Monday, January 01, 2007

The $105 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws Eight

Shark America Four ?

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 120

And so, America was letting another American president go to Hell. And from January 2 on, fifty percent of all Americans who die would go to Hell.

It can be said the Americans so loved torturing God's One True Telepath that they leaped into Hell happier than a Nazi who had killed a million Jews.

And so, America entered into its worst of years, 2007; well, its worst until 2008.

And so, America piddled while God's Earth died; and rang up its damnation on God's Credit Card; America, had become God's most detested of nations.

And so, as Symbolic Fate would have it, America's death count in Iraq reached 3,000. Had the Telepath been a free man, free to speak, free to act, free to prevent the 9/11 attack, the count would be Zero; and America would be stronger and respected, not weaker and mistrusted for its nuclear fascism on the rise; but the American people tell me every day they would rather have dead soldiers, and armless soldiers,and legless soldiers, and blind soldiers, and paralyzed soldiers than give up the "right" to torture Virgil Kret.

Said again and clearly, as bad as it was on the New Year for United States of America in Iraq and the world, it would become far worse as 2007 unfolded, a tableau of disaster and death, the wages of sin, wages richly deserved.

It was not that God had turned God's back on the United States of America; worse, far worse; God had directed God's anger at the USA.

America, the torturer of God's son Virgil; America, the murderer of the God's planet Earth.

The first code of 2007 is "Turn Your Back On Satan-America". The code is directed at all the nations of the world, but since the United States of America has a policy of isolating me from the world, God will deliver this message to the world. The code means to isolate American from the community of nations, or go to Hell with America.


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