Sunday, April 27, 2008

Tatoo, Part 8

The $625 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Six Down

Shark America Four Up

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 235 (Rate Increasing Slowly. A 5.8 in Mexico, 3.8 in Central California.)

Virgil's Cell Phone Number: (530) 276-4923

Expect a Profound Act of God Against Israel & USA on June 7, 2008

Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2008

George W. Bush Will Destroy the World

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle: The Secret Story, Tatoo (8)

Today's code is "118th Day, Last Year".

Movement is strong.

When the Battle of Smallville began about a year ago the solid, underlying code was "Two Birds, One Stone".

Now it seems certain the two birds are the USA and Israel; and the great question here at I.C. News is, what stone God will throw?

We have a new code on that today, "Tales of Two Cities", It does not seem likely it will relate to Charles Dickens' "A Tale of Two Cities", but we will have to see how the code plays out. In Dickens' book the two cities were London and Paris; the guess here at I.C. News is this code refers to Jerusalem and Washington Deceit.

This seems a good day to take stock; to look around; to see how the great battle of Armageddon is going, particularly God's attack on the United States of America and Israel.

They are so much alike, those two, praising themselves to High Heaven and passing out pain, misery and death as if God has given them license to be satanic.

The Great Poker Dealer in the Sky has just dealt me two Aces, one face up and the other face down.

The Ace up is a Diamond Ace, my exquisite advance documentation of Israel's premeditated murder of Reuters' Palestinian cameraman Fadel Shana.

Consider that accomplishment, if your masters in Washington Deceit allow you to consider my work; and consider my potential for forecasting other future events if I can forecast such an event so fully.

Had you Americans not been having so much fun sodomizing my life, for example, the 9/11 attack would not have taken place; and all the losses you Americans have taken would not have taken place; and you would not have become as Satan world-wide.

(And space-wide, on unknown planets orbiting unseen stars,)

Hell patiently awaits you all.

You have lost your Earth; it will explode before today's babies are old; and your immortal souls will be drifting in endless frigid-boiling space among the frozen clods and frozen seas that once were Earth; and there is not one God's Space Sailor in the Gala Sea who will give a damn.

And God? And God? God was the first to know what you are.

To God's Space Sailors, Dear Reader, there are no good Americans.

The Ace down in this Great Poker Game was one of God's great white sharks biting the legs off one of Satan's own Americans. itself a continuation of the old and powerful Two Birds, One Stone code.

This is a hole card, don't ask me to tell you what it is.

(That would spoil the surprise,)

The feeling of this old and experienced veteran of God's Space War is that somehow God is going to take out the Americans and the Israelis in a quick and sudden attack along the lines of the shark taking off the man's legs.

In our tracking of the Earth-exploding earthquake pattern, the major quake of 7.0 or above I.C. News has been expecting has not yet taken place, although this Earth is tense in the waiting for it; and even American scientists are warning of a major quake in Nevada. There was a 5.6 in Mexico today, that's getting close to 7.0.

Such a warning from seismic community is very rare; and it is interesting that we and they have a meshing of our intelligence on this expected quake, as we had with other intelligence services just before 9/11.

I.C. News' theory on an emerging new "Crack in the Egg" between Australia and South America was further strengthened by a 4.6 approximately half way between the two. Indeed, a crack at that general latitude seems to be forming all around the world.

I remain America's torture-slave, my status for some 35 years, a status which has cost America untold thousands of lives and untold billions of dollars, and ultimately will lead to the doom of the United States of America.

So evil the act. So typically evil the act. So American, the evil act.

The California-based attack on me encoded earlier as "Jibun No Uchi Kara Kuru" is still poised; but these are cowards on the attack and they want to be sure their pet bully, the State of California, will join in; so I will not yet translate the code for you.

I am old now, half my lifetime stolen as America's torture-slave, but I walk at least four miles almost every day, and the vast majority of the Americans in this small community in the foothills of the Sierras seem more prone to save their souls through kindness and hospitality than to lose them through America's socialized psycho-sodomy of me.

As is generally the case these past ten years or so, teenage boys seem to be more prone to torture than adults; unfortunate for them because they are damned as adults. Perhaps all the good boys have been aborted.

The death of this Earth is still projected for about December 26, 2065, a projection which has held constant now for thousands of years, a projection that was made when the first Cain murdered the first Able.

One purpose of my advance documentation of Israel's murder of Palestinian newsman Fadel Shana is to demonstrate that if I.C. News can anticipate Israeli treachery to such a fine degree, I.C. News can project Israel's murder of all Human Hope just as finely.

America and Israel, two sons of Satan out on a murder spree.

Now let's take a look and see how Muse continues her story today,

As the Story of Tatoo left off yesterday, God's Space Sailors were playing The Teaching Game with Tatoo and her clan from far western China and now lost in the desert of northern Africa; first taught with lights in the sky and sub-audible telepathy--the need be to awaken them to the reality of God's Space Sailors without that awakening driving them totally insane has been the cautioning factor.

The latest plateau in The Learning Game had been reached with God's Space Sailors bringing to them water from Kilimanjaro in three large Chinese ceramic jars salvaged from a Chinese merchant ship wrecked on the east coast of Africa.

So, there Tatoo and her clan stood looking at the jars when they found them just outside their camp in the morning, stunned; then beginning to understand (all of them individually and separately) that something holy might just have taken place.

This was good, because it was the concept of holiness we wanted to introduce to their intellects.

Once we had their attention we could begin speaking to them in pure telepahy, uncluttered by words. We didn't have to tell them we were friendly, they knew.

The problem now became how to take them aboard out Great Ship, Peacemaker, in orbit on the other side of the sun, and what to do with them when we did; for we could not abandon them and they could not crew with us--with the exception of Tatoo, she was one of us, but we were yet but snowflakes in her melted memory.

After they had drunk their fill of the delicious and cold snow water we had brought them from the high streams of Kilimanjaro; and they having not yet seen any manifestation of us except the appearance of the Chinese water jars, we spoke to them in pure telepathy saying, "Save the water in your containers and leave the jars behind,"

They did that. They knowingly followed an instruction made through wordless telepathy. This told us they would soon be ready to be taken aboard; but there were many more miles for them yet to walk as we taught them through The Teaching Game.

No, they could never had walked to the place you call Timbuktu and we Space Sailors call Time Back Two, unless we wanted to baby-sit them all the way, and what good would it do to do that, they would be Chinese babies when they arrived at the biggest city in the middle of nowhere, helpless and peculiar.

No, we were about to take them aboard the greatest Gala Sea Vessel ever built, Peacemaker, with a crew of thousands and able to stay at sea indefinitely.

Understand, were we not careful they could be struck into dribbling awe upon first sight of Peacemaker, built as if of glass and wriggling through space like a swimming minnow of mystery.

Peacemaker was temporarily being called "Heaven's Terrace" in honor of this event, and that is the name those western Chinese were taught, and perhaps their first lesson in Space Sailor speech; and their first lesson in Japanese.

(For those Japanese Readers who are interested in Time Travel from about 700 BC to about now, Heaven's Terrace, strictly speaking, was Amaterasu, the Japanese name for the Sun Goddess, the Ama being Heaven in Space Sailor lingo as well as in Japanese, and "Terrace" being a Time Projection of an English language word that would enter the Japanese language some 3,000 years later.)

How to get these western Chinese aboard Peacemaker, big as a large city, and visible as naught but blinking lights in the night sky, then only if it wanted to be visible, without them being stunned by the scope of the vessel. That was the great problem we faced.

We thought about this, and we directed The Teaching Game to teaching them something of our language and our ways before the first appearance of Amaterasu.

(To Be Continued)

Meanwhile, the United States of America, unaware that it was about to eat the fire, passed through the 118th day of its last year.


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