Wednesday, September 27, 2006

The $9 Billion Defeat

Today's code is, "Thou need na (not) start awa (away) sae (so) hasty," the third line of our battle map, Robert Burns' "Mouse" poem.

We are now midway into the first week of my eight-week documentation of God's punishment of the United States of America for its torture-enslavement of me, the only audible mental telepath in human history.

Yesterday I reported, "We now have two early target expectations, an ecological disaster and a sports disaster; we expect one or both of these before Sunday."

Today we have the story of a professional football player apparently attempting suicide. While this is not the sports disaster we are expecting, it does fit the metaphor of today's code, repeated here in modern English, "You need not start away so hasty", which indicates to the experienced Space War observer that we are right on schedule.

We also have a number of major fires going on in the American West, but they do not constitute the ecological disaster we are looking for.

Since this attack pattern has not firmed up at this time I will briefly review my advance documentation of another ecological disaster, the great tsunami, documented on the Internet in a ten-number countdown called "Bingo-Zero".

The importance of that advance documentation goes beyond the hundreds of thousands of lives lost because it points to literally billions of lives to be lost when this Earth's poles shift, expected within the next eight years.

I will give you a fraction of my evidence that points to that shifting of the poles. If you look at the date of the quake and tsunami, December 26, 2004, which involved a slight shifting of the poles, you will see that huge quakes occurred in the same area on the same date the next two years in a row.

If I could find a gambler foolish enough to take the bet, I would bet that another huge quake will occur in the same area on or about December 26, 2007.

Because I am expecting this story to break open soon, possibly even today, I will plan to file two reports today.

I think it is important to review, again, my outstanding "Timber" countdown recently completed. America's non-response to that most excellent work will result in the deaths of more Americans due to lack of understanding of what is happening.

This is what I reported yesterday and have distributed around the world and among a number of Wisconsin newspapers.

"My advance documentation of Australia's Steve Irwin's death was strengthened by my advance documentation Daniel Smith's death a few days later, and both were further strengthened by my advance documentation of the blocked school shooting in Green Bay, Wisconsin, and the whole package of that pattern, called the "Timber" countdown, was climaxed by my advance documentation of the coup in Thailand, a documentation established a full eleven days in advance of the event."

Anyone who has actively participated in America's torture-enslavement has committed suicide of the soul.


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