Sunday, June 08, 2008

Tatoo, Part 16 (Stopped 29)

The $666 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Five Down

Shark America Five Up

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 208

Virgil's Cell Phone Number: (530) 276-4923

Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2008.

George W. Bush Will Destroy the World.

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event.

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle: The Secret Story, Tatoo (16-29)

Today's code is "160th Day, Last Year".

It is remarkable how an insane and stupid man like George W. Bush in the wrong place at the wrong time can destroy this Earth. It is as if he established a current of annihilation.

Profoundly stupid, profoundly insane; a little boy playing navy in the bathtub, drowning humankind in the sudsy water.

We watch for the fog of war and the dust of media censorship to clear to see what damning has been done over these past few days; even as we watch for the fiery finger of God to write "666" across the mad idiot faux-president's brow today.

There is nothing in the news about the God's Space War June 5 - June 8 activity; no; nor would one expect it to be there; the news media belongs to Satan; the news media is the Liar's liar.

Quiet we are, we want this, the enemy is wicked and unprepared.

We look at our desk, at the work that has piled up as we have focused on the day to day story of God's Space War against Israel and its drone ally, the United States of America.

There was a while back, on May 26, an email from a reader asking about something I had written concerning the state of the souls of aborted human beings. The email read:
"We will live justice or we will face justice. There is no other option.'Your description of the condition of the souls of Hiroshima & Nagasaki victims is horrifying. You also mentioned the condition of the soulsof the unborn, but I cannot find it."Can you please discuss it or email that to me?"

The question proved to be from an invalid AOL email address, which was a bit of a puzzle since I responded to it in less than 45 minutes, but government pigs like to play with my mail and my email and that invalid address was not a disqualification for answering the question.

It was a very important question because it touches on one of the great arguments against modern womanhood's precious right to abort modern childhood.

Simply stated, in terms of humankind's losing battle against extinction in about 2045, mass abortion was the single greatest strategic error.

I will try to explain this outside the common morally-bad- psychologically-good discussion, which is now nought but trench warfare with no exchange of intellect.

First, on the more obvious level, abortion warps Nature in ways that can be seen and in ways that cannot be seen.

For example, already in China and India we see mothers aborting their girl babies because boys are more valued in those cultures.

Not only will this lead to incredible social upheaval when men outnumber women 50 to 1; but how ironic is it that this new so-called freedom of womanhood focuses on the killing of little women?

There is a lot to be said in support of Nature; and even though abortion is technologically-medically easy it is not natural.

I dislike speaking in terms of human greatness, since the lesson of my life (taught to me by God) is that human pettiness abounds; but there is a level of near-divine greatness to the human soul, certainly an eroded greatness, a shadow of what it should be, but it is there, and it is that eroded greatness I must approach to continue to answer the reader's question about the aborted.

Less obvious than the choosing of boy babies over girl babies, there is in human evolution a soul-level evolutionary plan to things; and part of that plan involves Great Souls being assigned to be born as they are needed.

So, the Great Soul Gandhi was assigned birth at a critical time for India--assigned not by God per se but by the structure of the Land of the Dead of India.

Here's the abortion rub: since the human species needs a massive number of Great Souls at this time--as it moves toward extinction by 2045--who knows how many of those Great Souls have been and will be aborted?

Had Gandhi been aborted there would have been no Gandhi to save India.

How many Einsteins have ended up on the abortionist's stainless steel tray? How many Moseses. How many Jesuses? How many Beethovens, Kants, Homers, and so on? Has the human being aborted its own Salvation?

Abortion cheats the human race of its greatness. It also scars those who survive the womb, but that's another story.

That loss of greatness, however, was perhaps not what the reader was referring to, because he or she mentioned unborn human beings the context of my report on the state of the souls of the Japanese killed in the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

The concept involved the nature of natural death-attrition versus sudden massive death.

For example, in the two recent Asian disasters--the cyclone and the earthquake--so many people entered the Land of the Dead at one time that the Land of the Dead could not accommodate them as well as it could, say, Burmese and Chinese who had died under normal attrition conditions.

So, in Burma's and China's Lands of the Dead there is now a kind of crisis taking place, a sudden impacting of distressed souls; and while distressed souls entering the Lands of the Dead is not uncommon, the volume is such that the distressed souls tend not to heal in the usual pattern which takes place in the Lands of the Dead, but rather form a "galactic" of distressed souls agitating distressed souls.

Picture 50 ill-tempered New Yorkers stuck for days on an elevator built for ten, then multiply, compound and square, and you get an idea of what is going on in Burma's and China's Lands of the Dead at this time.

In the cases of Hiroshima and Nagasaki this phenomenon was amplified both by the numbers of instantaneous deaths and the profoundly new physics of those deaths; almost as if the souls of the dead were melded together.

The hypothesis put forth in the piece the reader was referring to was that those melded-together Japanese souls are just about now, in 2008, becoming aware of what happened to them in 1945; and in effect are becoming one giant Poltergeist--or rather two giant Poltergeists, one from Hiroshima and one from Nagasaki--bent on vengeance for their rapine nuclear deaths.

This brings us to a similar phenomenon, yet a phenomenon remarkably different, that being the post-death experience of aborted human beings, aborted fetuses if that psycho-fascist twisting of words makes you feel better.

Fetal death, of course, is not uncommon, but with the near-fad of mass abortion in modern times there is the mass arrival of fetus-level human souls in the Land of the Dead, where there was just a trickle over the eons.

There is a peculiar thing about the human soul in the womb, in that it is pure genius; and another peculiar thing in that it thinks itself to be God.

It is this loss of godhood which is the great trauma of birth, the loss of the delusion of divinity caused by, as much as anything else, the pain and discomfort of dirty diapers.

From omnipotence within the womb to helplessness outside the womb; that is the true story of Adam and Eve and the expulsion from Eden.

So the end result of mass abortion is the gathering together of millions of souls of fetuses who thought they were God and who continue to think they are God--murdered; attacked in their Heaven and murdered; and they have decided to fight as a unit, as an army, that which murdered them: Mother Satan.

You moderns think that when you cut those human beings out of those millions of wombs that is the end of it but for the poor women's psychological problems: but that is not it, that is just the beginning of what amounts to a new human race--a new human race of the womb-aborted which hates the human race of the aborters.

It is to me an astounding thing that while the human being has endless mirror-vanity it has never come close to understanding the greatness of the human soul.

Say you have an I.Q. of 160, or 130, or 110, or 80, or whatever number it is measured at in that phony psycho-fascist system; your soul has an I.Q. of 800.

Further, your soul has this I.Q. in the womb; and there it is pure whereas later on it is scarred and stunted by experience and education.

I told you once that when I was working at the Dancing Star animal refuge near Cayucos, California, and management decided to put down perfectly healthy horses in order to save money for the pockets of management, the spirit of a horse thus executed about 12 hours before came up to me and asked me, "Did they do this to me?"

If a horse can do that, cannot a human being? Cannot tens of millions of human beings?

I would say that the Great War of the human being at this time is not the fraudulent "War on Terror" cooked up by Republican American Fascism, but is the war against the Land of the Living by the Land of the Dead.

The dead are not as stupid as the living; for one thing, they absolutely know there is no such thing as death; for another, they can see the approaching death of this Earth and understand the agony awaiting human souls after that death takes place.
Tatoo, Part 16 (Stopped 29)

(To Be Continued)

Meanwhile, the United States of America, unaware that it was about to eat the fire Israel will serve up, passed through the 160th day of its last year.


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