Monday, December 25, 2006

The $98 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws Five

Shark America Three ?

Today's codes are "You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet" and "California Will Lose an Arm and a Leg" as we approach the December 26 Asian earthquake I have documented many times this year.

The question we are asking today is do you think the people of California can take from God what they have dished out to me? The question is, will Californians survive their well-deserved return blows or not, because there is no doubt they will take those blows directly from the fist of God.

The code, California Will Lose an Arm and a Leg, comes in as I am tortured throughout the nights of Christmas Eve and Christmas Day; and after the "coincidence" of my having appealed to California's actor-governor Arnold Schwarzenegger for help, only to be ignored, shortly before Shwarzenegger broke his leg skiing.

As I have often told you, Coincidence is the Rocket' Red Glare of God's Space War.

Let's look to California's horrible fate in the context of tomorrow, December 26.

Several times this year I have recorded there will be a major earthquake along the fault line that goes from Iran to Indonesia on or about December 26, 2006.

The reasoning behind this long range advance documentation is that there have been major quakes along that fault line on that date for the last three years in a row, including the quake the caused the great tsunami.

(That quake and tsunami catastrophe was one of my best advance documentations. I counted down to it on the Internet for ten days before it took place.)

I have documented the quake expected tomorrow so well that a Republican American Fascist guest on Fox News alluded to my documentation; of course not giving me credit because theft is a fundamental aspect of Republican American Fascism.

Along with and connected to that December 26 quake pattern something else seems to be coming up, something very much like what Californians call The Big One.

Understand, we are documenting the death of this Earth here and saying the throes of Earth's death can be seen in her earthquake patterns.

No matter how good and clear my earthquake work is, it is very likely it will take the deaths of California, Oregon and Washington to attract considered examination of my hypothesis. This is because even if all of Indonesia were to die when I said it would America would continue torturing me, and torturing me, and torturing me, ignoring I had been right. This is because to the Americans, other peoples' lives are cheap.

That brings us to the potential death factor in tomorrow's expected quake. If people die because they have not been warned, and if they have not been warned because America so loves its torture-enslavement of me that it would not allow my warnings to reach them, America will suffer ten times the deaths in its next earthquake. Write it down; see if it doesn't turn out that way.

I am beginning to get the feeling we have entered into a new stage of God's Space War against the United States of America; and if we look we can see my oft-repeated statement that God will cut America off at the knees played out symbolically and warningly in the broken leg of Schwarzenegger and also the cancerous leg of the silly wife of the Republican American Fascist "president", George W. Bush.

For those following our two-sword metaphor of attack, I am advised by God that Schwarzenegger's skiing "accident" was the sword thrust the Japanese call "tsuki", straight through the neck at Adam's Apple level.


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