Thursday, July 17, 2008

The $1,003 Billion Defeat

Bulletin Bulletin Bulletin


George W. Bush will destroy the world.

An now, Dear Reader, today I.C. News will complete its advance documentation of an astounding extraterrestrial event begun when we were still covering God's Space War against the United States of America.

We encode the event today as, "Foreign Creatures Swimming Around the Wreck".

This event is expected not only prove indelibly the reality of extraterrestrial contact with this Earth, but also prove the extraterrestrial mystery factor is at war with the United States of America.

About a week ago, I.C. News set aside its God's Space War coverage until I.C. News is allowed to compete openly and fairly in the media marketplace, and we are not establishing new evidence in that area.

However, prior to that cutoff I.C. News had reported extensively on an event it expects to take place on Mars in connection the NASA's Phoenix research craft now on Mars, and that event is coming into play now.

Having begun that demonstration I.C. News will see it through.

That expected event centered on God's Space Sailors doing something astounding within camera range of the Phoenix.

A day or two after the cutoff, on Saturday, July 12, I.C. News' report included these paragraphs:

"George W. Bush will destroy the world.

"Come, let us talk as we walk down this old man's beach, of laughter and of tears, of childhood fears, things now out of reach. Let us talk of snow and ice upon the deck. Let us talk of foreign creatures swimming around the wreck.

"And what's this? That most charming spokesperson for Republican American Fascism, Tony Snow, has died of the cancer he fought so bravely. Pity.

"Hmmm? ...snow and ice upon the deck... If I were still reporting God's Space War, I would tell my Dear Readers to look for "Ice" to go next; and if Ice goes, then sure to follow will be foreign creatures swimming around the wreck."

I had been expecting July 15 to be a pivotal date relative to my battle against America's torture-enslavement of me, but the 15th seemed to pass with no news on that score; then yesterday, July 16, the news broke that NASA had discovered clear signs of Mars once having had water in abundance, including an area of ice, apparently not at the poles, roughly the size of Texas.

I suggest that Texas-size field of ice is the "ice upon the deck" we were looking for, and the "foreign creatures swimming around the wreck" will soon follow.

Let's look again at the key paragraph:

"Hmmm? ...snow and ice upon the deck... If I were still reporting God's Space War, I would tell my Dear Readers to look for "Ice" to go next; and if Ice goes, then sure to follow will be foreign creatures swimming around the wreck."

I have explained in the past that the "foreign creatures" in that oft-repeated "Come, let us talk as we walk..." opening paragraph in these reports are extraterrestrials.

Now here is something very interesting, that July 12 report also contained the anecdote of how the rats were taking over the abandoned Mainichi newspaper building in Tokyo when I was the last to leave after ending UPI's final shift in that building, and that anecdote seems to have considerable importance in connection with this approaching extraterrestrial event.

I say this because the local locals at the supermarket were exceptionally mean and rat-like yesterday, and very smug about something, relishing their torture of me even more than usual.

Perhaps their smugness came from my disappointment in not having seen the expected July 15 pivotal event; or perhaps they know of some additional cruelty America has in store for me. Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of Telepath Torturers?

This elevated rat-ness in American behavior toward me continued at the Grass Valley, California, 76 station where I took my car to be "smogged", and one of the two reasons it allegedly failed the smog test was an alleged leak in my radiator.

This seemed to be just another case of a dishonest mechanic attempting to gouge a sucker by conning me into having my radiator repaired at $85 an hour, since there has been no leak in the five years I have owned the car, and besides, the radiator has nothing to do with the smog test.

So, just as in the anecdote of the rats taking over the old Mainichi building as I closed down the old UPI bureau the night UPI changed to its new bureau in the new Mainichi building, so too the American rats are coming out as I am forced to change the location of I.C. News yet again.

What you should understand is this legalized American wickedness, this rat-ness, this Telepath Torture, is taking place on Judgment Day. It is just that Judgment Day, thus far, is some 40 years long.

This is to say, some Grass Valley, California, Americans lost their souls yesterday.


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