Sunday, July 27, 2008

Th $1,013 Billion Defeat

There is a story going around I must caution you against, even though you might think it could lead to the American government coming clean about the "UFO" phenomenon.

The American government never comes clean about anything.

The story is the venerable Apollo moonwalker Dr. Edgar Mitchell's saying not only that the "UFO" is real, but that the real story dovetails nicely with the general impression of the "UFO" researchers and believers.

Explaining that the government had to lie about the "UFO" from about 1948 to the present because it did not know if the "UFO" was hostile, and it wanted to keep its knowledge from the Soviet Union, Dr. Mitchell went on to say the Roswell incident is true and the aliens look like the common concept of them, big head, big eyes, little mouth, no ears.

The interesting part of Dr. Mitchell's story is not that this Earth is being visited--because this Earth has been visited for nearly 60,000 years--but that the details of this allegedly real version of this story match the myth of this story so perfectly, and the myth is so inaccurate.

The old government lie about the "UFO" not existing is failing after 60 wasted years when we could have been getting to know the "UFO"; but instead of coming clean about it now, and tell the "UFO" story as it really is now, the government is looking for another lie to tell.

When the old lie wears out, buy another lie.

The structure of the perfect new "UFO" lie is already in place, the whole body of "UFO" research and myth.

Like George W. Bush pretending to be a Christian to get the Christian vote, the government's new lie about the "UFO" pretends to support the "UFO" cult.

This indicates to me that Dr. Mitchell is taking part in the intentional planting of a false story, whether or not he knows it.

Why? Because the true "UFO" story is so much bigger and so different from the "UFO" myth that the government does not feel the American people are up to knowing the truth about it.

Basically, that is why the government has taken control over just about everything, because it does not think its employer, the American people, are not up to the truth of just about everything beyond the birds and the bees, and nine to five.

And besides, if the government were to tell the American people the truth about the "UFO" it would have to admit the "UFO" loathes the government of the United States of America.

No, better false space stories for the American people, cute stories of little green. sterile men who will love and amuse the American people; than true space stories of great space sailors who hate and kill the American people.

This lie would not be fine even if government people were all good and better than you and I, and ordained by the Constitution to protect us from truth; but they are not, they are as slimy as most Americans and more than some.

George W. Bush will destroy the world. Don't take you eye off that ball.

It is interesting how the enslavement of me by the American people predated their own enslavement by Big Money. Truly I am a good core sample.

American fascism loves precedent. If it has been done before it is the law. Now the American people have determined, in a way, the rules of their own enslavement by Big Money, by the rules they established in their torture-enslavement of me.

The American people have legalized Big Money's torture-enslavement of them by the precedents they set in their torture-enslavement of me.

I don't mean from God's point of view, God had the American people figured out long before the Battle of the Little Big Horn, but from the point of view of precedent-using Big Money.

Big Money has learned how to enslave you all. Before now you were to Big Money nought but sheep to be shorn again and again and again; now big money owns the means of existence of the sheep, therefore Big Money owns the existence of the sheep. Bingo! Serfdom.

If the metaphor is too murky; Big Money plans to enslave all American people below a certain level of wealth...a very high level of wealth.

George W. Bush will destroy the world. Don't take your eye off that ball.

There is still no one on the political stage who is talking of the world as it really is, how dire this Earth's situation is. Better the people not know about this, McCain and Obama seem to agree, the people are not up to it.

So the presidential campaigning goes on as if the human race were in a 200-hundred year-long problem-solving situation.

No, there are not 200 years left to solve the problem, there are not even 20 years left.

No, by 2020 every human being on this Earth will know without a doubt that the human race is irrecoverably going extinct by 2045.

Then the Doom's Day Party begins. Wars of hatred, wars of revenge, wars of blame, wars upon wars as all humankind goes insane.

Big Money knows this today, it has all the scientists, politicians, preachers and popes money can buy at its disposal; but it sees profit in the disaster, so it puts its shoulder into the development of the disaster.

Big Money's final solution to the environmental problem is the same as Hitler's final solution of the Jewish problem, mass murder, but this time in the billions, not just the millions.

You, Dear Reader, whatever your race or your religion, are the "Jew" of Republican American Fascism today, unless you have several million dollars in liquid assets.

That is, Big Money's plan to save the world is its applying its final solution to the overpopulation problem; and of course, saving the world for Big Money itself, and a beautiful world for Big Money it would be, the world having been scoured clean of the poor, Africa vacant, India vacant, Central and South America vacant; the entrepreneur is in its Heaven and all is right with the world.

Though this is a rich man's happiness dream, this plan of Republican American Fascism and other forms of fascism around the world will not work.

All the Big Money schemers are going to accomplish is getting their Souls damned by God and their throats slit by humankind.

Speaking of the damned, George W. Bush will destroy the world. Do not take your eye off that ball.


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