Monday, April 14, 2008

Tatoo, Part 2

The $612 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws One Up

Shark America Nine Down

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 186 (Small Quakes in Central California)

Virgil's Cell Phone Number: (530) 276-4923

Expect a Profound Act of God Against Israel & USA on June 7, 2008

Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2008

George W. Bush Will Destroy the World

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle: The Secret Story, Tatoo (2)

Today's code is "105th Day, Last Year".

Were there to be a presidential election this year as scheduled--which is highly unlikely because the Republican American Fascists will almost certainly have taken America into nuclear war before then and declared emergency martial law--but were there to be an election, and were it to be held today, John McCain would win hands down.

This is because the Democrats are gutless and planless, with no idea of where to go and no idea of how to get there, and have shot themselves in the foot so many times they would barely be able to hobble to the polls.

It seems to me the Democratic Party is defunct; but is like the ghost of a dead man who does not know he is dead and continues to try to open a door but does not have the substance in his hand to grip and turn the doorknob.

The Republican Party, also, is defunct, replaced by Republican American Fascism. a shark in an elephant costume.

Damn. What a sorry situation this is. Time for Mighty Virgil.

Now let's return to our story, Tatoo, and see what my Sweet Muse has for us today.

Tatoo, Part 2

One peculiar thing about the human soul is that it is the color of the race of the human being nurturing it--in a sense, not exactly. The Yellows are somewhat golden. the Browns bronze, the Blacks deep black and nearly purple, the Whites a whiteness somewhat like the flash of a camera's flash bulb.

There are uncountable variations of these tones relating to the health of the soul and to the human's own racial history, mirroring very closely the variations in human skin color.

The shape of the human soul is bubble-like, planet-like, and we Space Sailors call them Eggs; and eggs in fact is what they are.

In the natural evolution of Man on all the planets of this Gala Sea, and of all Gala Seas we know of, is one in which the soul gradually overwhelms the flesh, as if the soul were a seed and the flesh the soil it is planted in.

Further, in the natural gestation from seed within soil to the resulting flower, there is a certain simultaneousness of ripening all over the planet; and it is when these planets of souls become ripe that they go from planet-based to space-based.

In that way the human soul is like the amphibian, but once it leaves the water it tends not to return accept to reproduce.

In this regard we Space Sailors see each Gala Sea as a tree, and the many Solar Sisters on those trees as nurseries, and the mass hatchings of these nurseries are of great importance and joy to us.

In the case of Earth's Solar Sister and many of the Solar Sisters around her, there became an interruption in that natural gestation.

Christians of Earth puzzle over their concept of God as perfect perfection and perfect love combined with God's creation, this Earth, as a place of horror, war and sin among the beauty of it all; and God a damning God, too, which belies perfect love; and in Christianity, as in all the earthian religions, we find somewhat cartoonish representations of God, and all of these representations go back to the imperfection of the gestation on the planet Earth.

Now how it should be that God's Gala Seas collide it is not for us Space Sailors to say, but collide they do; and that is for us Space Sailors to respond to.

It can be said that God conceived of us, conceived us, and birthed us to this Purpose and Duty; but we like to think God loved the very idea of us in addition to our being born to Duty.

When Gala Seas collide, like this Gala Sea has collided with another Gala Sea, there is great turmoil and disruption and entire Solar Sisters are destroyed and damaged; and upon Mother Planets in those Solar Sisters gestations are disrupted and aborted.

This process is so slow, however, taking millions of years, that we Space Sailors can go to the endangered and doomed nests and remove the eggs of Life which are in gestation upon them--and there is more gestation than just human gestation going on upon them; but in this story, at this point, we focus on the souls of Man, not the souls of Horse, or Dog, or Elephant or Whale and so forth. It is not that Man is being saved first; but that all the souls of all the forms of Life are being saved separately yet simultaneously.

It is Life that is being saved. We Space Sailors are firemen; Life is child in burning room; and all the living things are bits and pieces of the One Life.

That is how Chawon first came to Earth, as fireman, as midwife, as God's Space Sailor in God's Space Fleet, God's farm hand rushing in to save the chickens and the eggs in the burning hen house.

The metaphor of it cannot totally envelope the truth of it, but it can send your mind on its way to the discovery of it.

(To Be Continued)

Meanwhile, the United States of America, unaware that it was about to eat the fire, passed through the 105th day of its last year.


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