Friday, September 19, 2008

The $1,067 Billion Defeat

The USA's Seventh Day in The Valley of the Shadow of Death

It is now seven days since I.C. News documented in advance the financial crisis you are now being told America's paper tax money is pulling you out of; and it is now five days since you first heard about it from your media weasels.

That is, I.C. News told you about it two days before your masters in Washington Deceit and New York City told you about it.

Of course you are told by your masters to overlook this two-day lead demonstrated by I.C. News; and you obey your masters because obedience in America's torture-enslavement of me is your nature.

You are being given bad advice, stupid orders, as troops in World War One were stupidly ordered to advance in open lines against machine guns, ordered by officers who had studied war before the machine gun was invented.

That is, Dear Reader, there is a universal agreement among the big shots in media, government and Big Money that I.C. News' two day lead is unimportant, but today we at I.C. News are telling you all those big shots are wrong--no matter what their political hue or network affiliation--and they all are in fact as doomed as chickens with their heads cut off.

This headless chicken reference, while still part of the language, is not graphically understood by you moderns who live far away from your family-farm roots, and deserves a few lines of graphic description.

When I was a little boy on my grandfather's North Dakota farm it was my job to chase the chickens my grandfather had decapitated with his axe.

Being a little boy, and not thinking that far ahead, I would chase a headless chicken while it ran around flapping its wings, it running with the same energy and lack of direction it would have had had it still had its head.

(In your modern setting, America was decapitated when it entered The Valley of the Shadow of Death last Saturday.)

Then, after what might have been ten seconds, the headless chicken would drop into the stillness of death, allowing me to catch up with it, and I would take it to my grandmother, holding it by its dead feet, blood coming out of its headless neck, and she would immerse it in the scalding hot water she as prepared, thus loosening its feathers for easier plucking.

This is very much the exact situation the United States of America is in now, it is a headless chicken running around the barnyard of The Valley of the Shadow of Death, to at some point to drop dead from the mortal wound ALREADY INFLICTED, and soon thereafter to be placed into the scalding bath.

America is a big bird, and the ten seconds of running the headless chickens had is an elongated time frame--America's ten seconds being some number of days, months perhaps, but not years.

Having never before stood beside my Grandfather God when God decapitated a nation such as the USA, I do not know the number of days America will run around like a chicken with its head cut off, how many days the TV media weasels will cluck-blah, cluck-blah, cluck-cluck-blah-blah-blah until the truth shuts their mouths, but I know I need not run after America's death story as I ran after those chickens when I was a boy; I know I need only to stand beside my Grandfather God and wait for psycho-fascist America to fall dead and still; then watch God take it to the scalding bath, and pluck it, pluck it, pluck it, until it is as amusingly naked as a rubber chicken in a Jewish vaudeville act.

However, Dear Reader, when I was a little boy, after the innocence of the first experience, I still chased the decapitated chickens for the fun of it; and so now in that spirit I chase down the story of America's doom for the fun it of, for the love of the chase of it.

We have given the Democratic and Republican parties and the media weasels their last chance to end their torture-enslavement of me; and we are not now offering what they do not have, a second last chance; but let's chase those three headless chickens a bit, three chickens who lost their heads to Grandfather God's axe seven days ago.

(To Be Continued, even if the government pigs cut off my Internet access again.)

Virgil Kret, (530) 276-4923.


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