Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Tatoo, Part 41

This report was delayed about ten hours due to a local blackout.

The $695 Billion Defeat


Jews Jaws Three Up

Shark America Seven Down

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: ??? (The USGS Earthquake Hazards site had become too politically corrupted to be a valid source in I.C. News' earthquake study at this time.)

Virgil's Cell Phone Number: (530) 276-4923

Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2008.

George W. Bush Will Destroy the World.

The battle codes of God's attack on Israel and its drone ally, the USA, are: "Two Birds, One Stone", "Double Down", "Home", "Sirhan Sirhan", "Admiral Moorer", "Fadel Shana", "Topsy-Turvy", "Dead Soul Family", "Admiral Moorer 2", "Nipple", "Blood of Mars", "Wait", "Cowards", "That Settles It", "Stop Right There!", "Blackout", "Turnaround", "The Pig-Weasel Axis", "Bat Out of Hell", "Tell Me Something Good", "FIN" & "Snake".

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event.

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle: The Secret Story, Tatoo (40)

Today's code is "189th Day, Last Year

Who are we, you and I, known by God by our first names?

This work is delayed about ten hours because of a local blackout. It is interesting that the theme of today's writing, just about to be filed when the blackout occurred, is "Detour", and in the Israel-USA codes listed above, "Blackout" is followed by "Turnaround"; I call that First Class Time Poetry.

And now, I.C. News presents its humble version of Detour!

Detour, there's a muddy road ahead.
Detour, paid no mind to what it said.
Detour, oh these bitter things I find.
Should have read that detour sign.

By Paul Westmoreland, 1945. Spade Cooley Orchestra and Tex Williams vocal, hit record in 1946.

There is no song I know of that fits the United States of America's position as perfectly today as "Detour", the country swing song I sang in my childhood days; my poor dog, George, with his forepaws over his ears and a mournful howl coming out of his mouth.

I was cute with my guitar and harmonica, but I was a god-awful singer.

"Headed down life's crooked road lot of things I never knowed/ And because of me not knowing I now pine/ Troubles got in the trail, spent the next five years in jail/ Should have read that detour sign."

I say this because this is Monday and on Wednesday the United States of America must detour or die. The wrong road always leads to Hell, and never has America been on so wrong a road.

Detour, there's a muddy road ahead.
Detour, paid no mind to what it said.
Detour, oh these bitter things I find.
Should have read that detour sign.

(Should have read that detour sign.)

A unique thing about this work, the Obituary of the World, is that it reports on what Christians call "The Second Coming" in non-Scriptural language.

When you take this Great God Event out of its religious fandango--getting away from the centuries-old firestorm of debate, conjecture and blind faith which makes up The Tornado of War on this Earth, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam; if you get away from that mumbo jumbo you come upon a calm field of study and comprehension--and God is there, too.

Step outside that Scriptural tangle and you enter a zone of zero argument and zero opposition. You can explore the same God the others explore, but you need not worry about Jews, or Christians, or Muslims stabbing you in the back for what blasphemous truths you said about God along the way.

(Some people loathe it when I use the term, "My Old Pal God", but God likes it, so screw 'em.)

I am not telling you how to relate to God; but I am saying God loves the storyteller in me just as much as God loves the man who carried a wounded, screaming Marine through the fire in me; God loves my many facets; so I tell the story of The Second Coming as if it were a story about Space Sailors going to sea; which it is, but I never ask belief of you.

(It is likely I.C. News' reportage on the Second Coming will thrive and constantly be ahead of the curve of human understanding of the arrival of God, because the Jewish, Christian, Muslim Tornado of War is so focused on killing within itself that it is not understanding the value of life, and certainly it is not seeking God.

(If you understood God at all, you Jews, you Christians, you Muslims, you would not kill human beings. That is the first test of the quality of your love for God. Kill or preach killing and you have tin love for God in a gold love for God Universe.)

"Detour, there's a muddy road ahead/ Detour, paid no mind to what it said/ Detour, oh these bitter things I find/ Should have read that detour sign"

Now I know I am selling Thursday Morning to a nation living in Saturday Night seven days a week, but I just gotta keep kicking the dead horse which is America's intellect in hope of a Lazarus-like miracle.

Going back to our metaphor of yesterday, of the Republican American Fascist choo-choo train heading for the stomach-swallowing drop where the trestle should have been, let's make an analogy:

Say somehow sane, non-fascist people were able to reach the choo-choo train's controls and apply the breaks.

Detour, there's a muddy road ahead.
Detour, paid no mind to what it said.
Detour, oh these bitter things I find.
Should have read that detour sign.

So now it becomes a problem of weight and momentum, how far will the train travel before the breaks stop the train? If that would be 2,000 yards all would be well if the trestle were 2,100 yards away, but not so good if it were only 1,950 yards away.

That is, you cannot stop Calamity on a dime. Calamity has forward momentum, progressive movement; and the Train of Time you ride is called by God's Space Sailors, not without irony, "The Calamity Express".

(God's Space Sailors don't kill you as much as they watch you die. When the human race goes extinct in about 2045 God's Space Sailors will watch it happen, but they will not have caused it to happen.)

This leads me to the importance of I.C. News' deadline of Thursday morning, July 10, California time.

Considering the problem of momentum (while others consider the righteousness of theological murder) I.C. News has come to understand that Thursday morning, July 10, California time, is the last possible moment the breaks can be applied if the choo-choo train is not to go off the trestle.

"When I got right to the place where it said about-face/ I thought all my worries were behind/ But the farther I go the more sorrow I know/ Should have read that detour sign."

(Should have read that detour sign.)

Imagine, I am asking a minimum of just $30 million for this story!Peanuts! How can I do it? Low overhead. Now back to our movie.

Detour, there's a muddy road ahead.
Detour, paid no mind to what it said.
Detour, oh these bitter things I find.
Should have read that detour sign.

(Should have read that detour sign.)

There is a legal precedent I would like to point out, one which I think applies perfectly to conditions at this time.

When Richard Nixon resigned there was a span of time before that resignation would take effect, and Nixon would still be President during that time. I do not recall the span of time, a week perhaps, a month, it is of no matter here.

During that span of time certain powers were taken away from Nixon, chief among them the ability to order warlike actions. It was openly stated that it was to keep him from misusing those powers if he chose to.

This amounted to an American national coup over a Republican American Fascist presidency; and the precedent and the method still stand in place today, with George W. Bush ready to unleash nuclear fire before he is scheduled to leave office. Scheduled. Scheduled. Scheduled.

That is, it can be done again; and that George W. Bush, the lunatic driving this choo-choo train to Hell, would make Richard Nixon look like Little Bo Peep.

Time is finite. The problem boils down to stopping the train before it goes off the trestle, despite the fact George W. Bush and the Republican American Fascists want it to go off the trestle.

Weight and momentum. The human race does not walk into the future, it tumbles down the precipice of it like Jack and Jill to the hard-rock bottom of it.

Said another way, after Thursday morning, California time, the human being collectively becomes a falling body.

(Detour, should have read that detour sign.)

That means the human being is like a jumper at the window now. Best we talk it back away from the window, because if it jumps its weight, mass and momentum straight down will be so great even Mighty Mouse and Superman working together could not save it from its fall.


Detour, there's a muddy road ahead.
Detour, paid no mind to what it said.
Detour, oh these bitter things I find.
Should have read that detour sign.

Tatoo, Part 41

Should have read that detour sign!

Should have read that detour sign!

Should have read...that...detour...sign!
To be Continued

Meanwhile, the United States of America, about to sacrifice its existence in support Israel's Victim Fascism, passed through the 189th day of its last year.


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