Sunday, April 13, 2008

Tatoo, Part 1

The $611 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Zero Down

Shark America Ten Up

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 184

Virgil's Cell Phone Number: (530) 276-4923

Expect a Profound Act of God Against Israel & USA on June 7, 2008

Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2008

George W. Bush Will Destroy the World

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle: The Secret Story, Tatoo (1)

Today's code is "104th Day, Last Year".

Though you have whipped and flayed me, by the Living God who made me, I am a better man than you, American. (With apologies to Rudyard Kipling.)

Now, Dear Reader let us proceed with God's defeat of the United States of America.

The weaknesses of America which we shall see God target are these:

First, America lies to itself and believes its own lies. This alone is tantamount to national suicide.

Second, America does great evil but cannot see the evil it does. Evil is a force than brings on counter-force. This is a Law of Nature.

Third, the American government always lies to the American people,

When I say "government" here I include the news media, which while it may nitpick at the government from the middle and right it is always united with the government against the people. Indeed, when the news media calls itself "The Fourth Estate" it includes itself with the three constitutionally established checks and balances of the government, Executive, Legislative, and Judicial.

Each of these three weaknesses alone is a fatal flaw, combined they are nuclear chain reaction of disaster.

Probably the most universal American disagreement with what I have said above is my applying the word "evil" to the actions of the United States of America; but that is just my point, America cannot see the evil it does, just as a dragon cannot smell its own dragon-breath.

I would say that even among Americans who opposed George W. Bush's stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq at the outset. as well as among those who came to oppose it when the stupidity of it began to pile up American dead and maimed, few would call the escapade evil.

The rape victim sees the evil in the rapist; the rapist does not.

For the United States to have removed the Boogie Man of Iraq and hanged him, maybe...maybe...maybe (and that's a mighty big maybe) it would not have committed an evil act, but only if that faux-justice had been accomplished without killing or harming one innocent Iraqi.

(And it could have done it that way.)

In the opening barrage of America's effeminate imitation of Hitler's Blitzkrieg, which America grandiosely called "Shock and Awe", the first so-called "smart bomb" that killed an innocent person or destroyed an innocent business stamped EVIL indelibly on the entire misadventure.

You most likely don't see it that way, but that, again, is exactly my point. You Americans give yourself the right to murder innocent people and to still think of yourselves as the Virgin Mary of nations.

And certainly, the warmonger hipsters among you will cry "political expediency" and "collateral damage"; and point to the hanged body of the Boogie Man with pride of accomplishment; will say the first Iraqi child you burned alive was just spittle on the hot stove of political reality, as was every innocent Iraqi you killed before and after.

No, no, no, the death of that child unleashed the anger of God on you; but you do not know that yet...yet...yet. You don't know God is helping the Muslims.

The question, as those three utterly unqualified politicians. Clinton, McCain and Obama, vie for the unqualified George W, Bush's usurped chair in the Oval Office, is not how long America should keep its dick in the rape victim; the question is how does America face up to its crime?

(Now its "bomb, bomb, bomb Iran"; America would be wise to heed Jesus' injunction, "Sin no more".)

In that regard, there is no deserving or discerning person running for President of the United States of America today--except myself, of course, and I don't have two constitutional rights to rub together.

But, and this is the big butt that is going to poop atomic poop all over the United States of America, this battle we are entering, this great attack by God on the United States of America, is focused on one particular American evil, that being America's torture-enslavement of God's One True Telepath, me, Virgil Kret.

Sure, God is going to make war on you Americans for your many other evils, too; but that one evil of Telepath torture-enslavement is so self-evidently evil, with no argument of geo-political necessity; an evil so agreed upon by the entire political liberal-conservative, rich-poor, male-female spectrum of America (except the Blacks) that it will be used as God's first demonstration of power over evil.

(Watch as God gives the Blacks a pass on this one; watch as America tries to hide behind the Blacks; and watch how God demonstrates that God is not stupid.)

Now let's turn to our fourth story in our series of stories that make up The Secret Story.

We call this fourth story Tatoo, and we have off and on promised this story will prove the Japanese myth of their creation to be true, allowing for metaphor and dim memory of the wonderfulness of the event.

That myth says the Japanese were placed on the islands now called Japan by the Sun Goddess, Amaterasu, in approximately 660 BC.

While the writing of this story is pretty much out of my control, my Sweet Muse taking over and whispering the story in my ear (I each day not knowing what Sweet Muse will whisper) it seems very likely my Sweet Muse's proof of this myth will involve some very interesting tangent "UFO" activity.

That is, I think we can expect to see "UFO" activity that relates directly to this story as I type it extemporaneously every day.

This is because it is the theme of this story that the tribe of people who became the Japanese was in fact rescued by God's Space Sailors from certain extinction in North Africa, and taken aboard the great space vessel, called Peacemaker in these stories, and called at that time, for that tribe, Heaven's Terrace, and deposited at the landmark in Japan now known as Ama-no-Hashidate, the Bridge to Heaven.

Today we pickup the story of Tatoo some four thousand years before we met her as Goldfish in The Not-Forgetting Society and Retreat, after she and her five shipmates were murdered by Chinese villagers when they set down on Earth in an attempt to rescue the marooned Chawon, his incarnation being the protagonist, Tea, in our first three stories.

The following narrative was dictated to me by my Sweet Muse about one week ago. Once in a while I attempted to edit it for clarity's sake, and Sweet Muse slapped my hands for my meddling.

Tatoo, Part 1

It was ironic that the Japanese killed Goldfish-Tatoo, because she was, in a sense, Amaterasu, the Sun Goddess, who delivered the Japanese race to Japan in about 660 BC.

That came about 14 thousand years after her soul and the souls of her five shipmates were marooned when they set down in China to rescue the soul of Chawon, then living the life of Teacher Liao in the village of Shiao Ping in the huge nation called the Central Kingdom.

It was an arduous situation for those Six Souls, as we Space Sailors came to call them, tossed about the sea of humanity, strangers, always strangers; strangers in the Land of the Living, strangers in the Land of the Dead.

And when Tatoo and the five others, Margaret, Agnes, Jacob, Homer and Effendi, found themselves in the Land of the Dead it was as if their Purple Souls were as beacons to the dead, and the dead rushed upon them, and fought over them, like insane children over purple candy in a gold-colored candy world.

The Land of the Dead was a wild place then, not at all as it is now. It was like a constant storm upon a distant planet we see through elongated eyes and marvel that it goes on and on over centuries and wonder at its violence and power.

This is to say the Six Souls were rapidly separated, each grabbed up and claimed by separate roving mobs of the dead, and like feathers in a whirlwind they quickly lost sight of one another; and like each,Tatoo was alone, a dead stranger in a strange Land of the Dead, not once having known death in her millions of years of Beautiful Life.

As it was to happen, Tatoo's soul was swept up in a Wind of Souls and deposited deep into the Asian mainland, where she after much darkness, confusion and turmoil, found herself in the womb of a woman in what would now be deep western China, a few hundred miles north of what would now be the northern border of the nation we Space Sailors call Heart, and you call India.

There she lived and died, lived and died, lived and died, and grew accustomed to her Fate, and always knew something was amiss, always knew she knew something she did not know.

About 15 hundred years before the birth of Timemarker she heard the story among the rumors within the Land of the Dead of the fabled visit of the Purple Fish Goddess to the Dogon People of the Ear of the Skull; and that rumor clicked in her understanding as some familiar truth, something having to do with her history and her destiny, and she remembered it, she remembered it when she crossed the River of Forgetting and was born yet another time in deep western China.

Tatoo was a powerful soul, and from the moment she could talk in her first life after her revelation in the Land of the Dead she began to talk of finding the Ear of the Skull, though how she knew about it she could never quite say, and by the time she was a teenager in that life in 1,500 BC, she had amassed a clan of people who believed in her and believed in her dream, her mysterious dream, and that clan began a slow migration west, gradually leaving behind them the Yellows, gradually passing through the Browns, making their way past even the ferocious Whites, and reached the Mediterranean Sea, where on the shores of what is now called Lebanon, then a tree-filled paradise, there was great anxiousness among her little clan, wanting to end the search for the Ear. and stay there and bathe in the coolness and warmth of that sunny land.

Tatoo knew, however, and not knowing she knew because she had seen this place from space centuries before, that Lebanon was on the road of conquest where the Browns and the Whites constantly fought for the warmth and the green, and she knew, not knowing how she knew, that the Ear of the Skull was tantalizingly close to the south, and she led her people there.

When they reached Egypt they were amazed at the industry and engineering they found, and the Egyptians were amazed at them, never having seen Yellows and only having heard whispers of rumors about them, and they were allowed to remain in Egypt, as had been the Israelites and others who had been drawn there for the steady employment of monument building.

While Tatoo's clan had finally found a home in Egypt and there was no desire among its members to move on (but Pharaoh's beer is good, and food is plenty, and we are weary of the wandering) Tatoo continued to know things she did not know how she knew.

Tatoo knew, for example, that the Pyramids were a signal to outer space, and deeper within her she knew they was Chawon's work, Chawon's exercising of his Mandate of Manipulation, but while she knew these things she did not know these things, she only knew her knowledge as Inspiration.

The Mystery of Inspiration, the saving grace of the human being, the scientist who sees the structure of the atom in a dream, the religious leader who knows the Promised Land is just over that mountain, the deaf man who hears the music he is to write...the Mystery of Inspiration, what a beautiful mystery it is.

(To Be Continued)

Meanwhile, the United States of America, unaware that it was about to eat the fire, passed through the 104th day of its last year.


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