where history has unfolded and human feet have walked through history, and I was frequently experiencing little signs and little touches by God to help me along; but when I found the cul de sac by chance or by guidance I found a place of utter comfort and soft conversation with God.
I don't know why but the cul de sac was totally ignored by the people of Jerusalem, with overgrown plant life and, if I recall, one old tree, and no signs of frequent visitation.  I supposed its purpose in ancient times was to offer a false door to the city for invading forces, to which there was no exit and no advance, and death could be hurled down from the walls surrounding it almost completely.
For me it was a place of refuge, where I could barely hear the voices and sounds of people on the other side of the walls, and where I could sit and put together what I was learning, and consider God.
Now I will approach the Little Miracle that took place there, the Little Miracle which now comes into play.
I was sitting there one day on what I remember to have been a large stone, but it could have been a stone bench or a tree trunk, and my eyes were focused on stones of the great wall of Jerusalem not two feet away, great, huge stones that had withstood battle and weather over centuries uncounted, and I was asking God to tell me something; and right before my eyes one of those great stones cracked, and as it cracked there was a loud sound.
Now, fast forward ahead over some thirty years to these days, and these days I am tracking God's war on the forces of Satan as they exist on this Earth, my focus of course being on those aspects of Satan as represented by my own country, the United States of America; and as you know, Dear Reader, I am tracking in most remarkable terms God's defeat of the United States of America.
As I track America's Disaster I have been receiving quiet, reoccurring codes concerning God's abortion of Israel, but thinking it is not really my business I have let the codes cook on the back burner; stirring the pot now and then.
I will now tell you the metaphor of  God's attack  the Israel.
I suggest you see that cul de sac as the womb in which Israel grows.  I suggest God is saying Israel is not a nation of God, and that God will abort Israel with a loud sound and a crack in the stone room which is its womb.
Since this Abortion Code is apparently tied in with the Cougar Ace code which is scheduled to impact on the United States on August 19-20, I will be looking for its impact on Israel about that time, too, but I do not see this timing with the same certainty as I see the American Cougar Ace impact.
Remember, this is to be an act of God, not an act of man in the delusion of representing God's Will.


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