Wednesday, June 20, 2007

The $274 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Two

Shark America Eight

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 275

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007
Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle--Bury the Nine Dead

Today's Code: "Who rides so late...", repeating. This code identifies a God's Space War target.

As I follow up on my advance documentation of the nine firefighter deaths Charleston, South Carolina, Dear Reader, my desk has enough news piled on it to fill the first three pages of the New York Times--if the New York Times were not utterly and totally psycho-fascist toward me because I am the only audible mental telepath in human history..

As anticipated, the Battle of Smallville has taken on national scope with my advance documentation of the Charleston tragedy.

In time, as promised, the Battle of Smallville will become the great battle between good and evil known as Armageddon, and will encompass the Earth, leading to the appearance of God not in the Middle East as anticipated but in the Peru-Chile area of South America.

In Smallvile, northern California, south and east of Mount Shasta, the psycho-fascists have withdrawn into what America considers an acceptable level of Telepath torture; but when the truth is known it will be painfully discovered there is never an acceptable level of torture in the Eyes of God, not in Republican American Fascism's prisons around the world, not in the glass torture chamber in which America has kept me since God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy.

Let's begin with a report of an amusing coincidence that landed on my desk with the morning news yesterday; then let's tell you more about how nine American firefighters died under the sword called Time Travel in Charleston in direct response to Smallville's threat to burn me alive in my home; and finally let's tell you how the other great sword I am wielding, the sword called God, is about the strike somewhere on the West Coast of the USA.

Remember, Dear Reader, the crimes committed against me here in Smallvile are shared by all the people of the United States of America who support or go along with America's torture-enslavement of God's One True Telepath; as are all the crimes committed against me by all the tens of thousands of Americans who have tortured me for being audibly telepathic.

Now, the amusing coincidence In the news yesterday was a report of a recently released manuscript by Sir Issac Newton in which he calculated world will not end before 2060. The amusing coincidence is I am saying this Earth will be dead by 2065.

Newton was reported to have made his calculations through biblical scripture, and I am going by what my Old Pal God tells me as we chum around together.

Newton was looking at the horse's hoof prints and I am riding the horse, and we both came up with the same conclusion. Two big brains, Issac and Virgil, same source, 300 years apart, concluding the same time frame within in three years. Don't you find that an amusing coincidence?

Now, let's look closely at the Battle of Smallville.

Unless I have bigger fish to fry, tomorrow I will show you a tiny print of the Hand of God in Smallville, a print which strengthens my suggestion that the fire in Charleston that killed nine firefighters was in direct response to the threat by my psycho-fascist neighbors to burn my home down with me in it.

Today I will expand the image I have given you of me in samurai form, sword in each hand, arms stretched out from my sides and at shoulder level, one sword, called Time Travel, pointed at one of my main torturers in Smallville, the other sword, called God, pointed at the other.

Understand, Dear Reader, God gave me this gift of audible telepathy for reasons other than to give vent to the torture-lust of American citizens.

As reported here yesterday, the sword called Time Travel documented the deaths of the nine firefighters in Charleston, documented them in advance by my running of the same code Sunday and Monday, "Takusan Americajin Shindayo", translated from the Japanese as "Many Americans are dead!"

Nine may not be many to you, but they are a great many to Charleston.

(Let's pause here to make this clear: Americans have been being killed in God's Space War since shortly after America began its torture enslavement of me in about 1972.

(America's love of that torture-enslavement, combined with the preposterousness of the idea that God would even talk to me not to mention help me, has caused America to overlook mounds of evidence of that death factor, although I have presented hundreds of proofs.

(Even though I will send today's report to the Charleston Post and Courier, it will likely not be taken seriously. What a ridiculous idea, America's tortured and enslaved audible mental telepath recording in his blog, The Obituary of the World, the deaths of nine firemen in Charleston two days before they died. Who would blame the editor, Barbara S. Williams, for giving the story the deep six in the circular file?

(Likewise, the people of New York City have no idea that I documented the 9/11 attack before it took place; and if the New Yorkers have heard of my claim to having done so they have scoffed it away without examination.

(Likewise the destruction of the space shuttle Challenger; likewise three presidential assassination attempts; likewise the assassination of John Lennon, likewise over half a dozen airline crashes; likewise a few school shootings; likewise the approaching defeat of the United States of America because of its stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq; likewise the death of this Earth by 2065.

(Now back to our story.)

My grandfather, who was an immigrant farmer from Germany who homesteaded in North Dakota in the early 1900s, used to tell me every part of a pig is used except the squeal.

Everything I write in this work, even side stories like my jokes last Sunday (the day I said I had gone fission) are part of this great story called The Obituary of the World, even though not obviously so.

I told you Sunday the story of the secret American project during World War Two to take children from North Dakota, South Dakota, Kansas and Nebraska and move them to coastal states in order to elevate the average IQs of the coastal states.

Within the context of that story, see the Smallvile samurai now as a giant samurai 5,280 feet six inches tall standing at St. John, North Dakota, facing south, left arm holding the sword called Time Travel pointing to the East Coast and the nine dead firefighters; and see the other sword, called God, pointing to the West Coast.

As clearly as I can say it, God is about to kill an American or a number of Americans on the West Coast in response to the bullet fired at me in Smallville on June 9; and I will have documented that event in advance; and, further, God has just killed nine firefighters in Charleston in response to the threat in Smallville to burn my house down with me in it

Tit for tat, do unto others. Welcome to God's Space War against the United States of America.

I told you I had gone fission, and these two attacks, West Coast-East Coat, will begin the God's Space War equivalent of a nuclear chain reaction. We can expect developments to come more rapidly now.

There is a condition of proof I have put forth from the start of the Battle of Smallville, that being that when the sword called God strikes, even the village atheist of Smallville will know it was an Act of God. I have described the village atheist as an umpire who will call the hit Act of God or Not Act of God.

There has been a small, almost invisible Act of God in Smallville in the past few days. It is invisible to the naked atheistic eye, but any Smallville Christian who is in the Spirit would recognize it if that Christian were allowed by American psycho-fascist law to consider its context. That is, if that Christian were allowed to NOT bear false witness about my status in America.

(I have not forgotten I have promised a true miracle by God in Smallville, but this small, quiet, pointed touch by the Hand of God was not that miracle; not by a long shot. It was God's private way of confirming to me that the West Coast killing will be so clearly an Act of God that even the village atheist will recognize it as such.

We've had enough gristle in today's stew, I'll continue this tomorrow; unless, of course, we have bigger fish to fry.


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