Friday, June 13, 2008

Tatoo, Part 18

The $671 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Zero Down

Shark America Ten Up

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 227 (Holding)

Virgil's Cell Phone Number: (530) 276-4923

Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2008.

George W. Bush Will Destroy the World.

The battle codes of God's attack on Israel and its drone ally, the USA, are: "Two Birds, One Stone", "Double Down", "Home", "Sirhan Sirhan", "Admiral Moorer", "Fadel Shana", "Topsy-Turvy", "Dead Soul Family", "Admiral Moorer 2", "Nipple", "Blood of Mars", "Wait", "Cowards", "That Settles It", "Stop Right There!" & "Blackout".

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event.

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle: The Secret Story, Tatoo (18)

Today's code is "165th Day, Last Year".

And now, Dear Reader, let's look at I.C. News' advance documentation of the death of NBC's Tim Russert.

Note the three-hour power outage in Washington Deceit this morning (Friday) juxtaposed with the death of Russert in Washington Deceit later in the day; fitting nicely with our "Blackout" code of Tuesday (Tatoo, Part 16--Stopped 31).

This blackout in Washington Deceit following our Blackout code indicated God's attack pattern on Israel and its drone ally, the USA, seemed to be on schedule.

God's killing of Russert underscored the words "on schedule".

I am hoping you have learned enough about reading the writing on the wall of the news for you to be able to find my advance documentation of Russert's death in my recent reports. If not, I will come back to the Russert story at another time; because today I have other news to report.

Understand, Russert could have been saved when I asked my Dear Readers--and the government pigs and media weasels who monitor this work--to vote Yes or No on whether they wanted the unknown famous person saved.

No votes were received, so I said in that case I would simply document the famous person's death in advance, which I did.

Turning away from that, I have information of profound military value to pass on to you today; so if you can't readily find at least three connectives with Russert's death in my writing of the last few days put the Russert story aside and see what's coming down the Pike.

Today I will introduce you to the essence of God's Space War; a fundamental military tactic of God in God's war against the murderers of this Earth and all Earths.

I tell you this because we have come upon something you might never have expected, and I want you articulately enjoy what is about to take place.

Sweet Muse returned to her story about Tatoo being the Sun Goddess Amaterasu of Japanese mythology yesterday; but she did not pick up her story where she had left off, which was in approximately 700 BC.

We found Sweet Muse had flashed ahead in Time from 700 BC and come here to this time, 2008 AD, to do battle.

It had been about a month since Sweet Muse had spoken to us, since she had stopped her story of Tatoo; and now when she comes back she is telling two stories at the same time, that Tatoo-Amaterasu story in that time long ago, and this General Tea story in this time.

It seems Sweet Muse is about to point out the road that goes from Now to Then and back again, the Secret Road, the Secret Story, the Time Travel capabilities of God's Space Sailors.

I have tried to talk to you about this, but you want it to be a movie, like something you've seen before; but Time Travel, Dear Reader, is the fundamental weapon God is using against you and, God's Time Travel does not fall into science fiction movie cliche.

That cliche has the Time Traveler being careful not to alter the Past; but, in the Time Travel of God's Space Sailors, altering the Past--and therefore the Present and the Future--is a classic God's Space War maneuver.

We are not talking about rewriting history; we are talking about undoing history.

Picture in your mind a ball of yarn rolling across a floor and leaving a string of yarn being rolled out.

Looking closer, see that string of yarn as a highway running through the Plateau of Time, with all its turnouts and all its vista stops, connecting 700 BC with 2008 AD; call it the Trans-Time Railroad.

We God's Space Sailors can go from Here to There and back again..but more...but more...but more, we can stop anyplace along the way.

When we God's Space Sailors say, "Even yesterday is not safe" we mean even, say, some yesterday in 1751 AD is not safe.

Said another way, Judgement Day is simultaneous through Time.

What is happening is that one particular date of each calendar year for about the past 3,000 years is going to be simultaneously judged by God.

It is like God is saying, "What Does This Stew Taste like?" So God dips God's Spoon into the stew and gets a Spoonful containing some 3,000 August 13ths.

Wouldn't you find this a fare sampling, a fair tasting of the stew?

Why August the 13th? God chose that date because it is my birthday. I keep telling you, God and I are Old Pals. We've been kicking around Space together for about 15 million years now; and if you think God will take your side over mine you've got another think coming.

So, in this God's Space War maneuver God will change the past; and your life will possibly be as if it never was; because your history, your line, could have ended on, say, August 13, 1751, when the luck of some ancestor who had just survived a battle is changed to his having not survived it; his seed, you, dying within him as he lay dead, stiller than the stones on the battlefield.

For example, James Madison is born in 1851 but dies in the crib; his image never to grace American memory, his offspring, and their offspring, and their offspring, never to exist.

(You Americans should not complain about this, you do this to people all the time. The child you murder in Iraq or Afghanistan does not grow up to have children, and the children the child's children would have had never exist; and one of them might have of them might have of them might had been Mohammad Returned.

(This is part of the deeper aspect of "Thou Shalt Not Kill". The damage done projects into infinity.)

Do you get the idea? He who controls the Past controls the Future; He who patrols the past can snap the Future from the Twig of Time.

So some things that have happened, therefore, would never happen. Hitler would not have been. Hitler's protege, George W. Bush, would not have been. The Industrial Revolution--the poison this Earth ingests--would not have taken place; and we see many things that happened do not happen; then, suddenly, nothing has happened since August 13, 1751; and this Earth is saved from death at the clumsy hands of humankind.

(I hear some Christians have a concept that looks at this God's Space War maneuver in another way. The call it "The Rapture", and suddenly Christians begin to disappear from this Earth, a marvel and a mystery and a horror to all who remain because they must face "The Tribulation".

(You know me, Dear Reader, I am not one to debate the accuracies and errors of Christianity; it is perfect in all ways; tra la tra la; I just mention this belief which exists among some fundamentalists because it is very close to the reality.)

Perhaps this battle strategy of God might make more sense to you if you look at a straight line projection of what happens to this Earth and to the human race, and to you, and all life on this Earth, if God does not act.

The human being goes extinct in about 2045, but the human Souls do not because death is impossible to the human Soul; then this Earth explodes in about 2065--all human life then in spirit form--and this Earth becomes debris, flotsam and jetsam of itself, frozen seas and frozen lands, eventually forming a sparkling belt around the Sun, and the Immortal Souls...the Immortal Souls...the Immortal Souls of the extinct human race drift among that flotsam and jetsam, being not but debris themselves.

So, taking the straight line projection, humankind not only kills itself but damns itself.

So, if God were to cut off the human being by, say, August 13, 1751, the human being would be saved from self-damnation; and this Earth would saved from the Industrial Revolution.

And what happens to you if you disappear as if you never were? I'm sorry, but that's another story.

There are some aspects of this approaching August 13 God event which might be better understood by believers of Eastern religions because it seems to lead to the end of the rebirth cycle; but I am too imprisoned and tortured by Christians and Jews to enter into this area of Belief in God with authority.

Tatoo, Part 18

General Tea leaned over his Second American Civil War battle map, his Time Map, spread out upon his camp table. He sensed the importance of the moment; and his staff, collected around the map table, felt the history of the day.

General Tea took his pen and slashed a line horizontally across the map.

"Here is the American line, relatively stationary in that it is the same old story all the time, drifting one day outward each 48 hours."

The General was incorporating the International Date Line, a fundamental ingredient in God's Space War planning.

Then the General slashed a vertical line down the middle of the map, starting from above the horizontal line, and going down to the base of the page.

All the General's staff were acutely aware that the General's battle map had taken the form of a cross.

"Here is Our line, vertical in Time."

(To Be Continued)

Meanwhile, the United States of America, unaware that it was about to eat the fire Israel will serve up, passed through the 165th day of its last year.


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