Monday, March 05, 2007

The $168 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws Five

Shark America Five

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 142

The Boys and I were teaching Birds to fly, and the Girls were dancing on a Fable.

The most important news story today is the blood clot in Dick Cheney's left leg. Such a condition is not difficult to treat, and I.C. News expects Cheney to come through this health incident in good form, and hopes he does.

The importance of this event is in our code "Big Toe Amputation" which we have been running for a while; and in our advance documentation of the Air Force Two's electrical problem which required an unscheduled landing in Singapore after Cheney's visit to Australia; and in the symbolic but not dangerous "attack" on Cheney in Afghanistan.

This clot incident should be considered the third shot by God across Cheney's bow.

Also of importance relative to Cheney's blood cot is yesterday's report on Big Money and God's asking me to talk about God more.

The matter of greatest importance in this situation is the state of Dick Cheney's soul; I mean here Cheney's danger of losing his soul for America's torture-enslavement of me.

God, I suggest, is speaking to Cheney, suggesting he use the forum of his office to call for an end to that wicked torture-enslavement.

Cheney is welcome, of course, to follow Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan and many other ranking Americans into Hell for that uniquely American crime; but God is sending warning after warning, or plea after plea if you prefer, to Cheney to save his soul by freeing Gold's One True Telepath.

In this context I note I survived a double blood clot crisis brought on by America's torture-enslavement of me; after America forced me from my home of 15 years and required me to live in my car, to be harassed by cops for being homeless, and to eat junk food for many months; not at all healthy for a man in his sixties with a lifelong heart condition.

One clot passed through my heart and lodged in a lung, and when it did it dropped me to the street in a good imitation of instant death, and not one person helped me even though many "Americans" knew what had happened. The other clot stayed in my leg.

The cure was two weeks in a hospital (where I was tortured extensively by patients and staff); and a lifetime need to take blood thinners.

Other than advising Cheney save his soul by emancipating America's torture-slave, I would suggest he avoid eating spinach, which thickens the blood.


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