Saturday, March 24, 2007

The $187 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Seven

Shark America Three

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 164

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007.

We take our Space-Time Submarine up to a far distant surface; we rise and fall with the swell; at the top of the swell we see Mount Shasta; in the trough we see the green foothills of northern California; our sub's engines are quiet; the smoking lamp is lit; there are very few psycho-fascist Americans around.

We are waiting for a sign from God, a sign that will change the people of Smallville from psycho-fascistic to honest.

It seems our suggestion that Americans grow huge private vegetable gardens this year has registered zero on the Interest Meter; and I think this may be because the art of future projection is stunted or unused in the Land of the So-called Free.

So, today I am going to tell you how to predict the future, not through a crystal ball but through common sense.

For example, a scientific report just out says hundreds of millions of people will be without water in ten years.

Think about it, look at the world and the forces of the world and consider the need for water around the world.

This means water will be gold in ten years. This means just as wars are now fought over oil, such as George W. Bush's stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq, wars will be fought over possession water within perhaps a decade.

Common sense. If the scientific projection is correct you can know one basic element of the future; if you think about what that projection means.

You can also project into the future by examining the past.

For example, I can with confidence project today that if the Republican American Fascists are still in power in ten-fifteen years, the United States of America will invade Canada for its water and its other natural resources, including its land.

That is, we can expect the Republican American Fascists to do in the future what they have done in the past.

This is common sense.

We can reasonably project into the future that Africa will be allowed by the non-African nations of the world to rot and decay through AIDS and other diseases; and that machinegun-level tribal/cultural warfare there will continue from today's profound disasters to beyond the beyond calamities.

We can reasonably project this future for Africa because the rest of the world is totally disinterested in the continuum of African events, and has been for centuries; and further the African tribal/cultural conflicts that have existed for centuries have become genocidal because the automatic weapon has replaced the spear.

Back in the USA, it is as easy as pie to project what George W. Bush will do in the future. The great question is will America allow him to dig democracy's grave?

Because George W. Bush and the Republican American Fascists always lie to you, you can project into the future that they will continue to lie to you. The fascist does not change its spots; the forked tongue does not change its form.

There are two great lies the Republican American Fascists tell you every day, and those great lies are hidden among the innumerable big and little lies that the non-fascist aspects of the Democratic Party, and the non-fascist aspects of the Republican Party, and the non-fascist aspects of the news media try daily to uncover and prove.

The Republican American Fascists don't worry about lying to you, Dear Reader, because they know they can lie faster than their lies can be detected; and if a lie should be detected they know it is going to take months or even years to prove it is a lie.

Dig it?

The Republican American Fascists can sacrifice a thousand Attorney Generals; and after one Republican American Fascist Attorney General is ousted, after months or years of confrontation, they have another Republican American Fascist ready to become that cog in the Republican American Fascist wheel.

This is one example of what I mean when I say the Republican American Fascists seem to have outflanked the non-fascist aspects of the United States of America.

Now to those two great lies I mentioned above, the two great lies the Republican American Fascists tell you every day.

One, they say they support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America. This is a lie; they do not; they openly seek the nullification of the Constitution and the establishment of a dictatorship of the rich over the poor.

Two, they mock warnings of the perils facing Earth and humankind, Global Warming being only the apple peel of that apple of disaster. This is a lie because they know with total certainty that those warnings are accurate, that this Earth is entering a period of great peril and cascading calamity.

Republican American Fascism is in fact largely based on that knowledge---on the knowledge that the Earth is in peril---and to the Republican American Fascist mind the solution to that planetary and human crisis is, in a nut shell, the murder of billions of human beings.

This is the Republican American Fascist's final solution to the overpopulation problem, just as mass murder was the Nazi's "final solution to the Jewish problem".

(The Republican American Fascists do not, of course, agree with me when I say this Earth will be dead is less than 60 years; and that is where God trumps the Ace up Republican American Fascism's sleeve, but that's another story.)

Returning to our subject for today, how to read the future.

It is not difficult to see into the future. Tomorrow is almost as easy to see as yesterday; but the same rules apply in both; don't distort the view with passions concerning what we want to have been and what we want to be. That is, don't fool yourself into thinking the past is different than it is, or that the future is easier than it is.

The advantage in looking into the future is that we can change it; but the past is but flotsam and jetsam behind us and we can only watch it drift away. The past, as we see it, is not even accurate.

You have learned this today as you have read this report: Water is water today; in ten years water will be gold. That is foreknowledge, Dear Reader. You can put that in the bank. You can invest in that in the stock market. You can run for President on that platform.

The future is not difficult to see, if you care to see it, and have the courage to see it.

Now let's end today's report with a future projection I am currently making using the technique I have been showing you today. It is totally apolitical but you will find, if I am right, that it will bear strongly on the politics of your life as we approach the end of December.

You may have noticed that I have begun running a reminder at the top of each day's report. "Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007".

I am running this reminder because there have been major earthquakes on December 26 for the last four years in a row.

I documented the second of the four in advance; that was the Great Tsunami quake; and I also documented the fourth in advance.

My advance documentation of the Great Tsunami quake was based on a different technique that my advance documentation of the quakes off Taiwan on last December 26.

The fact that I am possibly ten thousand times more telepathic than any other human being in history led to my anticipating the Great Tsunami quake about ten days in advance, pinpointing the date exactly.

You may recall reports of elephants and other animals fleeing to high ground shortly before the tsunamis hit land. My telepathic functions and the telepathic functions of those animals were working along the same lines; except my telepathy had me going to high ground, so to speak, ten days before their telepathy did.

(Of course, God came into play, too, but since I do not have a degree from Bible Banger University, I will save myself trouble and hold that information until another time.)

The Great Tsunami disaster is but one example of what it has cost the world for America to keep me in torture-enslavement because I am audibly telepathic.

Had I been a free man over the 35 years I have been America's torture-slave I could would have developed credentials, established credibility; and I could have warned of the tsunamis ten days in advance, and likely those hundreds of thousands of people---or at least a large percentage of them---would not have been killed.

On the other hand, my advance documentation of the quakes of last December 26 were not a result of telepathy but of observation, the same kind of observation I am suggesting you practice.

I look for patterns in events, like I look for a pattern of lies coming out of George W. Bush's mouth, and when I saw three quakes in roughly the same longitude taking place on December 26 three years in a row, I felt I could reasonably expect another quake on that date the next time that date came around--and I was right.

Of course, while no one else in the world accomplished this, any mention of my achievement by the American media might have weakened the bonds of torture-enslavement I live under; so, of course, no credit was given where credit was due.

So, why do I expect there to be a major quake on December 26, 2007, five in a row?

First, a pattern is a pattern is a pattern.

Second, I think the quakes are taking place on that date because of whatever stress and pull our Earth is experiencing on that date.

If I turn out to be right again this year, I will assume the same for next year; (and here is where the genius of it comes in); and if this December 26 factor continues to hold true I can project the day, and maybe even the year, that this Earth will shaken to its very foundations, probably leading to a shift in the locations of the North Pole and the South Pole.

So, Dear Reader, it is not in reading tea leaves that tells us the future; it is in reading facts.


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