Monday, February 04, 2008

The $512 Billion Defeat (2)


Jews Jaws Five Down

Shark America Five Up

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 158

Virgil Kret's Cell Phone Number: (530) 276-4923

Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2008
George W. Bush Will Destroy the World

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle: Compare Two Similar Conclusions

Today's code is "35th Day, Last Year".

I almost never read the writings of others in same field in which I work. My reason for this is to keep my work uninfluenced other than by God and my personal experience as the only audible mental telepath in human history.

In working this way I sometimes discover things that have already been discovered, an event which in the early days of science was called "simultaneous discovery".

For example, I discovered the same concept of Time and Coincidence discovered by C. J. Jung (1875-1961) several decades before me. He called his discovery Synchronisity and I called my discovery Time Poetry, but both involved the same manifestations of subatomic physics.

As another example, for some decades I have been projected the death of this Earth in about 2065; and the great scientific mind, Sir Issac Newton (1642-1727) came up with approximately the same findings, but from another angle, saying the world would not die before 2060.

I find when I come across such simultaneous discoveries, my finding of the same concept independently of that concept's discovery by another, either at the same approximate time or decades or even centuries apart, this indicates strongly that my discovery is accurate.

I have been telling you in this work that the United States of America will lose two wars in this year, 2008. One its war against Truth and the other its war against Islam.

I have been telling you this year, 2008, is the final year of existence of the United States of America as we know it.

Indeed, each day's opening code and each day's final paragraph currently incorporate that concept.

Today's opening code, for example, is "35th Day, Last Year"; and today's closing paragraph is,
"Meanwhile, back in the USA, the United States of America, unaware of God's furious anger at it, finished the 35th day of its last year".

You can perhaps imagine my interest when I quite by chance--if there is such a thing as chance--came upon a web site marketing a book presenting the exact same concept.

I have not read the book, and likely I will not do so because I rarely if ever read the writings of others in my same field, but I mention the book's name and author to demonstrate my point.

The book is 2008--God's Final Witness, by Ronald Weinland.

Another interesting aspect of this example of simultaneous discovery is that both Mr. Weinland and I cite God as our source.

We may both be right and we may both be wrong, but we both write what God tells us to write, and we both write variations of the same information totally independent of one another.

I note this today because it seems worth noting, as America tortures me closer and closer to the edge of death.

Meanwhile, back in the USA, the United States of America, unaware of God's furious anger at it, finished the 35th day of its last year.


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