Thursday, September 28, 2006

The $10 Billion Defeat

Today I will tell you about a sad horror I might have prevented were I a free man, a sad horror documented in advance in this work, that being the death of Emily Keyes of Platte Canyon High School, Bailey, Colorado, who was shot at her school Wednesday.

Ms. Keye's death was documented in Tuesday's code, "Oh, what a panic's in thy breastie!", and also in the opening theme of this current documentation, "Why Shoot Just One...When You Can Shoot Them All?"

Note what I wrote on the day this code appeared:

"Today's code is, "Oh, what a panic's in thy breastie!", the second line of the first verse of our battle map poem, Robert Burns' "Mouse".

"If America knew what I have in store for it, America would end its evil torture-enslavement of me today, while the great pain approaching is yet unsuffered and while the good faith payment is only $8 billion dollars. Tomorrow it will be $9 billion."

Today it is $10 billion.

As I told you, this eight-week demonstration will break America's heart.

I will note that I clearly documented in advance the blocked shooting at East High School in Green Bay, Wisconsin, in my demonstration that ended last week, the "Timber" countdown.

The truth of this statement is available to anyone who reads the Timber countdown entries in this work

I also note I documented the Jonesboro, Arkansas school shooting in advance.

I dedicate Ms. Keyes' death to the "man" who, in service to the United States of America, tortures me, the only audible mental telepath in human history, through the wall every day and every night, even though the room he occupies is, according to the management and staff of this motel, "vacant".

Clearly, this cowardly, psycho-fascist American's current occupation is Telepath Torture.

Today's code is, "Wi' (With) bickering (hurrying) brattle (rattling sound)!", the forth line of our Space War battle map poem, Robert Burns' "Mouse".

So far I have heard this rattling sound in the Sheriff's press conference at Platte High School when papers concerning the lunatic who killed Ms. Keyes were being passed around, but I will look to see if I also hear it elsewhere, perhaps in the scurrying of the American mice who torture me.

The suggestion here is that there are better uses for my telepathy than as a justification for torture-enslavement.

It seems to me this eight-week demonstration is developing into a dynamic, solid proof of the stupidity and criminality of America's torture-enslavement of me; and further, proof that God is punishing America for that torture-enslavement.

For that reason I will repeat the cogent points concerning my most recent demonstration I republished yesterday.

"My advance documentation of Australia's Steve Irwin's death was strengthened by my advance documentation Daniel Smith's death a few days later, and both were further strengthened by my advance documentation of the blocked school shooting in Green Bay, Wisconsin, and the whole package of that pattern, called the "Timber" countdown, was climaxed by my advance documentation of the coup in Thailand, a documentation established a full eleven days in advance of the event."

You will again see this mutual strengthening of advance documentations as I proceed here. While Ms. Keyes' death may not yet be in your mind have been clearly documented in advance, it will be if you read on as I document more and more events before they happen in the coming days and weeks.

I think I should also give a brief overview of the current attack pattern for those just beginning to read this report on what I am reporting as "God's Space War".

As often is the case in this work this attack pattern overlays a work of literature, in this case Robert Burns' 1785 poem concerning a mouse whose home has been destroyed by a plough. In this attack pattern, America is the mouse and God is the ploughman.

There are eight verses of six lines each in the poem, one verse to be run each week, one line day Monday through Saturday, the second verse beginning next Monday.

While there will be American agony throughout the running of this battle poem, it is suggested a particularly great agony will occur when the poem's most famous lines are reached in the seventh verse, the seventh week, "The best-laid schemes o' mice an' men gang aft agley".

Hmmm? I wonder what that best-laid scheme will be?

It is the suggestion of this demonstration that the agony now being felt in the community of Bailey, Colorado, will be felt all across the country because of events to take place over the next seven weeks and some days.

Here is the verse being run this week:

Wee, sleekit, cow'rin, tim'rous beastie,
Oh, what a panic's in thy breastie!
Thou need na (not) start awa (away) sae (so) hasty,
Wi' (With) bickering (hurrying) brattle (rattling sound)!
I wad (would) be laith (loathe) to run and chase thee,
With murd'ring pattle!

I repeat what I have reported several times before, while America is under God's Space War attack for many different crimes, the crime America is suffering for in this demonstration is America's torture-enslavement of me, God's One True Telepath.

While the Colorado newspapers I will send today's report may snort and hold to the news media's blacklisting of me and blacking out of my story, the people of Bailey now understand full well that God's Space War is Hell.


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