Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Tatoo, Part 3

The $613 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Two Up

Shark America Eight Down

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 216

Virgil's Cell Phone Number: (530) 276-4923

Expect a Profound Act of God Against Israel & USA on June 7, 2008

Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2008

George W. Bush Will Destroy the World

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle: The Secret Story, Tatoo (3)

Today's code is "106th Day, Last Year".

Adding to our recent tracking of earthquakes in the area east of Australia. looking for a pattern developing between Australia and South America, there was a 5.5 today, east of the two 7-plus quakes of last week.

In the Unenlightened Science Department, scientists are saying it is almost a certainty that a major quake will hit California by 2037. Duh. Try 2009.

By 2037 the human race will be less than a decade from extinction and chaos and violence will rule, and this Earth will be shaking like a woman dying of malaria, and California will have been hit with many, many major quakes.

Now, on with today's report.

When great events happen they splash forward in Time like water when a meteor plunges into a sea at a shallow angle, that is called history; and they also send a smaller Time-Splash back, that is called precognition.

This Time-Splash back is quite common on this Earth, and is why human beings have been able, to greater or lesser degree, see the future throughout recorded history. It is a subtle phenomenon, like a butterfly kissing an elephant's ear, some elephants might feel it and some elephants might not.

While I have not studied subatomic physics since I was in the First Grade at Star of the Sea school in Bremerton, Washington, in 1946, it is said it has been observed that subatomic particles sometimes seem to travel forward and back in Time.

To travel forward and back in Time, therefore, all one needs to do is learn to ride subatomic particles. Easier said than done, but doable.

I have received several Time-Back splashes of late touching on several future events; and some of them concern just me, like the whistle of an artillery round coming my way; and some of them concern you, like a "UFO" landing on the White House lawn.

We speak in metaphor, remember, no "UFO" jock is interested in landing in the center of Deceit.

These are not Time-Back splashes that would soak one as if one were in a boat just behind the impact of a meteor on a sea, but rather the boat is further back, and it is as if there is a wind that blows a mist of the meteor's Back-Splash to one.

All this hiddley piddley means is that I have received confirmation of a major "UFO" experience coming your way--and my way, too--and also the attack on me I previously--weeks ago--encoded as "Jibun no uchi kara kuru".

Sorry, I cannot translate this code for you yet, though likely you have some Japanese on your side in God's Space War against human evil, and you already know what it means; but as far as I can see "Jibun no Uchi" does not know, and if Jibun no Uchi were to know, Jibun no Uchi would not attack; and that would spoil the big surprise God and I have for Jubun no Uchi.

Sorry to be so mysterious; but, really, it's more fun that way, isn't it?

Let's return now to our serialized story, Tatoo, which is told to me installment by installment by my Sweet Muse, just before I pass it on to you.

While I know the general story of the history of God's Space Sailors on this Earth, and I can see my Sweet Muse is crossing somewhat familiar ground, I also know there are surprises in store for me, Dear Reader, and I know there are surprises in store for you.

Thus far in our story, Tatoo has lived many lives as a Chinese after she and her five shipmates had set down their purple bubble-shaped craft, Bold Seeker, in hope of rescuing the marooned Space Sailor, Chawon, who was then an old Chinese man; but the entire crew was murdered by a mob of Chinese because they were so ugly.

We learned in earlier stories, Chawon had for millions of years been Tatoo's Great Love.

We know from those stories their paths were to cross some four thousand years after this story--in our time--in the story of Tea and Goldfish; but now in Tatoo's heart of hearts some 1,500 years before Jesus, known in these stories as Timemarker, she was seeking Chawon...seeking Chawon...seeking Chawon, marooned Space Sailor seeking marooned Space Sailor; and in that search she has led her tiny clan from western China to Egypt.

Tatoo, Part 3

When one does a great thing one knows a great thing has been done; and when that great work is finished, one knows it; and when that great work is not yet finished, one knows that, too.

It was not the first notes of Beethoven's Fifth, nor all the notes in between, but the last and final note that delivered Beethoven's soul unto ecstasy.

So it was with Tatoo. She had taken her small clan from western China to Egypt in less than two years. It seems a short time, but one could walk it in a year today if one were not murdered along the way for the gold in one's teeth.

The passage through that expanse of mountains and wild country was more easy than one would think, for people then were people as people are now, and neighbors knew neighbors fifty miles away and knew the roads and trails in between, and hospitality had long since been invented, and when it was learned, as it quickly was, that this Yellow tribe meant to pass through and take nothing with them, and had stout little horses to trade, and crafts and spices from a far distant place, which they had heard of, which they had heard of...yes, it was an early time then, yet even then no man was an island.

People in what is now Turkey had heard of China, never seen it, never gone there, but when the sturdy tribe Tatoo had formed, an early form of the great nomadic horse culture of Mongolia, passed through, those Chinese were welcomed and rarely attacked.

Tatoo, therefore, arrived in Egypt when she was but 19 years old, and her band amounted to 47 people. She had left China with 30. Some had died and some had been born, and some Chinese outsiders had seen the mission of it, understood the tribe was going to the fabled lands of the west, toward Greece, toward Babylon, toward Egypt, and had asked to join, and paid their way with what gold and other precious things they had acquired.

Tatoo sat one night under the Egyptian sky. She was beautiful. She was strong. She was great a time when there were many great human beings, for there were few borders to confine them; and she knew she was walking on history; she knew Fate was a river she was drifting down.

She did not like what she saw around her, her great nomads becoming Pharaoh's laborers, the eyes of Black men and Brown men eyeing her Yellow women. Soon her men would be exhausted, worked to dullness, and her women taken, pregnant with foreign seed. And this place they were; this was not the Ear.

She looked at the night sky. She knew it so well from a life at looking at it; but she knew she knew it better than she knew it. Somewhere within her she knew she had sailed from star to star.

No, she hated this place where the feces of tens of thousands of laborers was accumulating and she could see the bellies of her men becoming round and soft with Pharaoh's beer.

She looked up and saw the Holy Wolf. Why did she call it that? Certainly the constellation looked canine, and the Egyptians called it The Dog, and one star in particular they called The Dog Star, but she knew it as the Holy Wolf. It did not matter how, but she knew it was called that like she knew her thumb was called her thumb.

Tatoo was looking for direction. She knew her clan had to leave if it was to survive, but which way, which way before the muscle turned to wrinkle and the dream turned to dust?

Then she heard the story of the Purple Fish Goddess. It was a common story as far east a Babylon, and in fact the Babylonians, she heard, had depicted the Purple Fish Goddess in stone relief.

Purple...purple...why did that ring a bell?

The story of the Purple Fish Goddess went that she had appeared before a branch of the Egyptian race that had migrated south into harsh country away from the River of Life, so bold to have done that, so foolish it seemed to those who had all the water they wanted to drink.

They now called themselves the Dogon People, and in some distant and ancient time they had been visited by the Purple Fish Goddess who had said she had come from the Dog Star, and had showed them her boat, a great, huge purple circle as big as three houses that appeared and disappeared at her command.

Click. Tatoo knew the story was true. She returned to her enclave surrounded by a mass of people and a sea of filth and ordered her tribe to prepare to leave.

The next day the tribe set out, walking south along the Nile.

(To Be Continued)

Meanwhile, the United States of America, unaware that it was about to eat the fire, passed through the 106th day of its last year.


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