Friday, September 12, 2008

The $1,060 Billion Defeat

We at I.C. News have a most intriguing news story developing; intriguing in two ways.

First, this developing news story addresses the sudden collapse of the Democratic and Republican parties, an apparent impossibility.

Second, this developing story makes me sad, which is far outside my nature and very unusual.

Putting this sadness factor into context, I have not been sad about Americans dying since the commercial jetliner crash into the Potomac in Washington Deceit on January 13, 1982.

That was long before the Internet, and I had written letters attempting to warn of the crash; and I woke up screaming within an hour before it crashed, killing 75.

My advance documentation of that crash was not an isolated incident.

During that period I documented perhaps half a dozen airline crashes in advance, and the psycho-fascist citizens of San Francisco, where I lived then, so loved their torture-enslavement of me that they took those advance documentations of perhaps a total of 1,000 deaths as entertainment, as a parlor game.

Some of them applauded me on the street when I was proven right by events, and the psycho-fascist citizen of Frisco would even stop torturing me for almost 24 hours after crashes.

Considering those psycho-fascists were striking me with Cowards' Coughs at least 1,000 times a day, a 24 hour break was a quite a reward for entertaining them with hundreds of deaths named in advance.

So, in the context of constant torture despite repeated successful warnings, I stopped feeling sad when I documented the deaths of Americans in advance.

You may think this horrible of me, but I felt no sadness on 09/11/01 and later for the victims of the 911 attacks.

I had attempted to warn of the 911 attacks for three months in advance, naming lower Manhattan as a target perhaps three days before they took place; when all the while my neighbors on all sides were harassing me so much in organized tandem torture 24 hours a day, that they finally drove me into the emergency room with congestive heart failure and into homelessness and starvation.

In addition, my experience of being harassed by passengers and crew on jet airliners demonstrated I could not have been a passenger on any of the hijacked jets without the passengers and crew harassing me silly.

In addition, my experience of being harassed on every job I had had demonstrated I could not have worked in the Twin Towers without fellow employees harassing me silly.

In addition, my experience of being harassed on every street I had walked down in every city I had visited demonstrated I could not have walked down the streets Manhattan without being tortured by those same passersby who ran screaming from the disaster.

Remember, I had tried for three months to prevent that event, being tortured by Americans every day, so why should I have cried when those psycho-fascist Americans died on 9/11?

Do Unto Others, Americans. If Jesus could not teach you that, how can I?

So, my feeling sad about this coming event, as I do, is extremely rare, and an intriguing mystery to me; so I follow this next God's Space War attack on the United States of America with keen interest.

To review, we have received two codes on a seemingly impossible story, the sudden collapse of both the Democratic and Republican parties.

We need three codes to run with any story, so for now the collapse of the two major American political parties is just an intriguing idea from God sitting on I.C. News' National Desk.

Having been ahead on so many "impossible" events, such as being three months ahead on the 911 attack, we look at this potential event with interest, and we wait for the third shoe of the tripod of it to drop.

We theorize that if both parties were to collapse at the same time there must be a common denominator in the parties which brings about that collapse.

What would their common denominators be?

Both parties have fallen into the vortex of stupidity relative to the Georgia-Russia crisis.

Both parties favor America's torture-enslavement of me, God's One True Telepath.

Neither party understands the dire danger of human extinction and planetary death by 2045 and 2065 respectively.

So, Dear Reader, let's wait together for that third shoe to drop; and let's remember I.C. News is calling this God's Space War action against the USA, "Nuclear Poetic Justice".


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