Monday, April 28, 2008

Tatoo, Part 9

The $626 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Five Down

Shark America Five Up

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 244 (We Seem Out of the Big Quake Danger Zone)

Virgil's Cell Phone Number: (530) 276-4923

Expect a Profound Act of God Against Israel & USA on June 7, 2008

Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2008

George W. Bush Will Destroy the World

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle: The Secret Story, Tatoo (9)

Today's code is "119th Day, Last Year".

We are waiting today for some news to break. Today's code is, "Stop Right There!" So we stop, watch, and wait.

Now let's return to our story of Tatoo.

When we left of the Space Sailors were bringing Tatoo and her clan water from Mount Kilimanjaro in three large ceramic jars they had retrieved from a wrecked Chinese merchant ship; and were approaching risking revealing their space ship, thinking now the danger of such a sight causing the clan to go mad was past.

Tatoo, Part 9

At the time of our slow, delicate rescue of Tatoo and her clan from the desert of northern Africa, Chawon was living one of his many lives as a Black African, though we did not know it at the time, and while he had many different names in his estimated 100 incarnations as a Black African we always refer to him as Black Tea when we tell stories of those lives.

Black Tea had by then been marooned on Hell for some 44 thousand years, but had never forgotten his situation and his purpose, though this knowledge was dim and deeply buried, and would come and go, rise and sink in his understanding.

Being born a human being so many times, he had polished the art of being a human being and leaned not to grow old until he died, and not to die except in battle, and in battle not to die at all.

With this philosophy. Black Tea developed what he called his "Dying Place", the last act of many of his Black African lives being to climb to the snow level of Kilimanjaro and taste snow, and live out his final hours there, finally to fall asleep in the snow; and then gather up his soul and go searching for another womb to deliver him back into the flesh.

Though not known, it was Black Tea who named Kilimanjaro, which in Space Sailor language means literally to kill a man and put him in a jar, but Black Tea used the snow on Kilimanjaro as the jar, to freeze his own body and preserve it until some time in the future when the snows of Kilimanjaro might melt.

It is said at least 75 bodies of Black Tea, with spear and shield, lie under the snow at the peak.

Before he had lived his first life as a human being some ten thousand years prior to our story of Tatoo and the western Chinese who were to become the first Japanese, Chawon had lived the life of every animal at least once, and every plant and tree.

He had, you may recall, marooned himself to see if he could stop the wobble of Hell that would eventually destroy her and all life on her--including his own if he could not solve the problem, or if he were not rescued in time.

He'd lived all those lives to better know the beautiful planet he called Molly, as she was named on the old charts, and which we came to call Hell, as she was named on the new charts, so he might put his ears and paws and hooves to her breast and attempt to discern her stage of dying--and the cause of her death,

After all those tens of thousands of years of study, Chawon-Black Tea still did not know the cause of Molly's impending death.

Chawon had come to love Molly as if she were his home planet, but she was not, and both he and she never forgot that; and she would say to him, Save Yourself, Save Yourself; and he would say to her, What would life be were I to do that?

Yes, Molly knew Chawon was with her; because as we Space Sailors have known for millions of years, planets like Molly are living and thinking beings; and Molly followed Chawon's passages through lives and deaths with great loving interest, like an elephant following the steps of a bird walking on its back.

When Chawon had lived his first human life as an Australian Black, and then his second, and then his third, he would frequently have dreams of his lives as animals, and knew he had particularly loved being the African gazelle, and the African elephant, and the African lion; so he began to think in terms of living in Africa as a human being; and he put much thought into how he might transport his soul to Africa across the vast waters (which he knew were there because he had so often seen Molly from Space) but no solution came, and he lived another lovely life as a Black Australian, then another, then another...when one day he was humming a song to himself, not with his vocal cords at all, but with his mind, and a bird nearby joined him in song, and he soon came to understand the bird could understand every word he thought; so he became friends with the bird and the bird with him; and he asked the bird one day if the bird could fly over the waters as far as Africa, and the bird said, yes, it did it all the time (boasting a little, perhaps); and Chawon asked the bird to stay near him until he died, then wait for three days, and then fly to Africa.

Soon thereafter Chawon died, finishing his last life of a Black Australian, and after passing two days saying goodbye to the thousands of Black Australian spirits he had come to know, he, now in spirit form, buried himself in the breast feathers of the bird; and the bird, feeling him there, flew to Africa; where, as already mentioned, it is estimated Chawon lived 100 lives as Black Tea.

Black Tea came to love those lives as a Black African for their strength and their beauty and their orderly tribal traditions of honor, fidelity and courage.

Black Tea was always Chawon, always an extraterrestrial, and even though he could never truly be a human being and never fit perfectly into human society he found that in his lives as Black Tea the Black Africans always accepted him, and honored his differences. His eccentricities were to them his magic.

While Chawon lived many lives in Africa as Black Tea, he tended to live the same kind of life over and over again.

That life was being born into a warrior-hunter tribe, and passing through childhood, and initiation into manhood, and warrior-hood, marriage, and fatherhood; and almost always sometime late in his life, before he became too weakened by age to do so, he would go on a long, solo trek to his Dying Place, with just spear and shield and blanket, and always he would walk to Kilimanjaro, the snows atop it, you may recall, being his Dying Place, and climb the tallest peak of the three to taste the topmost snow, and to look off into the direction of the Ear; which he had never seen as Black Tea, but where he knew somewhere deep inside him a ship that belonged to him was buried in the sand.

Black Tea was so happy with his lives as a Black African that he might have happily stayed in that cycle of life and death forever, except he always knew there was no forever, and there were other things he needed to do than live happy warrior lives married to lovely warrior's wives and fathering beautiful warrior's children.

Black Tea had ended so many lives high on the snows of Kilimanjaro, that he had unintentionally created a tribal folk legend about himself, a legend that every 50 years or so an old warrior would pass through on his way to die on the Great Mountain, and there was common speculation that the old warrior was the same man-soul in different bodies.

(There is a peculiar side story to the story of Chawon's long marooning on Hell, which says that although he lived as least one thousand lives as a human being he never lived the life of a woman. When asked about this after the Great Episode, as the story of the attempt to save Hell came to be called, he told us that women were his only pleasure on Hell, and he had wanted to preserve the mystery of them by not becoming one of them.)

So, as Divine Coincidence orchestrated it, Black Tea was making his current live's trek to Kilimanjaro, and as he slept on the ground one night some two days trek from the hem of Kilimanjaro's skirt, listening to the roar of the lions nearly causing the ground to tremble, he was looking up at The Holy Wolf, and he saw (and he was certain he saw) a light in its right eye blink three times.

Black Tea had watched the night sky, and in particular The Holy Wolf thousands of times but he had never seen a light blink in its right eye before.

All day the next day as he made his way across the vast scrub grasslands toward the southwest of side of Kilimanjaro he thought of those lights and in his heart a mysterious word appeared, "Rescue". What could that word mean; and why did it cause him such joy?

The next night he watched again, refusing to sleep in case the light appeared, and just as The Holy Wolf was beginning to slip into the northwest horizon, the light blinked three times again...and a little later it blinked a forth time; but this time the light was in The Holy Wolf's left eye.

Black Tea was a mighty old warrior, feared in battle and famous as a lion-killer in one-on-one combat, but now his old body shivered with excitement; and memories were stirred in him that would have seemed demon-possessed had they not seemed so matter-of-fact normal, of he being of a different race and dancing with a woman quite formally, not at all like Black African dancing, in a great room with others of the same race dancing, the men in uniform, the women in long, flowing dresses, and as he danced around and around the room with the woman, all the dancers likewise making big, dancing circle--the woman clearly loved him, he could tell by her eyes--they danced past a great window that looked out on...that looked out on Space.

As if in sudden Enlightenment, Black Tea remembered being a Space Sailor; and recalled the woman was Tatoo, his love of millions of years, his perfect love, introduced to him by God.

It was a day later, just before dark, he still a least a day from beginning his climb to the snow of his Dying Place, when the rosy sunset was bathing the western slopes of Kilimanjaro in pink, that he saw something, a round thing flying, and watched it set down gently on the snow near the top of the mountain, and after a little while watched it fly off again.

Black Tea quickened his pace, knowing he must climb the mountain and go to that place.

(To Be Continued)

Meanwhile, the United States of America, unaware that it was about to eat the fire, passed through the 119th day of its last year.


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