Tatoo, Part 7 (Stopped 2)
The $622 Billion Defeat
Jews Jaws Nine Down
Shark America One Up
Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 221-235 (Sudden Drop Seems to Stop)
Virgil's Cell Phone Number: (530) 276-4923
Expect a Profound Act of God Against Israel & USA on June 7, 2008
Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2008
George W. Bush Will Destroy the World
Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event
Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle: The Secret Story, Tatoo (7) Stopped 2
Today's code is "115th Day, Last Year".
It is very interesting to me that none of the media-covered candidates for the Presidency of the United States of America are talking of the looming food famine now well on its way to overtaking the human race.
All three of the candidates covered by the media are running neck and neck on the track the Republican American Fascists put them on; and though it is a close race and an interesting dog and pony show they are running on the wrong track.
The issue is not how to and how much to bomb Iran--that friendly nation that would be a help to the world if George W. Bush didn't need artificially created enemies to sic the American people and media on--the issue is how do we save the human species from extinction.
The Republican American Fascist plan is to kill off as many impoverished people as possible, and save the planet for the rich.
Neither Obama nor Clinton nor McCain dare to nor want to approach that subject; but unless that subject is approached the human being, including the richest of the rich, will be extinct by 2045.
(The richest of the rich know the poor and the middle and the pretty rich will become extinct; and they are doing all they can to help that extinction along; but they do not know they will go, too. Rather, they think they shall inherit this Earth and live in the Paradise of the Rich; with no pesky poor people to bother them.)
As my friend and teacher, Jesus, suggested, now I turn my back on Satan as manifested in American politics and look to the great neutral disaster, the death of this Earth on or about December 26, 2064,; and to the earthquake pattern that delivers that death.
After having built up to about 350, the seven-day earthquake count has just fallen rapidly to 221 or lower in about 48 hours, and risen back up to 235 at deadline time.
In I.C. News' two-year earthquake observation, this is unprecedented. Never has the frequency reached that high, and never has it fallen so far so rapidly.
We watch this like a sailor watches a falling barometer, and as to the sailor the falling barometer indicates violent storm approaching, to I.C. News the falling seven-day earthquake count indicates a violent earthquake on the way.
We saw an interesting 5.5 in the area east of Australia where we have been watching what seems to be serious earthquake activity; and a 5.6 in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge area west of Africa, where we do not recall having seen a quake in the course of this journalistic, unscientific study.
However, we are looking for a 7-plus quake or larger; so we continue to watch and wait, wondering if our theory that rapid drops in numbers of quakes lead to major quakes will play out again, as it has repeatedly played out over the two years we have been following earthquake patterns.
Returning to our story of Tatoo and how she and her clan of western Chinese are rescued from certain death in the northern African desert by God's Space Sailor's:
The clan, we know, will eventually be deposited at the Bridge to Heaven on the island of Honshu, Japan, to become the foundation of the Japanese race. That is the promise of the story.
However, my Sweet Muse has again stopped telling this story. The last time she stopped, during Part 4, that stop was part of I.C. News' remarkable, beautiful, intricate and detailed advance documentation if Israel's premeditated murder of Fadel Shana, Reuter's well known and respected Palestinian cameraman.
That America continues its torture-enslavement of me after such a remarkable advance documentation seems to contribute to Sweet Muse's explosive fury at the USA.
Also, Muse wants me to write this story in Japan for the Japanese, since it is their story and proof of the metaphorical accuracy of their myth of their creation.
Just guessing, likely she is going to save me from the heartless North Americans just as the first Japanese were saved from the heartless desert of northern Africa.
So, she seems intent on doing some harsh things to the United States of America; or presenting a remarkable demonstration of extraterrestrial visitation.
In the mean time I will continue to listen for her telling me Part 7 of Tatoo, and pass it on to you if she tells me.
Tatoo, Part 7 (Stopped 2)
(To Be Continued)
Meanwhile, the United States of America, unaware that it was about to eat the fire, passed through the 115th day of its last year
Jews Jaws Nine Down
Shark America One Up
Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 221-235 (Sudden Drop Seems to Stop)
Virgil's Cell Phone Number: (530) 276-4923
Expect a Profound Act of God Against Israel & USA on June 7, 2008
Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2008
George W. Bush Will Destroy the World
Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event
Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle: The Secret Story, Tatoo (7) Stopped 2
Today's code is "115th Day, Last Year".
It is very interesting to me that none of the media-covered candidates for the Presidency of the United States of America are talking of the looming food famine now well on its way to overtaking the human race.
All three of the candidates covered by the media are running neck and neck on the track the Republican American Fascists put them on; and though it is a close race and an interesting dog and pony show they are running on the wrong track.
The issue is not how to and how much to bomb Iran--that friendly nation that would be a help to the world if George W. Bush didn't need artificially created enemies to sic the American people and media on--the issue is how do we save the human species from extinction.
The Republican American Fascist plan is to kill off as many impoverished people as possible, and save the planet for the rich.
Neither Obama nor Clinton nor McCain dare to nor want to approach that subject; but unless that subject is approached the human being, including the richest of the rich, will be extinct by 2045.
(The richest of the rich know the poor and the middle and the pretty rich will become extinct; and they are doing all they can to help that extinction along; but they do not know they will go, too. Rather, they think they shall inherit this Earth and live in the Paradise of the Rich; with no pesky poor people to bother them.)
As my friend and teacher, Jesus, suggested, now I turn my back on Satan as manifested in American politics and look to the great neutral disaster, the death of this Earth on or about December 26, 2064,; and to the earthquake pattern that delivers that death.
After having built up to about 350, the seven-day earthquake count has just fallen rapidly to 221 or lower in about 48 hours, and risen back up to 235 at deadline time.
In I.C. News' two-year earthquake observation, this is unprecedented. Never has the frequency reached that high, and never has it fallen so far so rapidly.
We watch this like a sailor watches a falling barometer, and as to the sailor the falling barometer indicates violent storm approaching, to I.C. News the falling seven-day earthquake count indicates a violent earthquake on the way.
We saw an interesting 5.5 in the area east of Australia where we have been watching what seems to be serious earthquake activity; and a 5.6 in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge area west of Africa, where we do not recall having seen a quake in the course of this journalistic, unscientific study.
However, we are looking for a 7-plus quake or larger; so we continue to watch and wait, wondering if our theory that rapid drops in numbers of quakes lead to major quakes will play out again, as it has repeatedly played out over the two years we have been following earthquake patterns.
Returning to our story of Tatoo and how she and her clan of western Chinese are rescued from certain death in the northern African desert by God's Space Sailor's:
The clan, we know, will eventually be deposited at the Bridge to Heaven on the island of Honshu, Japan, to become the foundation of the Japanese race. That is the promise of the story.
However, my Sweet Muse has again stopped telling this story. The last time she stopped, during Part 4, that stop was part of I.C. News' remarkable, beautiful, intricate and detailed advance documentation if Israel's premeditated murder of Fadel Shana, Reuter's well known and respected Palestinian cameraman.
That America continues its torture-enslavement of me after such a remarkable advance documentation seems to contribute to Sweet Muse's explosive fury at the USA.
Also, Muse wants me to write this story in Japan for the Japanese, since it is their story and proof of the metaphorical accuracy of their myth of their creation.
Just guessing, likely she is going to save me from the heartless North Americans just as the first Japanese were saved from the heartless desert of northern Africa.
So, she seems intent on doing some harsh things to the United States of America; or presenting a remarkable demonstration of extraterrestrial visitation.
In the mean time I will continue to listen for her telling me Part 7 of Tatoo, and pass it on to you if she tells me.
Tatoo, Part 7 (Stopped 2)
(To Be Continued)
Meanwhile, the United States of America, unaware that it was about to eat the fire, passed through the 115th day of its last year
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